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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Wheetsin

  1. Being a vegetarian while banded is entirely possible, we have several vegetarians. Many surgeons don't share the emphasis on protein. Several of our non-US bandsters have had no emphasis put in protein. Protein is good and all, IMO mostly because proteins keep most ppl fuller longer (banded or not)... and for the obviuos dietary reasons, but food groups are equally important. Many bandsters don't follow a specififed diet lifestyle (me included) -- it's living a regular life, just eating less quantity.
  2. Wheetsin

    Drinking With the Band!

    Alcohol in and of itself should be tolerated as it was pre-op. Some surgeons will outlaw carbonation, some discourage drinking due to the caloric content, etc. But there is nothing inherent to the band procedure that would prevent alcohol (some of the other procedures do).
  3. Wheetsin

    Anyone heard of "the sleeve"?

    Doh! What the heck was I thinking of? Weight Loss Surgery Options Gastric Sleeve Resection
  4. Wheetsin

    Anyone heard of "the sleeve"?

    I've not read too much about it but I believe it's basically a temporary lining in the intestine that keeps the digested food from being absorbed, much as the RnY does by permanently removed a portion of the intestine. I *think* they leave it in for 6 months, and then it's removed.
  5. Wheetsin

    Hypertrophic scars

    I'm a visual person and have a hard time explaining above. This may help. First pic - right after surgery. Second pic - 2 months post op. Third pic - about 5 mins ago. The area indicated in black is the red/elevated part of the newer incision (the overall incision was much larger, that's just the small piece of it that hasn't calmed down yet). You can see how much better the overall port incision is now than 2 months post-op.
  6. Wheetsin

    Hypertrophic scars

    I've never seen medical research indicating that OTC topical treatments (e.g. Mederma) have any significant impact on scarring. If you're fairly recently out of your surgery, say 6 - 8 months or less, there' a good chance your scars may improve on their own. Immediately post-op my post incision was fairly raised and very red, even after the others had subsided. Over the course of about 12 - 16 more months about 1/3 of the scar begin to fade and flatten, and then another third. Today (almost 2 yrs out) the scar is noticeable, but nothing at all like what it was. In August I had a cholocystectomy and that incision crossed my port incision. A small part of the newer incision is still red and noticeably elevated. Not like a mountain or anything, but far from flat. That was about 5 months ago, so I'm hoping that in the next 6 months I see improvement.
  7. Wheetsin

    OK, tell me this.....

    Since you have had your lap band surgery, are you obsessed with food and what you are eating OR does it all become routine and you dont even have to think about it anymore? I am not. Eating is more of an inconvenience. Very few times do I have an emotional reaction to the prospect or action -- "look forward to," in other words. It's just something I have to do. I am worried that the band may start to control my life and every thing I do. I want eating to be something I control--not something that controls me....if that make sense. I want it to be something I dont even think about...just eat good food and the amount of it I NEED, and not think about it too much. (after I learn what works and what doesnt....kwim?) The band will not control what you eat. At most it will control your portion size and perhaps remove a few of your choices, but that's it. The rest is up to you. and.... Were you obsessed with food BEFORE the surgery? Was your next bite always on your mind? Or you LAST bite, for that matter? Beating yourself over what you just ate? In a way. I beat myself up for not being on a diet, more so than on a last bite basis. That was one of the great freedoms that came with my band: I didn't have to beat myself mentally, everyday, saying "I should be trying to lose weight..." As for food - there were times where it was on my mind, but probably not that many. Perhaps because I was not much of an emotional eater. An example of when it would be on my mind - if we were planning a vacation, I would think first about the food and hope they had this or that.
  8. Wheetsin

    UHC-excluded from policy

    Some other posts that may help: Insurance question........ Anyone with United Healthcare get LB? Can you appeal if there is an exclusion? Insurance Covers , But Employer Excludes????????????? And from a post I made a while ago:
  9. Wheetsin

    UHC-excluded from policy

    Find out if it's a policy exclusion or an employer-elected exclusion. You can usually get this information from an HR rep or your SPD (summary plan description - the huge booklet you get that details what's covered). Some people have had luck when it's a policy exclusion (that's not the technical term, maybe someone can help with that) -- but when it's an employer-elected exclusion there's not much you can do. It would be like not paying for a warranty, and then expecting warranty work.
  10. Wheetsin

    New Member from KC Area

    Not a KC specific thread that I know of (granted it has been a while since I've looked), but there's a Missouri forum here.
  11. Anyone else here have Railroad health benefit coverage through United Health Care? I have UHC, but not that program. If the 5 year history is overweight and not obese will I be denied given above co morbs? any clue? I'm not sure, but if you call your provider they can tell you the requirements for approval, including whether or not your situation would qualify. Figure out what your BMI was during that time and refer to it when speaking with them rather than "obese" or "overweight." That may help. Why doesn't insurance cover the dietician, but they cover a sleep study? Gonna have to ask your insurance company that one, it's their choice. I was told that the doc I am working with has put through people under 35 bmi before... but the co morbs gotta be bad. General guidelines are BMI 40+, or 35+ with 2+ comorbidities. I've also gotta find a way to lose my 10% weight as is required by my doc before I can have the surgery.... I am at a loss of how to do that minus diuretics and laxitives... How about cutting back calories? Easier to do when it's "temproary." How much are you overweight -- what is 10% going to be? If you're desperate (e.g. 10% is a lot) try the induction phase of the Atkins diet. I couldn't recommend it long-term, nor do I think adherence would be likely, but for short term quick weightloss it's hard to beat.
  12. Wheetsin

    New Member from KC Area

    Hi and welcome. There are several of us here from the MO/KS areas. I'm in Kansas City pretty much right between KCI and WoF. There are several bandsters in the KC area, Blue Springs/Raytown, and even on into OP, Olathe, Lenexa, etc.
  13. Yay Jacqui!! I've long debated the theory that drinking flushes food through the band. You're the only other person I've seen who objects to that idea. It certainly doesn't for me. If I eat something, then drink anything other than the teeniest, tiniest sip, it just sits there, almost instantly hurts like a bitch, and has to be yakked up unless I'm lucky and it eventually makes its way through. So definitely a good point to OP - I shoulda caught that angle.
  14. Wheetsin

    Questions about fluids....

