I had surgery Nov 24th, 2015. I followed the post-op diet restrictions for 4 weeks pretty closely. I didn't have any issues with nausea or throwing up. I had very little pain. I thought I was doing really well. All in, from the beginning of the pre-op diet to the solid food stage I lost about 25 pounds. I was excited that this was really going to work. I started to get more and more hungry around week 4, I am guessing my stomach was really healing at this point. But I got to the solid food stage and proceeded cautiously. To my relief still to this day no nausea or throwing up, but HUNGRY. 6 weeks post-op I go in for my first fill, excited to get some relief from the hunger. Only to be disapointed!!! The poked and pulled and manipulated and used xray and could not get to my port properly because it is tilted!! They say there is still swelling and it is still healing so they are going to try again in a couple weeks. But I was so disappointed I just wanted to cry. And now I am fighting with my insurance, after everything was approved before surgery they are now denying my claims. I just wander if this was a huge mistake and I have a useless piece of equipment in my body now.