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Everything posted by syjaeger84@gmail.com

  1. syjaeger84@gmail.com

    Emotional struggle after gastric sleeve

    I had my gastric sleeve on 2/15/16. I basically haven't been able to take in much at all - fluids or food. I have been vomiting and had diarrhea for the past 4-5 weeks. Every day. I am very dehydrated, so my doctor is more concerned about the fluids than the protein or vitamins. He went so far as to tell me to live on Popsicles if I had to. For the past 4 weeks I have had to have 2 liters of IV fluid per day - one during the evening and one at night through a picc line. I have no energy at all. I sleep most of the time. I am deeply depressed. I have lost 35 pounds out of the 90 I want to lose, but I need to be able to exercise in order to lose weight at a faster pace. How can you exercise when getting no nutrients or calories? I see the doctor once a week. I have had an upper GI series, a CT scan, and an EGD. They all indicate the surgery was successful, but I do have mild to moderate gastritis. I can't do this much longer. Any suggestions? I had my gastric sleeve on 2/15/16. I basically haven't been able to take in much at all - fluids or food. I have been vomiting and had diarrhea for the past 4-5 weeks. Every day. I am very dehydrated, so my doctor is more concerned about the fluids than the protein or vitamins. He went so far as to tell me to live on Popsicles if I had to. For the past 4 weeks I have had to have 2 liters of IV fluid per day - one during the evening and one at night through a picc line. I have no energy at all. I sleep most of the time. I am deeply depressed. I have lost 35 pounds out of the 90 I want to lose, but I need to be able to exercise in order to lose weight at a faster pace. How can you exercise when getting no nutrients or calories? I see the doctor once a week. I have had an upper GI series, a CT scan, and an EGD. They all indicate the surgery was successful, but I do have mild to moderate gastritis. I can't do this much longer. Any suggestions? I had my gastric sleeve on 2/15/16. I basically haven't been able to take in much at all - fluids or food. I have been vomiting and had diarrhea for the past 4-5 weeks. Every day. I am very dehydrated, so my doctor is more concerned about the fluids than the protein or vitamins. He went so far as to tell me to live on Popsicles if I had to. For the past 4 weeks I have had to have 2 liters of IV fluid per day - one during the evening and one at night through a picc line. I have no energy at all. I sleep most of the time. I am deeply depressed. I have lost 35 pounds out of the 90 I want to lose, but I need to be able to exercise in order to lose weight at a faster pace. How can you exercise when getting no nutrients or calories? I see the doctor once a week. I have had an upper GI series, a CT scan, and an EGD. They all indicate the surgery was successful, but I do have mild to moderate gastritis. I can't do this much longer. Any suggestions?
  2. syjaeger84@gmail.com


    I began my liquid diet on 2/1. Had a vertical sleeve gastrectomy on 2/15. It has not been a smooth ride. I have stayed dehydrated. Everything I attempt to drink feels like it gets stuck and then backs up into my esophagus, giving me horrible heartburn. I am still on a liquid diet. Last Friday I had 2 liters of fluid through an IV. It didn't help. Today my doctor informed me that I will have a picc line inserted Monday morning so that I can receive liquids at home while I sleep at night. I think he wants to try this for at least 2 more weeks. If this doesn't work, then he will resort to a CT scan with contrast. My diet right now consists of sugar free Popsicles. Any others with his problem/
  3. syjaeger84@gmail.com

    Anyone having surgery Feb. 15th?

    Thanks by pepper! I know he is in a better place now. I know he wouldn't want me to use his death as a roadblock to me getting better. I just feel totally overwhelmed. But I will get through. He was a strong man, and I am his sister. I have some of his genes. I have a great support system! Maybe the greatest! But depression just is a bear. I will rely on my support system and I will get through.
  4. syjaeger84@gmail.com

    Anyone having surgery Feb. 15th?

    Thanks Newbie 312. I just can't snap out of this. It's just too much for me to handle at once. Now I find out that I have 2 more weeks on the liquid diet. I am so sick of that diet. I need to chew something. I need something to eat!
  5. I have surgery next Monday, the 15th, so I have been on the pre op diet for a week. I am struggling with exhaustion, light-headedness, headaches..... I had my pre op visit to the hospital on the 5th and got my lab results today. My sodium and chloride are both low. My BUN, creatinine, and my BUN/creatinine ratio are all high. My ratio is 30.2 and the range high is 20. I tried to contact the doctor on call tonight at the hospital, but never received a return call. I am going to bed now and will call the office tomorrow morning to try to figure out what is going on. It is impossible to exercise when you are so tired you can barely hold your head up. Has anybody else had anything like this happen?
  6. syjaeger84@gmail.com

    So tired and weak - anybody else with these symptoms?

    Thank you for the advice. I have tried to up my caloric intake a bit and that has given me a bit more energy. I still want to sleep a lot, and I don't have enough energy for exercise, but at least I don't feel like I'm dying anymore. I think I will call the nurse tomorrow and have her explain my blood test results. I haven't done that yet. Thanks for your support.
  7. syjaeger84@gmail.com

    February 16th surgery date

    Congratulations! I am scheduled for the 15th. I am both excited and nervous. I have been feeling weak and tired the past few days. I think it's because I am not getting enough calories on this pre op diet. I will be glad when Monday arrives. I can't wait to begin my journey to a healthy new life. I look forward to getting active again and spending time outdoors with my family. I wish you all the best! May everything go well with surgery.
  8. syjaeger84@gmail.com

    Anyone having surgery Feb. 15th?

    midorigal, need a buddy? covey, I would love to be your buddy!
  9. syjaeger84@gmail.com

    Anyone having surgery Feb. 15th?

    nicky2221, I would be thrilled to be your buddy. We can support each other through the entire process.
  10. syjaeger84@gmail.com

    Anyone having surgery Feb. 15th?