    Actually (sorry - I kinda cringe at posting this) your math is off. If each meal prohibits drinking for a total of 90 minutes (30 before, 60 after) then that's a total no drink time of six hours. May not seem like much, but an "extra" 2 hours a day makes for a good amount of Water, and it's not as hard as it may seem at first. Here's a very simplified example (my math is probably wrong too!): Start drinking at 6:30 or 7 (on your drive in, while getting ready, whatever). Stop drinking at 8. Breakfast at 8:30, resume drinking at 10. Stop at 11:30, luch at 12. Begin drinking at 1. Stop drinking at 6, dinner at 6:30, resume drinking at 8. Bed at 10. With that schedule, you have about 11 horus in the day available to drink. At 64 oz, that's about 6oz per hour. 6oz is what, a Dixie cup? No problem. Of course, who's going to live their lives on a water drinking schedule? Not me! But that's just an example to show you how this really isn't as hard as what you're thinking it will be. :eek:
  15. Wheetsin


    Tight pants - well, I'm personally not a fan of fat people in tight pants, so I never wear them. Won't be able to help on that one. Pantyhose - I don't wear them. If I'm wearing a skirt that's above mid-calf it's on a casual day. If it's longer, hose aren't needed. If I'm wearing slacks I'm either barefoot in my heels or I will use a knee-high or trouser sock. Jeans - I began wearing jeans as soon as my staples were removed, which was 1 week post-op.
  16. Wheetsin

    My Dr. Said No Protein Drinks!!

    Guys, there are threads and how-to's for tickers in the FAQ section. Look there and you will see step by step instructions. Let's please not divert the OP's question/request with discussions about tickers.
  17. You may want to look at these threads: Expectations vs. reality Cannot Eat During The Day Have Had 2-unfills Banded and somehow confused What's your restriction pattern? And many, many others where this is discussed (these were just the first few search rseults).
  18. I would say wait on the fill. You are describing a restriction pattern that something like 44% of bandsters (here, who took part in my poll) have. It's not uncommon for me to have to sit and wait for liquids to clear in the morning, and be able to eat meat, veggies, etc. at night. It's not odd, it's actually very common. Restriction or "sweet spot" doesn't necessarily mean that you experience the same amount of restriction all the time. I chased fills & unfills, and I can't get any sweeter than what I currently have.
  19. I've referred... 20 or so. At least 6 or 7 have completed the surgery, at least 3 are in the paperwork phase, and at least 4 others are self-pays waiting on tax refunds before they proceed with the paperwork. So if those in the prep phases go through, that would be about 13/20. Not bad! I think we should make a deal with our surgeons. 20 confirmed referrals = free PS.
  20. Wheetsin

    bored at work??

    I'm telecommuting and on a (boring, pointless, no reason for me to be on it) conference call so I will check it out...
  21. Wheetsin

    Murphy can take his damn law and shove it

    Oh Green, you've reminded me that it's been a very, very long time since I've shared an in-law update. I may need to start another thread... Things are a little better today because I had to drive our little 2wd loaner somewhere (after another snow/ice storm lastnight) and I made it back without a third wreck! You can tell my driving confidence is shot to hell.
  22. Wheetsin

    What is the Pre-op diet?

    I was on a 2-day diet of clear, sugar-free liquids. Broths, sugar-free popsicles, sugar-free Jello, etc. No fruit juices, nothing with "no added sugar," etc. This is far from scientific & detail accurate, but you'll get the idea. Part of what the liver does is function as sort of a pantry to store various things our body needs. Cans of glycogen (a sugar form), boxes of Vitamins, barrels of Iron, etc. When we don't have those things in our system -- say we haven't eaten anything yet -- but our body is hungry for them, the liver opens up the pantry, takes some of its reserves, and pushes them out into the body. By controlling our diet to ensure some things are missing, the liver is forced to deplete its stores, which causes it to shrink in size (my analogy would be a sponge that has been wrung out). The liver is pretty much in the way of where our surgeons need to do their work. So... the smaller the liver, the easier time surgeons have of positioning the band, and the lower the chances of organ damage. Plus it's a good jump start to weightloss.
  23. Wheetsin

    Loose skin and sores

    Oh yeah another sort of tip thing I do - I buy "granny panties" from LB. They have a high cut in the leg, which I like, but the tops go up really far. Usually above my belly button. And I like their quality. I consider these underwear to by me everyday girdle, because the height & fabric of the underwear is enough to help hold in the jigglies.
  24. Wheetsin

    Loose skin and sores

    Never did the towel, at least not once I got dressed. I did used to dry off twice though. The first dry off right after the shower, and then another right before deodorant & undies went on. I used to used some Mexsana medicated powder, but this stuff can really burn sometimes. I've also heard of using the blowdryer. I'm finally to the point where I don't have to lift my stomach up to dry under it. Man, having to do that sucked.
  25. Wheetsin

    Meal Card...anyone heard of this?

    Search for "card discount children menu" and you will find LOTS of threads on this same topic.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
