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LAP-BAND Patients
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Blog Comments posted by Neeley

  1. ahh miss peesh, no I am not beyond you but please understand I have been where you are minus the band prior to this. As my husband at the time weighed in with substantial weight loss every week and I would gain one loose one. I was 180lbs 64 down and 30 to go when I realized I was never going to get to 150 and gave up. i got to 169. You know even now that I am banded I say I will never get down to 150 and the ironic part is it is 57 lbs to be there.

    Much less then I had to lose the last time. So from my experience keep it going until you look in the mirror and are truly and completely happy with who you are, because we can all say its about the meds, about the movement, but ultimatly it is about how we feel when we look in the mirror.

    If you continue to work out hard and eat what you are eating theory has it that the weight will have to surrender but in order to do that you have to change your metabolism. The way we loose weight does not change because we have the band And on that note I am heading back to the gym this week.......I may not be beyond you but I am always behind you! kisses

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