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Everything posted by ChunkyMonkey76

  1. It feels so good to be moving forward[emoji1] I'm being cautious with what I eat/drink but I'm doing well so far
  2. Just letting you know everything has gone really well and I'm feeling good. Came home Monday from hospital and I have needed a nap each day in the afternoon I'm not doing too badly. Trying to walk small distances often and sip. I am craving actual food though and today I was genuinely hungry and wasn't interested in optifast so I tried some milo and hydrolite ice blocks to fill the hole-they helped a lot. I am keeping water down and other liquids without difficulty and feel like I'm on the mend. I rarely needed pain killers today and when I did normal panadol was fine, I haven't had any issues swallowing tablets at all. My body is definitely getting used to its new system so I'm not pushing it hard and am going to take my time. Hope everyone else is doing ok. I haven't for one second thought I hadn't made the right decision it another lady in the room next to me at hospital cried each night saying she'd made a mistake and ruined her life. She was in a good space though by the time we left so I hope she's doing well now. It's certainly a lot to process. But I signed up to this for a reason and when I turn 40 in 6 months time I know I will be in a better space physically and mentally than where I am now. This really is the year of change for me and I'm going to embrace it [emoji1]
  3. Thankfully it looks like Friday is the day! I will have another echocardiogram on Friday and then they will make a final decision but the surgeon says he's happy however the anaesthetist will check it out further on the day. This is a roller coaster ride of emotions. I am desperate to start my new life and move on, and desperate to get rid of the vomiting and reflux from the band
  4. The surgeon ans anethetist will get the results today and then call me to advise on what is happening...they said probably late this afternoon.........I am finding it hard to stay focussed on my work today as I will be crushed if this doesn't work out.......
  5. Yesterday I had my pre -op appointment at the hospital. During the ECG a blockage in my left ventricle birch of my heart was detected. A flurry of activity ensued and I was send off for an echocardiogram yesterday afternoon t ensure it isn't anything serious. Surgery will be confirmed when the results come through to day......feeling very stressed. The nurse told me that it is fairly common in the right heart ventricle but not so much the left as the left is the biggest and strongest side. Now I am recovering from a viral cold and hat may have impacted on the ecg result but otherwise it could be something quite serious. I have never had a heart issue and I have had ecgs in the past and they were all fine. So now I'm worried that I have a heart issue, and scared that surgery won't go ahead as planned. I have a two year old daughter and am doing this for myself and for her. I want her to have a healthy mum who can keep up with her and run with her at the park. I spent last night having a meltdown and feeling very vulnerable. I have my fingers crossed for good news today
  6. I have to be at the hospital by 1.30pm on friday = it's all starting to feel real now! My surgeon likes you to stay in for 2 night min (especially cause its afternoon surgery) which will be sunday and they don't discharge on sunday so it will be a three night stay for me. It's probably better that way as I have a toddler who is full on and very attached to me so at least I know ill get some rest
  7. Im not sure there is anyone still here who has had their surgery already? I'm having my RNY next friday and if all goes according to plan I have been told I can start introducing pureed food at the two week mark but each surgeon and dietician has their own reccomendations from what I can gather. How did you cope with the pain after surgery? are u feeling good and have you noticed a drop in weight yet? sorry for all the questions.....
  8. Thats awesome news! I'm feeling good about surgery next week...i actually just cant wait now
  9. wow it is great to know there are a few of us here now to support each other. Im not sure about anyone else but I am feeling excited and nervous. I am also finding the Protein shake diet to be a little tedious but i'm allowed to have steamed non starch vegetables so I had that for lunch just to break it up a little
  10. I'm having it done at Allamanda on the Gold Coast with Dr Liew
  11. Hi Daina, my surgery is next Friday! So close now! Is this revision surgery for you? Welcome to the page. There's also an American Facebook support page that is useful if you're interested
  12. Wait till you get your referral and have your appointment with Dr Liew, he will make the decision. She may have been confused as in my case he is doing both at the same time. He will try to talk you out of the surgery (I think he does that with all his patients) but he is very thorough and easy to talk to and will answer all your questions. We emailed back and forth for weeks after my consult just to clarify pieces of information for me and answer any new questions I had. I really liked him and he has good reviews. Happy to chat further with you off line, will pm you my number too
  13. Are you going with Dr Liew or your original person? I was advised by some others that they like to wait t least 3 months and Dr Liew will make you wait that time if you are doing band to sleeve revision however with RNY it is likely that he can do it at the same time and that is what he is doing for me. My band is empty (has been for a while) and I know if the scarring is too bad then they remove the band and its game over
  14. Thanks Elizabeth. We were talking about the surgeons fees on top of what is covered by private health insurance. Most charge a substantial fee on top of the insurance coverage. In this case she needs to phone the surgeons office to see what he will charge given her health coverage. In my case he was able to access his gap cover insurance meaning his insurance will pay the gap between medicare and my insurance provider and his normal fee. So I have no out of pockets for the surgeon.
  15. I have been told the same thing. I am really annoyed as I chose the band as I was told (and everyone was promoting it) its reversible. Obviously it's not, you can remove the band but it can severely damage your stomach. I'm excited now...only 2 weeks and 2 days to go
