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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by SHOTzY*

  1. SHOTzY*

    No RNY for BMI over 50?

    @@MiteyMom I was told exactly opposite of you. I was told flat out at my very first exam-interview that my surgeon only did gastric bypass on pts with a BMI 59 and above. The head Nurse Practioner and the surgery staff spent a lot of time explaining why and providing documented evidence about each surgery and the long term stats. I trust my surgeon, I love my support staff, and I'm at peace that the Dr has the skills and is doing the best surgery for me! ???? Others have urged you to get a second opinion, do more investigation, advocate for yourself. I TOTALLY AND WHOLE HEARTEDLY AGREE!!!! This is your life here! You need to be positive and at peace with the surgery! You do what YOU need to do to feel that peace! I'm putting on my prayer list ????, and sending encouragement to you!!!
  2. SHOTzY*


    @@beachgal2935 that is so wonderful of you to post those recipes!! Those look really good, and I appreciate the nutrition information. It's stuff like this that helps all of us stay focused and still have good quality of life! It is so uplifting to be able to come here and get tons of support and tips to stay healthy and happy! Thanks again!!
  3. SHOTzY*


    I, too, am going to encourage you to not give in to this "hunger" issue. The first thing I thought about reading your post was, you need to speak with your surgeon and dietician ASAP!! You need help and guidance to beat this "hungry-monster" into submission!! That's what your surgery team is there for, they want you to come to them and ask for help. You don't need to beat yourself up or get depressed in a ocean of guilt or regrets! You did all this hard work to improve your life and be healthy. Now you have a tool to help you and it WILL, but you have help yourself too, and that means telling someone you need help and how you feel. I hope you get past this and kick those carbs and sugar to the curb!! Dont let them win! I know you can do it!! ????
  4. SHOTzY*

    Any February Surgery Dates Out There?

    I go to surgery on Feb 8!????. I am very glad and also anxious. Trying to be a good girl and finish my 24 day pre op diet. I think I'm doing pretty good; I'm getting tired of all the protein shakes! As the pre op diet goes on, I've lost my appetite almost completely. I don't feel hungry and eating feels like a forced affair. Weird!! But I'm trying.....????!! Best wishes for everyone, I'm rooting for all of you!!
  5. I'm sooo glad someone brought this up. I felt all alone on this issue, but was afraid to seem like I was "whining". I started my pre op diet on 1/24, and they also told me to stop the nsaid, too. It was a HUGE issue, and my PCP knew it. I have fibromyalgia, PCOS, spinal hernia with spinal stenosis and stress fractures, and severe neuropathy in my legs and feet. I've been on Indocin, and Relafen for a very long time. They helped me have a really good quality of life, be as pain free as possible, and be able to get out bed and function and hold down a job. It has been so hard and I have suffered terrible flares of pain and widespread inflammation. My PCP has me on some prescription pain meds, and said as I lose weight I will be in less pain. I really hope she is right. The pain meds are helping, but it's not the same as NSAIDS!!! So, to everyone having pain from inflammatory disease/syndromes, I really empathize with you ????. I will think of you and add you to my prayer list. We are going to make it, and we are going to feel better! I recite that everyday to stay focused ????!
  6. SHOTzY*

    Mind playing tricks 9 days pre-op

    Vent all you need to; WE are listening and I know almost everyone has had well meaning, maybe even rude, relatives and family nay-say and chide our decisions. No one truly understands obesity at this level unless they have walked in your and our shoes! This is a tremendously hard journey! It is hard mentally to get to this point, start the process, and reach the goal of surgery. It is emotionally exhausting and you have to fight depression, self doubt and even self loathing, and the fear of others opinion of you and you decision! I'm so glad you did not give in and that you believed in yourself-loved yourself-enough to know that this saving your life!! Your going to make it; you will have a precious chance to live healthy and be happy with yourself. And you get all the credit for your hard work????!
  7. SHOTzY*

    Emotional Cocktail

    It's okay ????; I think everyone gets that ominous feeling. The "what ifs" will definitely overwhelm you if you let them take over. You have already stated why you are doing this, you have put in all the work and prep, and now have a date. You believe in your surgeon and you have good people surrounding you! When the bad feelings come, answer them with the facts-even it is constant! You are about to be given the wonderful tool that used correctly, will change your life and make you the happiest person!! It's right there at your feet, just waiting for you to "walk through the door", so to speak ???? In sending good thoughts your way!! And I know all your support people are doing the same. Best of luck!!
  8. Hi!! I can tell you what my Dr/Clinic recommends; they advise you go with a high quality, bariatric specific complete line of vitamins and minerals. Your vitamin and mineral supplements are absolutely essential for the rest of your life. Not getting the proper amount and ratios of vitamins can cause serious and permanent damage to your nervous system and other organs. Bariatric Advantage, Celebrate VITAMINS are just two top companies that specialize in bariatric science/nutrition. There are a few more out there that are also very good for bariatric supplements. Please research carefully, and have your Nutritionist give you a print out of what you need specifically for each vitamin/mineral-if you don't already have them. Hope your issue gets better and I really hope you find and get on the best quality supplements to ensure you health and safety!! Feel better ????, and take excellent care of yourself. After all, you didn't come this far to feel bad or not be healthy!!
  9. Im getting the bypass on Feb 8th. I'm 49 as of 1/16 this year. I frequently go to the post op forum for gastric bypass, and they have one for gastric sleeve also. I've found people to be very friendly and offer great advice. Sooner than I think, I'll be a post op person! Keep reading and visiting this site, you will find anything you needs to answer your concerns ????!
  10. SHOTzY*

