My name is Crystal I had my surgery August 27, 2015. My starting weight was 345, my weight the day of the surgery was 331 and my current weight is 276. Dr Jordan Garrison performed my surgery at Christ Hospital. Recovery for me was extremely hard I couldn't keep nothing down (not even water), no pain meds, no appetite at all. Which if you had the surgery can guess that lead to a ton of problems dehydration, key tones in my urine which lead to a whole lot of discomfort, basicly my Dr told me to get it together or I would end up back in the hospital. Oh while all of this going on I was still working out like a mad women which did not help either. While doing all of this the weight still wasn't come down fast enough(in my eyes) so I started reading on all the unsuccessful stories and diagnosed my self one of the failures, I also was not having the full factor after meals so this made my mind state even worse. Had my one month follow up and he told me that I was normal and if I start following the program correctly I would not be having all these issues so that's what I did, and notice the changes and once your body start changing you want to follow the program even more. Fast forward 2 months to October 30, 2015 the day that changed my whole weight loss journey, the day my father suffered 3 strokes. Me being the oldest (go to) child and the only one living in the same state as my parent I took on the responsibility of caring for my father which is difficult being that we don't live together and his apartment not big for the both of us. But now my focus is no longer on my self its all on him and not only did I hit a plateau in my weight loss journey but I find myself getting sick (constant dizziness, headaches etc) and falling back into some old eating habits (I was always a stress eater) and I don't know if its from not getting the proper nutriments or from the stress of dealing with a right side paralysis parent who can no longer do for himself. I'm looking for help to get me back on track some words of encouragement or a big stiff kick in the butt anything that will get me out of this funk that I'm in, I'm even at the point of calling it depression, oh and I'm also losing my hair (which I know is a side effect of the surgery) this doesn't help me either HELP