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Bizzy Bee

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Bizzy Bee

  1. Bizzy Bee

    Weigh in... how much have u lost?

    I am down 115 pounds. Wow to say that out loud is eye opening. I have 10 to 15 stubborn pounds to go. I am at 171 and am 5'9". I am wearing a medium shirt and size 10 pants. I think maybe I will be in an 8 or at least some 8s when I finish with those last few pounds. YOU ALL are doing GREAT
  2. I am so sorry guys. I hope you are all well! My update: I am 10 pounds from my goal and have been there for-ev-er! I have really been watching what I eat using the band as the tool it was intended. I know it is up to me to maintain a good calorie/activity balance and I log everything on my iphone. I have cut most carbs from my diet and TRY to get my carbs from healthy foods. Anyone who says LAP-BAND®® is "easy" or "cheating" is ...on drugs! I have really worked for this weight loss. I am finally not overweight according to my bmi. I have good blood pressure and cholesterol readings. I sleep better and have more energy when I am awake. I do still LOVE me a good desert so I have to manage that. How are you guys? I would love to hear what's going on! Shelly
  3. Bizzy Bee


    CONGRATS!!! You have a lot to be proud of! Keep up the great work!
  4. Bizzy Bee

    Can you feel your band?

    Went to the doctor for a fill and had her check my band. Everything is great with the band (THANK GOD!) I just have some gas problems that are now "passing". The gas was filling my lower stomach putting pressure on the band causing pain so I am on an antigas med and things feel sooooo much better and I am relieved!
  5. Okay, so I am paranoid, but I have heard about erosions and slips and things so here is my question. Can you feel your band. I get this kind of pressure, not really painful, but sometimes just a tad irritating feeling under my sternum. Kinda like a rubber band twisted around your finger. Is this normal? Does anyone else get that ever. It's not an all the time thing and is really random. The last time I felt it I got a fill and then it quit but it just started up again so I am concerned. Thanks for any information.
  6. Bizzy Bee

    Can you feel your band?

    Although I am familiar with those sensations, that is not exactly what I am talking about here. Thanks for your reply though, I do appreciate it.
  7. Bizzy Bee

    You know you are a bandster when....

    When a student you had last year in second grade moves away before surgery, just comes back at the end of third grade and has no clue who you are. He actually asked me who I was. I told him I was his second grade teacher. He said "No you werent, I had Mrs. Paxson!" Then I said, oh, but I am Mrs. Paxson! His eyes got huge and he said "you look so different!" Out of the mouths of babes I guess :tt1:
  8. Bizzy Bee

    NSV Thread for the May Bandsters!

    WOW 12s! I just bought me some 12s to "work into" but found that they actually FIT!!!
  9. Bizzy Bee

    Your New Fave Place to Shop

    Nice post! I have found some good deals at fashionbug.com but I really don't think the quality is that of Lane Bryant. I am tall so I have to get 12 and 14 talls. I also have no waist so I get the low waisted jeans or they go clear to my boobs. Body type is such a wierd thing. This makes shopping not always easy. If anyone has any more ideas please post them. I am loving shopping and trying on clothes again.
  10. Bizzy Bee

    NSV Thread for the May Bandsters!

    I had this really cute pair of jeans in the top of the closet. I pulled them out today to show hubby and on a whim I tried them on even though they looked tiny. And guess what....THEY FIT! They are now on my body and no longer in the top of the closet!
  11. Bizzy Bee

    I am scheduled for May

    Hey guys! I have been missing for a while too. I am having a rough group of kiddos this year. I am working harder than they are for sure. Very stressful. Well it's going quickly so this too shall pass. I do love my job and most of the time things go very well. I love my band and even though we are now struggling financially, it was worth it to spend the money on it. I have never felt better. I have given myself an exercise goal this month and have seen inches come off and pounds come to a screetching hault. I don't mind though because I can now wear my hubbies jeans as well as a 16 misses. Oh boy that feels great! Well, I wish you all a very happy Thanksgiving! A focus on family instead of food will be a great change!
  12. Wow! Can you believe it has been 6 months? I know my bandiversary isn't until the end of the month, but I thought we should start a thread about what we have learned about ourself and/or living with the band over that past 6 months. I have learned that food is not the enemy, my attitude to food was the enemy. Chew, chew, chew! Clothing sizes are only temporary. The band really is only a tool, a very powerful and effective one, but only a tool. I could go on forever, I want to hear from you guys! God Bless! Shelly
  13. Bizzy Bee

    Can I Get A Gastric Balloon While Banded?

