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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Neeley

  1. ok I think i accepted you as my friend me and this computer I tell you

  2. ok I think i accepted it did i?

  3. ok i accepted my friendship requests so I can get off everyones poop list

  4. Neeley

    just me

    looking good gail
  5. do you think this means Im too full or is it just in the morning because you are stricter. This is probably true and it may take a few days to adjust to your fill we all have to sip with restriction, gulping is not permitted. also Its that time of the month so could this be making me tighter? This happens with me when I ovulate as well as have my time of the month so yes it can make you tighter. should I stick it out as long as I can get things down or go in to get an unfill? As long as you can get your liquids in you are ok for now. Becareful, pressure in your chest is normal but heart burn is not if it is truly heart burn and not pressure you need to call the doc after a few days but don't get into a weekend like that call him prior! Good luck
  6. It appears your doctor is fairly aggressive if 4CC's was your first fill. call him and talk to him you may need to be adjusted sooner. And becareful what you wish for you may want to take this time to learn how to chew, and it's only been a couple days give it time you may find going forward that there are somethings you can't eat anymore :0)
  7. Neeley

    wot exactly does SLIMING mean ?

    Ok I guess I am the first to answer. Since I just did this less then a half hour ago I should be able to describe it well! If you eat to fast, or take to much and don't chew enough, the food gets stuck in your band. Now when this happens to me I get a pain and pressure in my chest, I then begin to slime meaning my stomach creates extra saliva to try to lubricate the food to go through the band and into my stomach. As a result of this your mouth states to Water to the point that you need to spit it out. Pb'ing is what ever is stuck in your band coming back out. Nuff said?
  8. Neeley

    Can't stop eating!

    let me speak as someone who did the same thing. with every mouthful I thought, I may never eat this again. As if the world was going to end and I would never have the things I loved. IT'S NOT TRUE. About 4 weeks after I got my band it opened up and everything I tried went in. Then I got a fill and it all stopped again ( I am one of the odd people who get restriction on the first fill) now it is beginning to open up and I have figured out I can eat just about anything, smaller portions though. I URGE YOU TO KEEP IN THE FRONT OF YOUR MIND, THAT YOUR LIFE WILL NOT END AND THAT YOU WILL EAT THE THINGS YOU LOVE AGAIN. If I could have rationalized that back then I would have not have gained weight prior to surgery and we be lighter now..
  9. Ok guys I don't post questions, I do aid with answers when I can but rarely do I ask for myself. I am oh what am I, confused, thrilled, frustrated and happy all at the same time and I need help sorting this out. So I come to the experts. I was banded 4/2/08. My first fill was 5/20/08 just a week and a day ago. It was done under Fluoro. I was standing at the time of the fill and the doctor thought I was going to pass out, I felt the fill run through the band tube and clamp down on my stomach. The doctor backed some out and the color came back to my face. I have a 10 cc band and he told me he will not tell me what the fill is. I did the trusty old baruim swallow and I was fine. Before I left he called me out to show me the video of my swallow and informed me that everything is going through fine. liquids three days, mushies three days back to solids. He said he uses the Fluoro on the first fill so that if we call him he can assure us that the fill is fine and it is something we are doing (eating wrong) or not doing (chewing enough) that is causing the issue and that if I have issues to go back to liquids then mushies then solids again. I am scheduled for another fill 6/9. I drank the Water before I left the office, I was fine. I drank icetea in the car 10 minutes later and thought I would have a heart attack as the pain shot through my chest. It has been a rough week since then. I can do liquids, I can do some food but when it comes to sitting and doing a meal I am 4 bites in and I have what I call a back up on the freeway where I can feel the pain come back to my chest and it takes a while to go away. When this happens it turns me off to food and ends my meal. But the funny part is with other things like, watermelon, bacon, chil ior chips I am not having that issue only solid real food. I have stuck on beef, chicken, god I can't even name the rest. Now I am wondering, am I to full? Or am I not taking small enough bites and chewing enough? I know I am lucky it is just my first fill and most people wait months for this kind of restriction but I am starting to worry now that life will never calm down and I will have this pain in my chest for the rest of my life. Ok guys tell me I am over reacting??:sad:
  10. Neeley

    Please give advice

    Wait your doctor gave your husband a needle incase you need a unfill, I think I would be looking for another doctor.
  11. You are not far enough out to take in the amount of calories you are asking you body to take in. About 4 weeks after surgery and when you are just coming off of mushies and back on to solids your worries will be the complete opposite in that you will be able to eat anything not nailed down with little to no difficulty. And you will worry about gaining. Now that I have my first fill I realize I am very lucky I am not sure how much the doctor put in but I can tell you I am one of the lucky ones as I am very restricted (which is odd on the first fill) and long for the days when I could eat. Hang in there you are doing fine!
  12. Thank you for your entry I got my first fill this past Tuesday and I am alittle on the tighter then I'd hope for side and really struggling mentally with this right now. I was thinking last night there is something very unnatural about liquids for days like it is throwing your body in starvation mode but I know in my heart that this is about relearning how to eat and learning when to say enough, its just hard when you drink and your chest hurts for what seems like forever after. It is bearable and I know it will pass but it's scary when that happens. Nice bit of encouragement here that I really needed this morning thanks again
  13. Neeley

    First Fill today and already hungry??

