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Bizzy Bee

LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Bizzy Bee

  1. Bizzy Bee

    I am scheduled for May

    Linda - Thanks so much for the info. We do plan to eat our meals in the dining room, and it is nice to know about the "spa" option. We are going on Carnival out of Mobile. I am definately going to check out the activities available, I am really looking forward to SHOPPING!!! I'll let you know how the going banded thing works out. I am scheduled for a fill as soon as we get back, I should get it before but thought that would be just asking for trouble. Have a super day!
  2. Bizzy Bee

    NSV Thread for the May Bandsters!

    GREAT NSVs. I finally am able to wear a 16 so I am down 2 sizes WOO HOO! Also, I have found I have knee caps! I seem to be at a bit of a standstill as far as weightloss goes, but I am definately loosing inches.
  3. Bizzy Bee

    I am scheduled for May

    CONGRATS Allison!!! That is amazing in ONEderland will be a wonderful place to be! I am on my way PRAISE GOD!!! The doctor's office will take payments, what else can they do if you can't pay. Just be honest with them and make all the payments you promise and you will be just fine. Amsderb - I can't believe summer is almost over. I have one last hoorah in August. I am going on a cruise on the 2nd for 5 days. I am excited, and worried about the food situation. I do great at home because I don't bring junk in the house, don't know if I will be able to be as good as I should with them shoving food in my face allllll day and night. At least I know I will definately not be able to pig out like I did in the past. Have a super day!
  4. Bizzy Bee

    Goooaaaallll !!!!!!!!!!!

    Way to go! Thanks for the inspiration!
  5. Bizzy Bee

    You know you are a bandster when....

    Or when you split a meal with someone and end up giving them more than 1/2 of your 1/2 back. (my mom hates it when I do that)
  6. Bizzy Bee

    what do you guys think??

    I know after my first fill food went down differently. I would probably wait because you may not have experience with the foods available on your vacation after your fill. It really is up to you though. I am going on vacation and waiting till after for my second fill. Have a great vacation whatever you decide! I am positive you will be fine either way.
  7. Bizzy Bee

    You know you are a bandster when....

    When you wait in anticipation after eating for the time you can take your next big drink of ice cold water.
  8. Bizzy Bee

    Flying with the band

    I flew 3 days out of surgery with no problems. I was still sore from surgery but my band did not bug me at all. But, as with any time you have a concern, you should contact your doctor.
  9. Bizzy Bee

    Can anyone eat Shredded Wheat?

    I eat shredded wheat daily. I soak it up in milk and have no problems. Wheat Thins on the other hand. NO WAY!!!
  10. Bizzy Bee

    Insurance... :( UHC

    I had UHC and it had a written exclusion that it would NOT cover WLS. I ended up having to save money and self pay in Mexico. I now have BCBS and same thing. Written exclusion. It really sucks. Insurance companies would rather pay for all the meds and care for a morbidly obese patient than help them get out of the cycle and have a healthier life.
  11. Bizzy Bee

    Getting off the meds! NSV

    Congrats! That is amazing news!
  12. Bizzy Bee

    I am scheduled for May

    Allison, I like bandedgirl's analogy! I too once owned a pinto or two but am happily driving a Hummer now myself. It took me 32 years to feel like I DESERVED such a reliable, loving, appreciative, and honest hummer. I did have MANY unproductive relationships with pintos, or even worse, pacers!!! One lasting over 6 years! I wasted 6 precious years on a pathetic pinto! But NOW I am so happy to be loved all the time, no matter how I look in the morning, or how large I happen to be at the time. I am glad to have someone that worries about how I feel and wants to make sure he doesn't hurt me or my feelings. Now even with a Hummer there are bumps in the road, but at least I know I can count on him to work with me to get through them. You will find the right guy! You are still young and very beautiful. Make Mr . On Again-Off Again Mr Off Forever. He will try to worm his way back in when he needs someone. I know you care about him. It won't be easy at all! Stick to your guns and keep taking care of YOU!!!! Shelly
  13. Bizzy Bee

    First Fill Questions?

    I got my first fill on Monday and it was so cool! I was on a table with an xray thingy above it. Dr. Malley came in and put on some lead gear, had me lay on the table, and turned on the xray to see my band placement first since I got my band done in Mexico, he showed it to me and told me I have excellent placement. He then showed me the port and tubing. That looked cool! Then he put his hand on my stomach with my port between his fingers, then I watched on the xray as the needle went into my port. It didn't hurt and I didn't have to shimmy with a needle sticking in my tummy. He put in 1.25 cc in my 4cc band. After my fill, he had me drink water to make sure I could swallow. I find I am not hungry so far at all, and can only eat half of what I was eating before the fill before feeling pressure.
  14. Bizzy Bee

