I had my sleeve on Dec 31, 2015. I know I am not that far out but I have hit the WTH (what the heck) have I done moment! I have a few questions: Will I ever be able to eat again? More that 2 oz at a time? Will I ever be able to have rice or 1 single slice of pizza? I know this is a tool for weight loss, but my body is fighting back BIG time. Water hurts, premier Protein shakes hurt, Jello hurts. I am living off ice, Popsicles, protein shots and a few spoonfuls of warm broth at a time. I want an egg, or cottage cheese or to be able to sip on some water or tea. I want to be able to eat more that 3 spoonfuls of broth. I want to eat a salad or a cucumber...... I pictured my pouch to being the size of a banana not an small egg. I may sound like a complainer but I am truly hungry for just about anything at this point. Does this go away? Does it get better or have I made a huge mistake?