    Oh we are so opposite. I had my first fill 5/20 and am struggling with even liquids, tried icecream the other day and could not even get that in with out pain in my chest! I guess I am one of the lucky ones all though I am not feeling lucky right now
  14. I am right there with you sister had my first fill yesterday and all I can say is WOW. First off I felt the fill felt the band clinch down on my stomach and thought what have I done to myself. Drank the baruim watched the fluid go through the band,drank the water to make sure, left the office, popped open my icetea and thought I was having a heart attack. Drinking has been slow and due to the raging headache I had I did manage to get about 1/2 cup of mashed potatoes and gravy in but I can feel it all linger in my chest first. It is better today then yesterday but yep, you are not alone
  15. I was the same way, we are so restricted from swelling directly after being banded that I know I had trouble taking in enough liquids and the last thing I wanted was a protein shake after 2 weeks of nothing but them preop. Once I got on mushies it leveled out for about 10 days then it started again right before I went to solids once I got on solids that dizzy weak feeling was gone. You need to up your liquids and protein don't stall like I did I just refused the protein shakes completely and it really drained my energy
  16. I was like this for the first 4 weeks after banding until my swelling must have gone down and now I can eat just about anything and the chewing that is required is less. But yes I will go back to eating with out them right after my fill on 5/20, you are not eating alone you are eating with all of us off on the side!
  17. Neeley

    2nd fill, cant drink anything !!

    if this continues today I would contact my doctor, it could be swelling but it could be that you need a slight unfill. You never want to be too full for too long it is not good for your health or you mental state. Good luck and don't delay calling him you do not want to get dehydrated
  18. Neeley

    Aetna....Super Discouraged now

    I see that some of the answers you have got does not give you all of the information so here it goes. Aetna requires a 5 year weight history ( mine read as follows by year 245, 230, 170 190 and 215) you do not have to have two years it's 5 and there can be a dip and peak in the weight it shows you can not keep it off. You will also need a 6 month medically supervised diet now my doc did that for me in 3 months, you will need need a bmi of 35 or over and co-morbid conditions.
  19. Oh Jack, I was banded 4/2 and since starting mushies I have not lost a pound either. I know it does not help to hear but maybe from someone who is in the same boat it will. Any weight loss during this time period is a bonus, it is the fills that aid the loss. Up until yesterday I was terrified of a fill because you hear so much misery about overfills and adjusting your eating habits again however now I have reached what they call bandster hell where my swelling has wore off and I can really eat anything I want and I can not wait for a fill. Just recover as long as you are maintaining what you have lost you are fine. Get better, get a fill and I am sure we will be on our way....
  20. I understand and you are not alone. I am god let me think I month post op today. I don't have the problems with my bowels but I do tire faster and sometimes when I turn my head I feel like I get dizzy. I think it has to do with how much food I am taking in and my body adjusting to the new amount. As far as being tired, I was told 2-3 months..........
  21. Neeley

    Already Testing...

    Ah, you know what things happen, you are human and don't we all test the boundries or at least try to test the boundaries. That is what makes us human. Just clean it up for now and stay true to what you should be doing, you'll be fine. I have come to the conclusion that if you chew chew chew it is a mushie, the nutritionist confirmed that for me today. The thought that you will never test your limits is not possible, you are human and don't let anyone tell you that you were not ready for this surgery.
  22. Neeley

    Did my band slip?

    this sounds like a classic overfill. Do not wait to call the doctor as this can make you band slip...call let the surgeon make the call!
  23. OH Carrie you are the majority not the minority. I found I had to stop reading the boards before surgery too. Now I am coming up on my first fill and have to stop reading the boards about fills because they have me freaked out again. A good friend from here and someone who has been banded along time told me months ago: "Generally people who post on the board are having issues and looking for answers, the ones who are doing great and are 2 years out are not posting on the boards they are busy living their new life" Makes sense when you think about it. Good luck which ever way you go, you will be fine!
  24. Neeley

    i am really mad

    Sounds like you not only many need a fill but from the list of what you wrote you need protein as well. Protein is what keeps us full, with out it you are sunk in the water. My suggestion is you add in protein and see if you are still taking in the quanity you are saying is to much, if so then go back for a fill.
  25. i was told full liquids for two weeks which included soup with out chunks. I was only taking in clear liquids because soup just did not interest me and neither did protein drinks.. I moved on to mushies after 10 days I was slow and chewed chewed and chewed even though it was a mushie and I was fine.

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