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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Neeley

  1. I have to jump in here wasn't going to but feel I have knowledge to share. Let's talk about Weight Watchers. If it walks like a duck and quacks like a duck it ususually is a duck. So if you felt the reason she backed out was a cope out....it was. I have never once been pressured to buy anything at Weight Watchers. It is a wonderful program and I was very successful on it. Did I buy their snack bars-yes I did they tasted decent and I used them in my daily diet. Did I buy the measuring spoons, yes I did and guess what, they come in real handy now. Lap band surgery has to be her choice, and any other program has to be her choice. food is an addicition, and addicitions can not be broken with out that person giving in and admitting that they will control the addiction not the addiction controlling them. Understand that someone has to be there in their mind for this to work as well. The band is a tool. If she is not commited to changing her life style she will fail with the band as well and she will be miserable. You can't just "quit" the band, it is there you are stuck with it. Your support is admirable, but please don't push her, you may gently nudge but do not push it has to be something she commits to and wants.
  2. I would imagine this is normal its all tied in there with your abdominal muscles which is what you use when you cough. Give it a couple of weeks it will probably clear.
  3. Neeley

    What is this pain I'm having, Please help!

    is it like a burning????? God where were you last week when I had this problem. Same thing, now I went to the doctor on Friday and he said basically nothing. But Friday night I was coaching my daughters softball team and she caught a pop fly and I ofcourse jumped up and down and guess what... it came back. I figured it out, we feel really good almost back to normal and we are for the most part but let is not forget we are not completely healed from this surgery and I think I stained my port with too much movement. Becareful and give yourself time to recover
  4. Neeley

    MIA Peesh

    ahh miss peesh, no I am not beyond you but please understand I have been where you are minus the band prior to this. As my husband at the time weighed in with substantial weight loss every week and I would gain one loose one. I was 180lbs 64 down and 30 to go when I realized I was never going to get to 150 and gave up. i got to 169. You know even now that I am banded I say I will never get down to 150 and the ironic part is it is 57 lbs to be there. Much less then I had to lose the last time. So from my experience keep it going until you look in the mirror and are truly and completely happy with who you are, because we can all say its about the meds, about the movement, but ultimatly it is about how we feel when we look in the mirror. If you continue to work out hard and eat what you are eating theory has it that the weight will have to surrender but in order to do that you have to change your metabolism. The way we loose weight does not change because we have the band And on that note I am heading back to the gym this week.......I may not be beyond you but I am always behind you! kisses
  5. Neeley

    Sharp pain while gardening outside today

    I was banded 4/2 the day before you and was sleeping on my stomach by the 4th day, but yesterday I was painting all day and last night I felt like my port was just stinging really bad, kept me up all night so yes although you are sore and I am really stinging I am beginning to think its normal
  6. Neeley

    Thinking about lap band

    this is a great place to learn and the chat rooms are bettet. there is a wealth of information to be found in both venue's. I will suggest staying away from the complications board, remember the the bandsters that don't have problems usually are not posting on the boards. Get the info first them read the complications otherwise your brain will start playing tricks on you! Good luck in your journey
  7. Neeley

    Afer Surgery

    I had to do a barium swallow first to make sure everything was going through the band and then I was allowed to drink. There was no cath for me at all
  8. Neeley

    Where's my port?

    Hi My surgery was 4/2 and since I have been sleeping on my tummy since 4/5 I can tell you exactly where your port is. Where ever your longest incision is is the port. Mine is lower but I have a small incision right below my bust line. Try a cotton sports bra that should help at least until you are healed. Good luck
  9. Neeley

    NJ March 2008 Chat

    i just started conversing with Kat as I just love her the way she thinks I am being banded 4/2 and what do you know I am from NJ South Jersey to be exact. Being banded in Willingboro by Dr Ing anyone use Mr Personality ???? Look forward to learning from you all!
  10. Neeley

    Ideal Weight

    I know the feeling funny because my doc never gave me a weight expectation however when I got to the nutritionist and she looked at my muscle mass measurements she seemed surprised and puzzled looking at the doctors faxed documentation. When I asked what the problem was she said he had me at 117.5 at 5 ft 4. However my lean muscle mass according to her calculations was 122.5. With this being said she told me that although my lean muscle is high she does not think it needs to be reduced, she advised me my lean muscle at 122.5 + 30 lbs of fat should put me at 152.5lbs, big difference don't you think?
  11. I am glad to be your friend you are my first request! lol YIPEE

  12. I have Aetna is NJ and yes it is a 3-6 month doc supervised diet, depends on the doctor which diet plan you are put on, it can be a 3 month diet depending on how the surgeon interacts with the insurance company. I will say I am glad I had the waiting period it does give you time to really get your head wrapped around it!
  13. Neeley

    Approved! Finally!!!

    congrats lets hope my coodinator and aetna speak the same langague although she does seem pretty knowledgable. I am done all my precerts waiting on submisson
  14. Neeley

    How Many Last Meals ... ?

    Been There And Doing It Now But Stopping Because I Am Starting To Feel Terrible And Am Gaining

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
