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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Wheetsin

  1. Wheetsin

    Where to buy sashimi fish?

    Chech seafood counters for yellowfin tuna, it's one of the more common "at home" sashimi/sushi fishes.
  2. Sometimes, but not always. So far I can't really make any connections. I can fly somewhere 10 times, and maybe 6 or 7 of them I'm really really tight. Sometimes it begins while in the air, sometimes it begins a day or two after landing. I used to think it was destination. I do a lot of travel to Florida, so maybe the humidity, but then I'd think it would be more consistent. *shrug* Chicago is another common destination for me. Of the last 10 times I've been, maybe 4 I've had trouble. Once started during drink service en route - I could barely get my apple juice down. But I was ok a day after landing. It really makes no sense.
  3. Maybe "yes" and definitely "no". With proper and perhaps even too tight restriction, the band can prevent, to a degree, large quantities of food from passing through the stoma at one time. Caveats including "at one time" - it cannot do much for head-driven grazing, as well as "large quantities" - see grazing idea, and the fact that the band is most effective with solid foods. It can't do much to keep you from eating a gallon of ice cream if you really want to, hence it wouldn't prevent you from overeating. Think of the band as "artificial will power." Just as with your natural will power, it's still up to you to control your eating, you just get varying degrees of assistance. The band functions in much the same way.
  4. Flying doesn't bother me, I'd be much more freaked over the idea of having to drive it. Or of having to go to Vegas. BUT, I do a lot of work travel, including travel with people who are terrified of flying. Easiest solution -- call your doctor, explain the sitatuation, and ask for some valium or something else to help you relax. In Vegas you will be in a taxi or walking, so no worries about being able to drive.
  5. Wheetsin


    You can eat fiber as long as the fibrous foods are compliant with your post-op diet. There are natural remedies too - some fruit juices, etc. And chewable fiber supplements as well as stool softeners, gentle laxatives (Miralax comes in a tasteless, dissolving powder), etc.
  6. General guidelines are BMI 40+, or BMI 35+ with 2+ comorbidities. Just because you aren't aware of having comorbidities doesn't mean that you don't have any. And there are many, many exceptions to those general guidelines. Perhaps a full physical, which you will need anyway, to document anything that could be weight-related.
  7. Wheetsin

    restaurant issues

    Cards do not guarantee that you can order off of the children's menu, receive discounts, etc. All the card does is state (claim) you have a band. Your mouth can do the exact same thing. If they don't accept you asking to order from the children's menu, they're probably not going to allow you to do it just because you have a homemade card that says the same thing. It is 100% a restaurant's choice whether or not non-children can order off of the children's menu. I think I would have oddly refused as well...
  8. I've posted instructions a few times, try here: http://www.lapbandtalk.com/718744-post5.html
  9. Wheetsin

    band tight today

    I'm wondering - if nothing is getting stuck, so you're not feeling pressure from the food in the "pouch," then what is it that's giving you the feeling of so tight i thought i was going to explode? You should not feel the band itself, or its tightness around your esophagus. Normally "tight" is a description used for one's ability to feel very small amounts of food or drink sitting in the esophagus. But if you are tight, you are not able to eat much or quickly, as you've said you can. I wonder if you're feeling something else, and calling it "tight"?
  10. I didn't worry about protein until I was out of my clear liquids stage. When I added protein drinks I found - especially in the beginning - a brand called "Six Star" to be the best.
  11. Call your doctor and tell them the pain is so much that you can't sit up, and is interfering with your normal life.
  12. Wheetsin

    2nd Fill Question

    My suggestion is to do what you say - pay attention to your body when you're eating. It takes a lot of us a while to learn by trial and error. As for the second fill, mine was 3 weeks after my first. There aren't really many "rules" about how to progress your fills unless your surgeon has guidelines or you're experiencing restriction.
  13. Wheetsin

    Hacking up mucus

    Doesn't happen to me. I couldn't really tell you if it happens to others. I've never heard of someone having to pull mucus out of their throats using their fingernails. Sounds like you have some serious drainage going on. May want to talk to your doctor about some things you could do.
  14. Wheetsin

    Self induced vomiting

    I know people who do it, but it's a very bad idea. PBing and the gag reflux are different things.
  15. Wheetsin

    Today is my birthday...

