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Everything posted by summerset

  1. summerset

    How do you view overweight people now that your thin?

    I don't think that's "being an asshole". It's a matter of taste when it comes to what kind of body type we're attracted to. I'm mostly attracted to the bigger muscular guys. One might refer to them as "husky". I also prefer darker haired guys to fair haired guys in general. Otherwise I couldn't care less how much someone weighs or how overweight someone might be, e. g. when it comes to colleagues.
  2. summerset

    How do you view overweight people now that your thin?

    I agree only to an extent. I know too many thin people that seem healthy enough with eating and exercise habits I wouldn't dare to mimic - because I would be way fatter than I am now if I did.
  3. summerset

    How do you view overweight people now that your thin?

    Like they always thought of fat people as lazy and ugly losers but couldn't voice their opinion because they were fat themselves? Could be.
  4. summerset

    How do you view overweight people now that your thin?

    This. I think it would be crossing borders that are not meant to be crossed. I agree in general but since values and lifestyles can and do change throughout the years, it's still possible that the partner that used to share you values and lifestyle isn't a good match anymore. Might also be a valid explanation why so many couples struggle when one partner had WLS.
  5. summerset

    How do you view overweight people now that your thin?

    When I ate vegetarian first and then vegan for a whole while reading labels was some kind of a special hobby as well.
  6. summerset

    How do you view overweight people now that your thin?

    I think this is absolutely true and it's not specific for weight loss. It applies to every diet or diet philosophy (e. g. organic vs. non-organic). I had my fair share of discussions with my hubby on this and it continues.
  7. summerset


    You also can see what was written when someone quotes them. And since the full-quoting users will probably never cease to exist you're confronted with the challenge of averting your eyes soon enough multiple times.
  8. summerset


    Wow, this thread actually made it to the second site before degenerating into the usual "let's just be a bit ridiculous" bad joke. Where is the symbolic "bacon the 2nd day post-op", btw? Maybe I just missed it?
  9. summerset

    Complications from advancing diet too soon

    @@Clementine Sky I agree with what you said about post-op eating and "diet". In Germany we have a (IMO) more accurate word for this: "Kostaufbau". I couldn't find a simple translation for it. To roughly describe it: it means the progression from Clear liquids to solids after surgery. In regards to postoperative feeding there are many protocols out there, from traditional to "fast track", not only when it comes to WLS.
  10. summerset

    Complications from advancing diet too soon

    Absolutely. - do what you want (try to be the 110% compliant WLS super-patient instead of the 110% compliant super-dieter) - eat what you want (severely restrict food choices without necessity just like on so many diets before in your life) and - end up where you started: fat after you have burnt out and regained.
  11. summerset

    Complications from advancing diet too soon

  12. summerset

    Complications from advancing diet too soon

    Dear mother of God! I was truly lucky the hospital staff didn't kill me by serving me this cream of broccoli soup so soon after surgery!!
  13. summerset

    Does anyone regret their surgery?

    I always admire the possibility of some users being able to decide what's right or wrong for a patient.
  14. summerset

    Good grief! Don't be left in the dust by 2017's food fads!

    In theory. When browsing this board I notice quite a bit of nutritional obsession.
  15. summerset

    Slow weight loss?

    @@WLSResources/ClothingExch "Dreaming big" might not be as useless as you might think. It also gets things done. Big things. Have a sense of reality but don't be too grown up.
  16. summerset

    Slow weight loss?

    I kind of understand this one. You just want to be over and done with being obese. I catch myself thinking sometimes "you need to lose faster so you can get into maintenance for 6 months so you can have plastics and be finally over and done with this shit".
  17. summerset

    Slow weight loss?

    There are also patients out there resistant to education. I hear the nutritionist talk about not eating the low fat versions of cheese etc - what do patients do? Talk about "reducing fat"and "only getting the fat free curd" even a day after the session while still in the hospital. I hear the nutritionists say "everybody is different - don't compare!" - and all patients are talking about is how much they lost and comparing themselves with others. --- It's like people don't hear what is said sometimes. But then again maybe some things need to be said over and over and OVER again to cancel out the years of "diety thinking".
  18. summerset

    Slow weight loss?

    Me, too. I'd also like to know where people get this idea that an intake of 800 kcal a day might be "too much".
  19. summerset

    No Hairloss?

    Didn't notice any hair loss so far, but then again I have a very short haircut.
  20. Interestingly enough I don't have an ideal dress size anymore - I had when I was a few years younger but not now. If anything I'd like to be a size "M" because that's where the most variety is available. Being a size "M" means that you will probably need a size "S" or "L" depending on the cut and brand and these are the most common sizes available (at least when it comes to my preferred style of clothing). It also means that the length of pants and shirts etc. fit my 1,67 cm height.
  21. There aren't that many people that long out here on the boards (5 years or more). People simply move on. Most of the so-called "vets" that write here seem to be 1-3 years out with a few exceptions.
  22. summerset

    2017 MGB patient's!

    I had a revision from band to MGB - glad I did it.
  23. Revisions in general are experiencing slower weight loss, especially if there already was substantial weight loss before. I wouldn't worry at the moment (I know this is easier said than done).
  24. summerset

    Which Holiday Treats Do You Have at Parties?

    I eat what I want to eat (within the limits of not eating stuff that makes me feel queasy, e. g. ice cream) and the limit will be stomach capacity, not some arbitrary calorie, fat or carb limit. I remember holding myself back and restraining myself from eating the stuff I'd like to eat because I "shouldn't be eating it", sometimes even bringing some special food with me. No more of this. These days are over. I want to be one of the normal people, well kind of - I don't eat meat so that usually makes me the weirdo of the group. I'm done with being a diet zealot though. That's what made and kept me fat.
  25. summerset

    You know you are doing something right

    Well, yes... In the sense that the bigger people in my environment are asking me how I did it. Usually they lose interest once I say "surgery" in the way of "Ok, that's not my really my business and I wouldn't do it". I think especially the bigger people are fascinated with the rather quick weight loss because they want to have that, too. (can understand that, I'd be wanting it as well)

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