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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by heavenlyceleste

  1. heavenlyceleste

    a little rant

    I realize that there are some who have not felt "real hunger" but one of the reasons that i had this surgery was because I did feel real hunger and felt it a lot. I had to eat so much just to feel full that I couldn't function. My therapist told me that there is a hormone that normal people have that makes them feel satisfied after eating which we do not produce enough of. For some reason, after lap band surgery, we start producing more of that hormone. Anyway-while I agree that the urge to eat is not always about hunger-there are many times when it is and that is why I had surgery to "tame my hunger". So if your hunger is real, it perfectly reasonable to speak with your doctor and find a solution that will work for you.
  2. heavenlyceleste

    Disappointed in Atlanta

    I looked into surgery in Mexico and decided that i was not comfortable with it. My charge, including a year of follow up was $18,200. Just an FYI for those researching.
  3. heavenlyceleste

    a little rant

    I was going insane 10 days out from surgery. I was waking up from hunger. Additionally, my incisions had healed and i was totally off pain meds. I called my doctor and asked if there were any circumstances under which I could start the mushy foods 1 week early. He said that I could, just to add only one food a day and see how I felt. I did it a little faster-1 food a meal but I have been fine. I feel great, have more energy for working out and have been able to work again.
  4. heavenlyceleste

    Disappointed in Atlanta

    I have researched it extensively. GA is just not a good state for this surgery. People who work for big companies definately have better options. We looked into getting new insurance for my husband's whole company but there was nothing for the less than 10 people company that would cover it. I do not mean to be depressing but I wasted 6 months waiting for this info to be clarified for me. It took one more diet after learning this for me to decide to go ahead and take out two loans to pay for it ourselves. I am so glad that I did and only wish that I had done it 6 months sooner. -Celeste Goddess Talk
  5. heavenlyceleste

    We are a self pay state-no help from the law!

    My understanding is that it depends on the language of the contract. You need to find out what the appeal process is. There is a group in CA that might be able to help you, called Obesity Law - Obesity Law and Advocacy Center. If it is a standard GA contract you probably don't have any options but if there is something different because they have their own policy you might.
  6. You will all understand! The laws in GA protect the insurance companies and not us patients! After 6 mos of deliberating we finally decided my health was more important than money and took a $12K home equity loan and a $6k medical loan to pay. My monthly payment will be $388 for 4 years and then $218 for the next 3 years. I think it will be worth it. I did lots of research on the laws in GA and basically-unless you work for a large company that pays for it's own insurance-you are out of luck. If anyone out there thinks I'm wrong-please tell everyone! If your plan has bariatric surgery as an exemption-there is no appeal process. THere is no law to protect you no matter how medically necessary the surgery might be.
  7. heavenlyceleste

    Disappointed in Atlanta

    Read my post at: http://www.lapbandtalk.com/f31/we-self-pay-state-no-help-law-50016/ My research led me to learn that the laws in GA do not protect the patients. Good luck!
  8. heavenlyceleste

    Newbie-Banded on 1/10/08 in Atlanta, GA, USA

    Thanx-I'll check the GA group out!
  9. I just got banded last week! My surgery date was 1/10/08. So far, I feel icky and really want to eat something-I am on a 3 week post op liquid diet. I am surviving though. I do feel better each day-just not the 100% I'd hoped I'd be at by now. I won't weigh until next Fri. but I know I've lost already-I can feel it and others have commented. I just started having cramps in my calves-suggestions? I take a high quality liquid multi twice a day, Calcium, b complex, Vitamin c-what else can I do? I drink lots of Water and broth. I was banded by Dr. Scott Steinberg who I love! I followed the first and second part of the Fast Track Detox Diet before surgery and Dr. Steinberg said my liver was small and amazing for someone whose BMI was 57. Anyway-I'm looking forward to being active on the board!
  10. I was banded on 1/10. I was surprised by how much pain I was in from my incisions. I couldn't sleep on a bed-had to sleep in the lazy boy for 4 nights after coming home. I still don't have tons of "being around other people" energy even though my pain is mostly gone. I had a c-section and thought it would be like that but it was totally different! I would say-ask for help as much as you want and don't do anything for a while-it might be weeks before your energy is up. It might not be. Just let your healing process occur and don't judge it.
  11. heavenlyceleste

    a little rant

    I'm trying to go as natural as possible. I have been on liquids for 9 days and have 12 more to go. All I have it 3 protein shakes a day (1/2 c skim milk plus protein sweetened with stevia), a few mugs of broth, vitamins and water. I too feel like I'm going crazy. It sounds to me like you are a little sick of the fake sweet taste-maybe some salty will do you good. Broth with lots of salt (I add sea salt to the low sodium organic that my hubby bought) might help. Good Luck!
  12. heavenlyceleste

    Traveling after the band

    I got banded 9 days ago and still feel quesy and icky. I just drove my son to my dad's for an overnight (45 mins in car) and felt crappy and exhausted. My pain is almost gone and I religiously do my protein and vitamins, so if it's a trip you must do then do it but if it's social or business related I would reschedule-everyone heals differently and you don't know how you'll do in advance.
  13. heavenlyceleste

    Had Lap Band 2 days Ago

    I think that any spitting up immediately post op is bad-they don't want you to tear your stitches. My doc prescribed me anti-nausea meds to prevent it. So I would call ASAP (even on the weekend) and let your doc know about the spitting up.

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