Well Hello,
I had to pay for my surgery myself. I looked high and low and finally decided to have it done in Mexico. I had worries but I am so happy I made that choice. I got better care there than I ever had in any American hospital ever!!! As far as post op. You can get it. How do you think people who move cities get it???? There is a Fill Center USA that provides doctors all across the country. Also you can just call Doctors in your area, many will take you. Also most fill are done by nurse practitioners. My surgery cost $7,000.00 inclusive of all tests, hospital, everything. Also, you can usually count on your family doctor to help as well. I was just banded Nov 26, 07 so I am just beginning my journey. I just wanted to let everyone know- if you need to pay for the surgery yourself - you can get the very best care in Mexico. Also, they have been doing the lap in Mexico much longer than in the US so many of the Doctors are very experienced.