  16. I know! the band was great for me until I had my daughter, then it slipped and I have had sliming and vomiting (and other complications) ever since! Dr Liew works out of John Flynn or Allamanda, I'm having it done at Allamanda. I think you only need top hospital cover, not extras, so I would ask his practice person (Sophie). If you get a referral to him he will even do a phone consult if you can't get there to see him and he can schedule to op for after your health cover kicks in . I actually booked with him in Nov and due to Christmas holidays could only get in 4th march for the op anyway. Good luck with your decision.
  17. Hi There, I am having lap band to rny surgery revision with Dr Liew on the Gold Coast. If you have top private health insurance he accesses gap cover, so the only out of pockets I have is the anaesthetist (around $500) and his consultations which are $100 each. He is also happy to email and answer any questions you have so you get to have a fair bit of contact. He doesn't have a dietician or psychologist attached to his practice so he will tell you what to do before and after however you'll need to access a dietician yourself. He was very highly recommended and he has great personal skills. I was quoted $4k to $8k with everyone else too. Mines on 4th March, when's your?
  18. Yes we certainly will be cheap dates...lol. I think being able to have a glass of wine with dinner occasionally will be the thing I miss the most, but hey, the odd small glass of low alcohol wine can now be dessert Thanks for the message, I have sent a request to join that group. The thing I am excited about the most is being able to take my daughter to the beach or pool next summer and not feel self conscious about my weight.
  19. It sounds like we have been told the same thing. I'm going to take it easy and have Protein shakes I think for the first two weeks as I love spicy food and the specialist advised just easing into spicy soups ect so as not to inflame my already aggravated stomach. I love Soup but only if its spicy so I always add chilli flakes to pumpkin and vege soups. It does feel like the similar experience with the band post op. Degas you can buy from any pharmacy, its near the gaviscon type products and is apparently good for helping to ease the pain from the gas after the operation. My hubby's trying to be supportive bless his socks, but he isn't very good with sick people and my daughter is very clingy with me so she will struggle t understand why I can't pick her up for a little while. I know it will be worth it though in the end. Everyday is one step closer! My favourite restaurant does an amazing seafood dish and I am going there for lunch this weekend. I don't know how long it will be before I can enjoy it again so this is like aI food funeral for favourite food! Its a protein salad thing so I am justifying it that way. Then I will buckle down for the next three weeks and be super strict with the preop diet. I have been strict this week but this is a treat for myself. The caffine withdrawls from diet coke have almost gone now so I'm starting to feel better
  20. I have been researching this for quite sometime so I know I definitely want the surgery, it's just thoughts of recovery, will it work etc. I'm very desperate for a permanent change and I'm committed to doing everything I need to do at this end, but I did that with the LB too and in the end still had complications. So it's just the usual nerves. I've had a csection before and had a great recovery, the key was to get up and walk as much as possible. I'm hoping the same tactic will work this time too. I think I'm also worried that my hubby won't look after me like I need him too and I have a toddler...time will tell. I haven't seen a dietitian yet either, I was given strict instructions about the prediet and it will be the same diet for two weeks following, I'll then have a follow up with the specialist and then I'm also seeing the dietitian. I feel prepared I guess. I also have lots of loose comfy clothes ready to wear afterwards so the wounds don't get irritated. And I have witch hazel and bio oil at the ready to keep wounds clean and assist with scaring. I've also stocked up on degas just in case...lol. Do you have anyone coming down with you to support you? I found even with top cover most surgeons charge $4-$6k out of pocket so I felt really lucky when my guy says I won't have any out of pockets for him as he will use gap cover. Phew!
  21. What shakes are you using? Are you nervous? I'm nervous and excited at the same time...
  22. My specialist just said to make sure I buy the protein shakes from the chemist rather than the supermarket and to look for whey based proteins rather than soy as they are more easily absorbed. At the moment I'm using the musashi p30 shakes as they have 30g protein per shake and don't taste too bad. I have also bought some protein powder and I add that to skim milk and blitz with a banana and ice cubes. It is yummy too. I'm using the nutrichew chewable vitamins from band buddies and also iron melt chewable iron,folate and zinc tablets from the chemist. I'm just hoping that everything is ok and there's not too much scar tissue left from the band. I got the band because they said it was reversible, no one told me about the permanent damage it can do and I had bad vomiting in the end too. And sliming which is as gross as it sounds. What prompted you to come all the way to Brissie for your surgery? My GP knew the specialist he referred me to and as a bonus he uses gap cover for my insurance company so my only out of pocket is the anesthetist. Very happy about that!
  23. I also have to just get this out....I decided to start the pre op diet early and I am at day 4 without sugar or caffeine and I'm struggling. I have a headache and feel very lethargic. So tempting to have a Pepsi max drink or some lollies to ease the pain but I guess what doesn't kill you makes you stronger so I'll just try to push through it. When are you starting your pre-op diet?
  24. Hi, I'm having surgery on 4th March on the Gold Coast, although I live in Brisbane. Feeling scared and excited. I can't wait to start my new life and break free from my fat shell. My RYN is revision surgery after a lapband worked for me until after I had a Bub. Then we could never find the sweet spot again...the band had actually slipped and caused a few issues so I won't be doing that again. Who's your surgeon?
  25. ChunkyMonkey76

    RnY surgery

    Good luck for your surgery tomorrow. I'm having mine on 4th March. Feeling a little nervous but excited too. My weight has really effected my confidence both personally and professionally. I'm looking forward to setting the real me free! I'm also sick of being tired and hot and not being able to keep up with my toddler. I can see the me I want to be hiding inside underneath this fat shell. Please let us know how you go after surgery I would love to hear about your progress

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