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LAP-BAND Patients
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Posts posted by michiwhite

  1. Hi Allheart,

    Who did your surgery? Why did you have to do 4 wks of liquids? I too am having a hard time with the liquids 1/2 hr after. I do understand why though. I've had some really bad experiences with food and drink being stuck in my esophagus. It feels as if you're going to choke. It's scary and painful. I enjoyed the mushie stage. It beat liquids hands down, so enjoy!

  2. Hello everyone!

    I was banded on 12/21/07. Maybe not such a good idea to have surgery during the holidays, but I figured if I could survive that, I could do anything. So far I've lost 18 lbs and looking forward to reaching my goal by losing 80 more pounds. This seems to be a great site! I look forward to learning a lot from others' experience.


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