Hello, My name is Kim need to update my signature I'm over 3 months post op. Like you for the first several days I felt winded. It is a normal occurance with being put to sleep. When you are put to sleep the machine breathes for you and your lungs don't expand like normal so for awhile you will get short of breath. Practice pursed lip breathing breath in your nose for 5 seconds, hold 5 seconds, then crunch your lips together and push the air out of your mouth for 5 seconds.
Do that over and over 4-5 times a day for a week you will feel better. I was nauseated after my surgery for a few weeks, I did feel full at first with just drinking water. As time passes you will not feel as full. You seem to be doing fine. Gas is expected and walking, lots of walking is the only cure I found to help.
I also got fed up of clear liquids and went to full liquids a little bit ahead of schedule. I was eating pudding by the 4th day and making yogurt smoothies, my tummy didn't like all the protein shakes I would throw them up!