    Newbe312, we are going to be so successful at this. My pre op visit didn't amount to much. A bunch of medical history, an EKG, blood work, and x-rays. I have to be at the hospital at 7:30 AM on the 15th, and my surgery is scheduled for 9:30. My surgeon wants me up and walking as much as possible on the day of surgery. I supposedly get out the next day in the afternoon. What about you? How are you doing on your pre op diet? My biggest problem is finding the energy to exercise, but I try to do it every day. Best of luck to you! Thoughts and prayers are with you!
  11. syjaeger84@gmail.com

    Needing encouragement

    I, too, see a therapist twice a week. We have talked about this surgery from every aspect, and she is totally on board with my decision. I just flat out told her it was my life and my decision alone. Will your therapist continue to see you after surgery? I sure hope so, because you will need them. I know I will need my as an active member of my support group. Be honest with your therapist and tell them how they are making you feel with their discouraging statements.
  12. syjaeger84@gmail.com

    Pre-op Liquid Diet Question

    Are you drinking protein shakes, at least 4 a day? That's 32 oz. of fluid. If you eat soup, that's another 6-8 oz. That only leaves about 24 oz. of water to drink. I sip on water all day, but the protein shakes really fill me up and provide me with some energy. I am on day 5 of pre op diet and, fortunately, my routine is working for me. I did eat a couple of sugar free popsicles today as a treat, but only 15 cal. apiece.
  13. I have problems with depression and social anxiety. I was nervous when I took my psych eval. I am glad I was totally honest. The psychologist who administered the test appreciated my openness and I passed. Don't worry too much about your psych eval. You will do fine.
  14. Well said, Suzanne. I am 60, soon to be 61. I am scheduled for a gastric sleeve on Feb. 15. I have had all kinds of negative responses. Most people just want to know why at my age? I plan on living for quite a few more years. I want to enjoy them to the fullest. I want to feel better physically and emotionally. I want to keep up with my 3 year old granddaughter. I want to go to the beach and never feel self-conscious again. I want to play tennis on a regular basis with my husband. I want to be able to hike without huffing and puffing. I want to look in the mirror in the morning and not say gross. I want to witness the transformation. I have begun my pre op liquid diet. I know this sounds weird, but I like it. If this is something you want badly, people should be happy for you. Be supportive. Look at the positives. I look forward to a successful surgery.
  15. syjaeger84@gmail.com

    Any Missouri people

    Just moved to GA from Fulton, MO. I have researched the Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy and decided to opt for it. I began my pre op diet today. My surgery is 2/15. I am somewhat nervous but more excited. I really need to do this not only to feel better physically but also emotionally. Best wishes to you!
  16. syjaeger84@gmail.com

    February 2016 sleevers?

    I am scheduled for Vertical Sleeve Gastrectomy on 2/15. I begin my 2 week pre op diet tomorrow. I am excited and nervous at the same time, but I am determined. I have scheduled my days to allow for all my nutrients spaced appropriately and include exercise. I biggest fear is the ability to exercise. I have had both knees replaced and have lower back pain. I have led a very sedentary life for quite awhile. I am counting on my husband to kick my butt in gear to get me out walking to start with. If I can get started, I believe I will begin enjoying exercise again. I am going to take one day at a time. If I do that, I will be successful.
  17. syjaeger84@gmail.com

    Anyone having surgery Feb. 15th?

    By the way, songsmith, my surgery is taking place in GA.
  18. syjaeger84@gmail.com

    Anyone having surgery Feb. 15th?

    Are you interested in a buddy to go through this with you? I believe all the support we can have will help. Just let me know.
  19. syjaeger84@gmail.com

    Anyone having surgery Feb. 15th?

    My surgery is scheduled for Feb. 15. I begin my 2 week liquid diet on Monday. I am really pumped about the surgery, but at the same time I am nervous. I just found out yesterday that the surgeon who was scheduled to do the surgery is no longer with the group effective two days ago. I happened to go into the office yesterday and got the opportunity to meet my new surgeon and I really like him. He is able to perform the surgery on the same day, so I was pleased. Basically, the only change is my pro op appointments. I would really like to keep in touch and see how you are doing. I wish you all the best!!!
  20. syjaeger84@gmail.com

    January or February 2016 Sleevers?

    Date set for Feb. 15. Begin liquid diet regiment Monday. Am excited beyond belief but also a little nervous. I just finished all my tests yesterday, the final being the psych eval report, and the office went ahead and set me up for surgery sooner than I thought they would. I am glad because that gives me less time to think about it. I like my doctor and all the staff. They are very supportive at any time. I envision this surgery to help me not only physically but emotionally as well. I have a terrific support team. My husband is 100% supportive, as are my son and family. Friends are also on board. Best wishes to everyone!
  21. syjaeger84@gmail.com

    Psych eval & nutitionist

    I have just been through my meeting with my nutritionist and my consultation with my psychologist following my evaluation. Getting the approval of the psychologist was my final hurdle to setting a date for surgery. The psych eval isn't bad, nor is the interview. I was open and honest. I have quite a history with depression and anxiety, but as long as I continue to see a psychologist and my psychiatrist on a regular basis and attend support groups from the clinic for a year after surgery, I was approved. My surgery is now scheduled for Feb. 15. I begin my all liquid diet Monday. I am thrilled! My advice is just go in and be yourself. You'll be fine!

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