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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by michiwhite

  1. Hello everyone! I was banded on 12/21/07. Maybe not such a good idea to have surgery during the holidays, but I figured if I could survive that, I could do anything. So far I've lost 18 lbs and looking forward to reaching my goal by losing 80 more pounds. This seems to be a great site! I look forward to learning a lot from others' experience.
  2. michiwhite

    Hello from Maryland!

    Hello and congrats on your new journey! My banding was done by Dr. Kuldeep Singh at St. Agnes Hospital in Baltimore. He is awesome!
  3. michiwhite

    Hello from Maryland!

    Hi Allheart, Who did your surgery? Why did you have to do 4 wks of liquids? I too am having a hard time with the liquids 1/2 hr after. I do understand why though. I've had some really bad experiences with food and drink being stuck in my esophagus. It feels as if you're going to choke. It's scary and painful. I enjoyed the mushie stage. It beat liquids hands down, so enjoy!
  4. michiwhite

    A question for all teachers.

    I had my surgery 12/21 and returned to work Jan 3rd. I was still quite sore when I returned to work. It was the port attached to my muscles. Amazingly enough, the only thing that helped was motrin. My advice to you is allow yourself at least 2wks. Trust me..you're going to need every bit of it. Good Luck!

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