    Even with a new baby, you do have to take time for you. Make meal time Your Time and use it to follow bandster rules. Enjoy your new addition! Congrats!
  14. Bizzy Bee

    Delayed Restriction/So THIS is restriction

    I am so glad you reached a good fill level for you. I am not sure if I am at a good level or not. Some days, it's like I have no band at all. Other days, I can only get some things down sometimes. I really have to concentrate to find out what kind of a day I am having. CONGRATS AGAIN!
  15. Bizzy Bee

    I just love my band!!!

    WOW!!! GO You! You are doing super. Congrats!
  16. Bizzy Bee

    I didn't think it would happen to me!

    It has happened to me a couple of times. I have a hard time remembering to chew chew chew and take itty bitty bites. Also, one day something goes down fine, next day it doesn't. My band can be a little fickle.
  17. Bizzy Bee

    Major Milestones, but Embarrassed

    I shout my weight from the rooftops! I am so proud not to be 267 anymore, I don't care who knows now. I can understand not wanting to let people know too. So you do what you feel in your heart. This is your journey and you do have us to celebrate with. GO YOU!!!!
  18. Bizzy Bee

    I am scheduled for May

    HEY!! I am finally back. Had internet problems but since have gotten Wild Blue, wish me luck with that. Oh the joys of living rural. I have had a great back to school and it's now almost the end of 1st quarter!!!! Where does the time go? I am doing great with the band. Have had 2 stuck episodes at school. Not pleasant. One time I had a kids counselor in the room and had to excuse myself to bring whatever it was back up. I am more careful now. I am hoping to be in onderland by Thanksgiving which now seems totally doable!!!!! This has been a great and exciting journey! Clothing myself is a bit of an issue. I bought a few really nice outfits to wear and now they are outgrowing me. I'll try to stay dressed with cheaper clothes for awhile. AND I AM HALF WAY TO GOALLLL!!! Allison - How are you? Shelley - How is your year going? Everyone - I have missed you all!!!
  19. Bizzy Bee

    NSV Thread for the May Bandsters!

    My NSV is that I was co-captian of a Relay for Life team and signed up in April. I needed a 2x Team Captian t-shirt at that time. I hadn't wore my tshirt again until our Relay event last night. I had to trade my shirt in for a LARGE!!! I wore a LARGE last night. I thought I needed an XL but they didn't have any so I told them I would try a Large but it probably wouldn't fit. Well it DID!! I was so surprised and glad I didn' have to wear the 2xl knee length shirt. Our team came in 8th place(raising $2,281.) out of 30 and last night was a great all around success!! WOOO HOOO!
  20. Bizzy Bee

    my family is DEADSET against lapbanding....

    My mom, at first, was against it. Then I pointed out to her that I am built like her and when she told me to just diet I actually asked her "how's that working for you?" She saw my point and is now very supportive. My DH said just this morning that this has been the best money we have ever spent. He like the new energetic, sexy, self assured person I am becoming. I love my family, but I knew I needed to do this for me.
  21. Bizzy Bee

    You know you are a bandster when....

    When you go to visit your husband at work and he walks right past you because he "didn't recognize the skinny woman coming toward him"
  22. Bizzy Bee

    pics during journey....check 'em out!

    Super job! You look fantabulous!
  23. Bizzy Bee

    I got my surgery date!

    Congrats on your date!
  24. Bizzy Bee

    You know you are a bandster when....

    When you buy a new fabulous fitting outfit to wear on a trip, pack it in your suitcase after purchasing it 2 weeks before your trip, get to your destination, put it on, and find that it absolutly falls off of you!
  25. Bizzy Bee

    I am scheduled for May

    Allison - I see your ticker going down almost every day! YOU GO GIRL! I am stuck at 228.5 but know the scale will move soon.

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