I don't really have a moment, mainly because I was told in october last year that I should consider getting the lap band by my respiratory doctor, he said I should maybe write to parliment to see if I can get it funded or get the money, next thing you know in january I've got a appointment with an endo/diabetes doctor, then got shoved back and forth and had an appointment in july this year with the lap band doctor, now over a year later they've told me I might be having it this month - actually it was meant to be early december but yeah lol. So technically I didn't have a moment, I've known about the lapband but after my doc said that I got on here and started researching, technically it wasn't even my idea, you could basically say I've been pushed into it, but I wouldn't have it any other way, I don't have to go through insurance like most on here and be screwed around, so in that case I'm lucky but time wise and how long it's taken really I'm not