I had surgery Dec. 16, 2015 and have felt pretty good since the first few days. I went back to work last week and had a good week. I am not able to eat much. I am sticking to cottage cheese and mushy Soups along with my Protein shakes. meat or vegetables that are not falling apart get stuck and I feel like I am drowning.
For two days, I have had bad pain around my rib cage, diaphragm and left shoulder up into my neck. I have tried a heating pad. I ran a little fever last night. I am sore to take deep breaths, but I do and it hurts to hiccup. I feel spasms around my ribs. This is similar to the first few days after surgery. I am healthy besides being over weight.
I know I have not been good keeping up with my fluids the past few days. I have been trying to survive. I am at work. I hoped getting up and moving around would help. I am hopeful it will get better. It might me bad gas pain. My abdomen does not really hurt. It is all above my diaphragm. I did have a hernia repair also. Anyone have any advice?