    I am scheduled for May

    We May Bandsters are going to look like May Poles in no time :thumbup: YOu all sound like you are doing fantastic! I am doing well too. I am having some strange pains about where the band is. NOt sure what's up with that, it's not really pain, more of a pressure kind of feeling. I go in for a fill next Monday, maybe I'll figure out what it is. Keep up the super work. Keep me inspired :cool2: Vacation is NICE :smile: Went to the casino and had a free buffet. I am so glad it was free, because although I took what looked like a lot for me, when I left the plate looked like it hadn't been touched and I felt GREAT!!! instead of overstuffed. Definately couldn't have gotten my "money's worth" if I had paid the 16 bucks for the meal.
  15. Bizzy Bee

    Not Losing Weight

    You know, I would rather loose inches than pounds. You can't see pounds but you can see the inches. Also, muscle weighs more than fat, so if you are gaining muscle and loosing fat that is a good thing. Muscle also helps your metabolism so you will be able to eat more calories and still loose weight. Don't get frustrated. If you are doing all the right things, (drinking enough water, getting enough protein, eating 3 meals per day, not snacking), you are loosing fat even if the scale doesn't reflect it. Your inches lost does! Keep up the good work!
  16. Bizzy Bee

    I am scheduled for May

    WOW! I made it through summer school. Well, I have 1 little bitty day left. Preschoolers are a whole 'nother animal! The energy, poking, yelling "TEACHER!!!" I can't believe I made it through. The first week was rough, liquids and lower calorie count than I have ever had before, not to mention the trauma to my body. I was beat at the end of the day. Well I still am, but I feel so much better. I am down 30 pounds since preop diet. Woo HOO!!
  17. Bizzy Bee

    I am scheduled for May

    Great info Felicia! Thanks for taking the time to post it! I noticed you live in Sin City, do you have a spare room for a band sister to come for a visit :sad: Just kidding. Have a super day!
  18. Bizzy Bee

    Exersice Band Wagon

    I am getting ready to start Leslie Sonsones 1 mile Walk Away the Pounds Express and will increase it as I feel like it. I was up to the 3 mile before surgery. Think I will start Monday morning before school. THanks for the motivation guys!!!
  19. Bizzy Bee

    I am scheduled for May

    Allison I don't think you can stretch the pouch with soup so don't worry. Liquids go through fairly quickly. Things are much better after you get to start eating more of a variety. I have no idea how much I am supposed to be eating either. Today I had 4 oz of lean ground beef and some sauteed zucchini at a local prime rib place in my town. It was delish! I am starting to feel human again!
  20. Bizzy Bee

    NSV Thread for the May Bandsters!

    A from from church asked me if I was on a diet because it looked like I had lost some weight. I am so close to wearing a 16 but 18s are a little big. One of my favorite pants now pulls up to my bra! Not wearing them any more. My hubby is proud and glad we decided to do this for my health and confidence.
  21. Bizzy Bee

    Getting used to band feelings....

    I am not hungry either. I also have no clue what "full" feels like. I guess I will figure it all out eventually. Food really doesn't even appeal to me all that much right now. I hope that part continues.:biggrin:
  22. Bizzy Bee

    I am scheduled for May

    Food has made all the difference. I am feeling much more energetic. The only problem is that I am never hungry so I have no idea how much to eat. I definately do not want to puke. I would rather have another kid than puke! I do protien shakes for breakfast and sometimes lunch if there's something I am doing at school and can't make it home. For dinner I have things like a talapia fillet and a few bites of veggies, a lean hamburger patty and smashed cauliflower, chicken fajitas with no shell and some refried beans. I am just not sure how much to eat because I never feel hungry before a meal or full after a meal. Am i just strange or what? :biggrin:
  23. Bizzy Bee

    I am scheduled for May

    I am so tired right now. Is anyone else having this problem? I have no energy. I hope it changes when I start eating, today is the first day for non-liquids for me. I am teaching kindergarten summer school and by the time the day is over I feel like I am going to fall asleep on the drive home. :biggrin:
  24. Bizzy Bee

    5/21 sugery 2 week follow up & new foods

    Hey there! I am doing great. I will be so much better on Monday when I can eat food that you actually get to chew! I am teaching summer school (kindergarten) and it is wearing me out. I don't think I am getting near enough calories to handle the energy level present in even one of those munchkins! I set up a fill a long time ago for June 30th. I don't know if I will need one or not, I have yet to feel hungry, but I wanted to make sure I could get in. I am down 13 pounds since surgery and I lost 10 preop. I am back where I started last summer when I got fed up withdieting and went back to eating everything in sight. At least I know that won't happen again!
  25. Bizzy Bee

    I am scheduled for May

    Lucy - You will find you feel better and stronger every day. I went back to work yesterday and was not prepared for the exhaustion that hit me. I went home and was out by 7 and slept till 6 this morning. Today was so much better. ALso, I found this really great cook book called Eating Well After Weight Loss Surgery. It was written by a bandster. It has so many delish sounding recipies and it tells how to modify them for all stages of banding. THe ingredients required aren't even freaky things. All the recipies are low fat too.

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