    And my husband is being an idiot. Why? Because he's a man! For like a year now he was wanted to buy me something (we'll call it "the thing") that I don't really want. Well - it's one of those "would be nice to have" kinds of things that I would want if I had the time to use it, but I simply don't, and won't until I'm done with my graduate program (end of this year). And it's not a cheap thing, so in the meantime it would just be sitting there collecting dust. He has used every single holiday, any type of occasion, etc. to try and justify buying me "the thing". For some reason he really wants me to have it. That is probably a combination of trying to encourage my interests and support me, and him wanting it too. He tried to buy it for me for xmas, he tried to buy it for me because I got an "A" in a class, he tried to buy it for me because I was having a bad week, etc. My husband asked me what I want for my bday and I told him, and I think it went in one ear and out the other because he has been hinting that I'm getting "the thing". Two days ago he was hinting about it and I said, "I don't want it right now, I won't have the time to use it" and he says "Well I'll use it..." Men! And - my husband really isn't a clever guy. He's exceptionally intelligent, don't get me wrong, but he is not witty/crafty in the way it takes to deceive someone, so I doubt he's focusing his efforts on "the thing" to try and lead me away from what he's really getting me. He's really not even the type to think about doing something like that, let alone be able to pull it off. And my husband does not have a romantic bone in his body. The most romantic thing he has done was plan a dinner for our 10th anniversary, it was a "package" deal that he made some adjustments to so kudos on the adjustments, but -- really? And I truly think that he got the "bragging rights" from that more than pleasure at having done a good job. His friends knew about it way before I did - "Oh yeah, he's been talking about it non-stop... about how good of a job he did." Here's an example of my husband's "romance." Because of the happenstance of my birthday, we're somehow limited to flowers, candy and jewelry as potential gifts. Well, I don't like getting flowers. I'm way too practical for that. They're expensive, roses in particular are (IMO) not that pretty, I don't care for their scent, and they all just die (yet somehow they're supposed to be a symbol of our LOVE?), so don't waste your money. And I'm not a big candy eater, especially now, and have never been a fan of chocolate. So he usually goes with jewelry, which is ok, but I'm not a big jewelry person. I always wear the same things - same hoops, same studs, same rings. My husband's idea of a "romatic" gift is to drive me to the jewelry store (always the stupid chain store at the mall, to boot) and say "pick something." Umm... what? What am I going to pick? I already have what I want, and even if I did want something else, I would want you to be at least a little bit involved, but this crap -- is no different than me just going somewhere and getting it on my own. Now, because he has been (I'm sure) planning on buying me "the thing" and I've hopefully made it abundantly clear that I don't want it right now, I will probably either: 1) be guilt-tripped into letting him buy it for me 2) give up and tell him I want it because that's easier than dealing with man pout 2) get nothing because he's not the type to have a plan B Getting nothing wouldn't bother me, except for the fact that it would be because he's a dill head.
  16. You will likely experience times when you can eat faster, more, and a wider variety of foods than others. This isn't yet reason for paranoia, it's part of your body's natural fluctuations. I would say to let the majority rule on this one. Usually, are you adequately restricted and letting the one time with the jaffel make you rethink your restriction? Or usually do you find you're adequately satiated with a reasonable amount of food?
  17. Wheetsin

