No one is paid to deny your claims. That is nothing but a myth. Most insurance companies have clinicians, i.e., doctors and nurses, that make up their clinical review units these days, too. Most states require that someone Medically trained make these decisions. The criteria used to make the decisions aren't pulled out of some insurance wizards closet, either. The criteria is based on what the Bariatric surgeons professional society suggested standards are and those used by the profession. SO, if you are being denied, either you just don't meet standard, safe guidelines, or the material provided for the review was not clearly supporting that you do meet it. Find out exactly what they need and make certain it's being provided. If they say they need chart notes, get copies. Don't rely just on a letter from a doctor stating its medically necessary. When you claim repairs on your auto, you show the adjuster your car. Your chart notes are the equivalent to that.