Wow! Thanks for all the replies! This is some great info! She is still 5 months away from getting the surgery but I've already started to talk about it. I've started letting her know I support her decision and would like to maybe go to some of the support group meeting with her. But i'm trying not to sound too pushy. I've also said maybe I should take the week off when she has the surgery. I was told "do whatever you want". She said she can take care of herself. She's told me in the past i'm not supportive enough when she needs it but then she always does this. Oh well, I'll go to some meetings with her, I'll take the week off with her, and I'll try to just make things easier for her when the time gets here. I will not be over bearing. I'll listen and only give advice if I think she really wants it. Thanks again and keep the advise coming!