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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by ccorbett

  1. Hi! I am new to this site and have already fallen love with it. I was banded March 28, 2007. I have lost 100lbs. I have been very excited with the results and the new found energy I have for life. I hit a rough spot the past 2 months by loosing and gaining the same 3-4 pounds. This week I lost 6 lbs, so I hope I am getting back on track. I do not have an appointment with my Dr. until Feb. but I am thinking I may try to move it up. I really think I need a fill. I have only had to have 2 thus far. I love my band and would do it all over again. I really wish I would have done years ago. Christie
  2. ccorbett

    Considering Banding...

    I was banded March of 2007 when I was 30. I have 2 small children also. It has been the best thing I have ever done for myself and my family. I have lost 100lbs. It is not an easy answer to weight lose, but it is a tool I charish. I still have to watch what I eat, but with the correct fill food is not always on my brain. Best of luck!!

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