    Letting go of anger

    The biggest thing for me is to get at the root. Understanding that there is no "you made me angry," but only, "x happened and my reaction to it was anger" also helps me. So - I figure out what I'm angry about, and then I figure out why I'm angry. From there, is it something I can change? If yes, what do I need to do? If no, why am I angry about it? That's overs-simplified, it's not always quite that easy! But that's what I do - look at the roots of the problem, and then look at them in terms of my ability to effect change. I'm not one to feel better after talking about it. if anything, I'm more angry because I just had to relive the circumstances of my anger. So I internalize. But you can't just internalize and stop there, so I try to internalize only long enough to resolve.
  18. My first not-working-for-family job was a telemarketer. What can I say, I was 17 and they paid like $15/hour at the time, and it was super easy work. At the time there were two big rules: 1) you must get "no" twice before you can end the call, and 2) you can never hang up without two no's. By leaving your phones idle, most likely they have to go get a supervisor to give them permission to hang up. Gotta love it. My husband is more patient than I. He will politely decline. I answer, and as soon as I hear that pause or click indicating my phone is transferring over I either hang up or tell them to take me off their DNC list. If they're the type to piss me off and try to talk over me (another strategy they're trained on doing), I will act interested, have them read the the rules countless times, ask a bunch of questions, then just say "Nah, not interested." Here's how you can handle the mail version of telemarketing. When you get junk mail, duct tape the entire envelope to a brick. Leave the address part visible (only put the tape on the sides of the envelope). Then take it to the post office and tell then you are declining delivery. It is shipped back to the sender at their expense. :laugh:
  19. Wheetsin

    At home fills?

    Possible? Yes. Adviseable? No.
  20. Wheetsin

    What do you think???

    You should have told her it was reprehensible for her to lie about her son having a condition as sad as autism can be, just so that she could get the larger family room.
  21. Wheetsin

    Krazy question

    I think most surgeons advise seeking an anti-emitic. You get get them OTC but rx is also available. Perhaps call your surgeon and see what their practice is with this. Vomiting *can* post a potential risk to the band.
  22. Wheetsin

    Restaurant Traps

    The average "entree" at most restaurants is enough to serve 3.6 people. Low-carb usually means high-fat. You just won't find many items that are low in both, outside of liquids. I had an interesting meeting with a dietician once. She told me that the Applebee's caesar salad (may not even be there now, this was about 6 yrs ago) had more fat in it than 3 sticks of butter, and more calories than an entire pie.
  23. It's not the stomach directly, but involves the stomach. That's why the recovery food stages go from little action on behalf of the stomach (liquids) to full action (solids) progressively. Our bands need the scar tissue to develop - this is the "glue." The less the stomach has to work, the less motion elsewhere and the more the scar tissue can form. Here's another explanation, much more eloquent than mine. When you see advice on eating "so the stomach can heal" it's basically a semantic error. There is no healing of the stomach itself, but rather controlling the stomach so that the band area can heal correctly. (That's the long story short).
  24. Wheetsin

    Today is my birthday...

    Sorry, haven't been around lately. "The Thing" is definitely the camera. It always is. Anytime he alludes to wanting to buy me something, I KNOW it's the camera. So my husband usually leaves work around 3:30. I made sure to be home by 3:45 so that if he had dinner plans involving anything special I'd have time to change & get ready. He doesn't get home until like 4:30 so I know right away that he has gone somewhere between work and home. And I hear a bag crinkling when he walks in, and he won't let me downstairs. Then I see it's a Wal-Mart bag. The camera would have been #1 bad gift, and I think anything from Wal-Mart has to be #2. So I end up getting: * Birthday card * Birthday card * Valentine's day card * "Just because" card (Rather than have to try and write his feelings, my husband tends to just buy as many cards as it takes to feel they will adequately express himself for him). And... * A huge bag of Reese's pieces (because I'm trying to lose weight and all) * A paperback book So (phew) I didn't get the camera, nor did I get anything worth sharing. Such is life with my husband during any special occasion.
  25. Wheetsin

    sex drive??

    Oh yeah - see lots of people going off their antideps to avoid this issue, which is a really bad idea. Here's part of an article you may find helpful: Mention it to your doctor. I know it can be personal/embarassing, but I promise you're not the first one to ask about it. Probably not event he first person that day. :eek:

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
