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About Sarah.R

  • Rank
    Bariatric Master
  • Birthday 03/23/1988

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  1. Yeah it's been raining here in NYC for the past 3 weeks, and surprise the days it's gorgeous are the days I'm stuck inside at work (like today!) My Mood-swings have been VICIOUS. Apparently estrogen is stored in your fat and as the fat disolves the estrogen is released making us hormonal nightmares, Myself at the very top of that list. Just snapping for no reason, and today especially I'm cranky as hell!.

    Yeah eggs have been tough on me too, they're delicious but they've been getting stuck. I had pasta & shrimp last night, got full really fast. By the time I was done eating my jaw hurt from chewing so much. just taking it easy today had some really runny yogurt so far, kind of nausious still from last night, and like I said before, I'm just grumpy. and completely not amused that I won't have a day off for the next 12 days. But other then that I'm alright lol no complaints.

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