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Everything posted by new_bella

  1. Hello all, I'm growing quite frustrated with my sleeve and slow weight loss! I see so many ppl who lost weight rapidly and I'm losing 0-2 lbs a week. I'm six weeks out and only down 20lbs. 15 of those lbs were in the first two or three weeks! I've consulted with my dietician who thinks I'm doing great but I'm really sad. I track all my food and activity on MyFitness Pal. Cabs are low, sugar intake is low, all food is weighed, and I meet my Protein goal everyday! What the hell is going on????? I'm so scared of going through this whole process for nothing! I also have PCOS but I've seen success with other PCOS sufferers. I had more success when I used Phentermine....smh. Any suggestions anyone can offer? Did this happen to anyone else? Help!
  2. new_bella

    Slow weight loss after the sleeve

    I avg about 2 to 2.5lbs a week. Some weeks less. I found out last week from my Endo that my slow weight loss is due to my jacked up metabolism thanks to PCOS and Hashimoto's (thyroid condition). I know I wouldn't have had this progress alone but some days I can't help but get frustrated because my expectations were sooooooo different! I thought this was it for sure! That the weight would melt off...lol. But this is my journey and I have to try to celebrate the small victories as they come.
  3. new_bella

    Slow weight loss after the sleeve

    Thanks for all responses! I am grateful for my loss thus far. I guess I just had different expectations. Especially since I'm getting married this April! I had hopes of miraculous weight loss so I'd feel more comfortable in all the wedding pics????. But I'm probably obsessing too much. I'm cleared to do strenuous workouts after today so I'm gonna bust my ass in the gym and continue my eating plan. Hopefully I'll begin to see more results soon.
  4. new_bella

    Calories and carbs

    Thank you!!!! All answers were very helpful
  5. new_bella

    Calories and carbs

    Need some advice on the Protein intake v.s calorie restriction! So....I was told to stay w/in 500 - 750 calories a day but to make sure I get 60 - 80g of protein. The problem is, if I stay w/in my calorie range I'm far off from the protein...smh. Now that I'm trying to do more protein (i.e shakes, powders, lean meats) it consumes most of my calories early in the day so I end up going over. What's the most important? Has anyone else come across this issue? Please help! I'm only 4 1/2 weeks post op.

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