    Decaf coffee

    ????.....LMAO!!!! WhoooHoooo!! I needed that good laugh @reztlpa, thanks ever so much! I've heard all the speeches from the dr's about the pros and cons of coffee. I come from a family that refers to decaf as "Why Bother??" so I understand everyone's complaint of no, decaf, or limited use of caffeine. I plan on asking my surgeon how soon in can have coffee-even if it's decaf. ????. I just had to respond to that post-it really tickled my funny bone!
  11. SHOTzY*

    Emotional Cocktail

    I have been wondering who might end up as the LEAP YEAR surgery person!! ???? congrats to you!! Wow; a baby six months old and an upcoming surgery...man your plate is full and the gravy is dripping off the plate, huh!?! Hope you have big time support and lots of friends who want to hold and spoil that precious child. I can't imagine that scenario at all, ????as I don't have kids! I have Weenie dogs ????, and they are enough for me to handle each day. Good luck on your journey and hi-de-ho to the munchkin!!
  12. SHOTzY*

    Starting my journey

    Happy you are going to take back your life back your life ????! I've been there-done that 6 month pre op evaluation and behavior modification. It may seem long and trying at times, but it actually teaches you to eat mindfully; slow down, small bites, good protein choices. I loved all my dietician appts! The Nutritionists rock in my opinion ????!! They are you greatest resource. You can do it! Keep that enthusiasm burning bright ????
  13. SHOTzY*

    Starting my journey

    I have Health Alliance Connect also. Ice only been with them less than 90 days. They are one of 3 managing healthcare companies that took over most of Illinois states Medicaid recipients. They have told me that some of my meds are not covered because of cost. They suggested others, and thankfully they work well for me. So far, they have honored the surgery approval I received before they took over most medicaid programs in Illinois.
  14. @@DDN Ha ha ha!!! How is my pre op diet going?! I'm getting to the point that if I drink another shake, I might float away down the Mississippi River ( I'm in central Illinois)!! Each program is different as is every surgeon. I'm lucky that I have unlimited veggies, just no starchy ones. I'm allowed yogurt, clear broth, and applesauce. No meat, no carbs, no sweets. 4 shakes a day, and 6 small servings from the limited food list. It's more generous than others who have liquid only and NO FOOD. It's worth it. We all will be so relieved, happy, challenged, and on our way to a healthier lifestyle. My surgery is two fold; I have a multi-spinal injury. My neurosurgeon told me bluntly that my surgery would all rip out and fail with in two yrs if i stayed at my former weight (I've lost 34# during my 6 months pre op). I do not want to be paralyzed or a useless person in society, so I decided to do this surgery and regain my former life before this horrible spinal accident happened. I'm so determined and focused. Well, gee! I talked way too long and too much. I guess it was just so kind you asked, so I guess I just got on a role ????!! Good luck to you and I'm glad you don't have a very difficult pre op diet to do. (I'm very envious????)
  15. SHOTzY*

    Liver shrink diet

    It's hard, isn't it!?! I feel for everyone! Seems like there are many different pre op diets out there. I'm on day 6 now, and those shakes are wearing thin, but I keep on drinking them down. There are several of us that are going between 5-10 I noticed, and in various stages of the LIVER diet ????!! We can do it!! We will do it!! We have worked out kabooty's off for this and we deserve it YAAAAY!! Lol!! I guess I just needed to get on my little soap box, I'm not usually "miss cheerleader" ha ha ha!!!! We're gonna get through this guys. And we're gonna look GOOOOOOD ????!!
  16. Happy for you????! I am Feb 8, too! I'm on my 6 day of my liver cleansing diet. I get to meet my surgery team and do any final prep they might need on Feb 5. Doesn't seem real in a way, but you get all excited and panicked in a way, also!! Wish you the best ????
  17. SHOTzY*

    Protein question

    I, too, have wondered about a decent BBQ sauce once I can try that type of food post op. I've asked about grilling (as in cooking methods) and had some nice advice from posters here. But I've also not found anything very specific out in the marketplace for "sugar free" sauce. I had always made from scratch or tweaked a store bought sauce before surgery, so I'm guessing I'll have to make my own sugar free sauce post surgery, too. I'm in the boat with you all; anyone who has more knowledge or ideas, post away!!
  18. I hope this is the correct forum for this question, please pardon my ignorance if it's not????. Does anyone know if you can/should eat grilled or BBQ'd foods from a gas grill or charcoal grill. Hubby is a big griller and we are curious. Thanks to any suggestions!
  19. Hey sassyfrass....you just go on and have that pity party! ????. I can't imagine how your feeling, but I know I would have exploded in a temper tantrum and dissolved in to tears. So, I'm assuming since you made your post, we are all invited to your party?!?!! ???? I admire your willpower; you don't need that donut (and we all have been at that place), you did the best thing by coming here! As everyone has said, make your dr and clinic earn their money and get this solved. Keeping you on my mind!! ????
  20. I'm excited for you!! Best of luck and smooth sailing for your surgery and healing time.
  21. SHOTzY*


    I'm on day 5 of the pre op diet my dr ordered. At first I thought "This is not too bad, I don't feel really deprived". Well, well, well....today I can't seem to stop thinking about eating bread. I want to smell the bread and just eat it up. I guess it really can get to you. I want to keep straight, not give in. I just come here when stuff bothers me ????
  22. LOL ????!! Absolutely!! I second that opinion! I love my coffee ☕️!!
  23. Yes, that's what I was told at the very first interview I had with my WLS clinic. They go over the no caffeine/tobacco/no alcohol issue at every appt and each nut-class. I've had several people tell me they drink coffee anyway, some use half caf.

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