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Posts posted by eliminnowp

  1. @OutsideMatchInside - what you said about hitting your target makes sense. When I had my 6 month follow up they told me I had lost 65% of my excess weight, and for VSG they tell people to expect 50%- 60%.

    They said people can definitely push past that, so I'm not going to give up yet! I'm still tracking food and exercising. I'd like to lose at least another 25- 35 lbs. I just need to accept that it may not happen as quickly.

  2. I know we all have a wide range of experiences when it comes to our weight loss, but I'd like to get some general perspective on how quickly people's losses started to slow down post-op.

    Long term, most of us don't continue to lose as fast as we did the first few months. So when did that change for you, and how much did it slow down?

    I am between 7- 8 months out and it seems like things are slowing down (and I've been a relatively slow loser to begin with!) My first month post op I lost about 17 lbs, and immediately after that I dropped to 8-10 a month until the past month. Now it's looking like 5-6 a month.

    I'm not sure if it's just a stall or if this is part of the "normal" progression. Thx

  3. So sorry you are going through the job stress. That is hard.

    I am a reletive newbie (almost 5 mo postop) so I can't speak to the long term maintenance struggles, but when it comes to handling stress, working out is a huge help for me. It makes me feel better, gets those positive neurotransmitters flowing, and it knocks down my urge to eat (at least for a while!) If you have emty hours during your job search that is a great opportunity to go for a walk or jog (and it's free :) no gym needed!)

    Sent from my SM-J700P using the BariatricPal App

  4. Try pinterest for low carb and vegetarian recipes. Sometimes you might have to make substitutions. For example, spiralized zucchini in place of Pasta or veggie "fake" meat crumbles in place of ground beef. Once you have some recipes you like, meal planning and prepping just takes some basic organization. Pick a day of the week to come up with your plan for the week, your grocery list , and shop.

    Some people like to cook a bunch of stuff all on one day, then portion it out into tupperware for each day of the week. Personally I usually take a less regimented approach. I cook each day, and the leftovers of dinner become lunches for the rest of the week or go in the freezer. Sometimes I will make a big crockpot dish on Sunday and portion it out.

    I'm not a vegetarian, so I don't have a ton of advice on recipes for you, but there are people who make it work with wls. (I do love all the frozen Morningstar vegetarian items at my grocery). There is a food and nutrition section in the main forums on here that might help. I've also run into vegetarian wlsers on reddit and youtube so those might be places to look for suggestions.

    What were your main sources of Protein pre-op? Or did you become vegetarian post-op?

  5. I had a beer at 3 months out. I had no issues with carbonation, no discomfort. I felt the same level of drunkeness as I would have pre-op. No big whoop. I did drink it very slowly, over about 1.5 hr. Also it was poured into a cup.

    Since I want to continue having sucessful weightloss I don't plan on making it a regular habit - just a special occasion treat till I'm at an improved and manageable weight.

  6. Not all people would consider talking for two weeks and going on a date as setting an expectation for a serious, exclusive relationship. Have you two talked about not seeing other people?

    If he has not agreed to an exclusive relationship with you, I don't think you can expect him to stop talking to other women or dating around. You would want to talk about how you feel and see if he feels the same way.

    If he said he wasn't going see other people and he continues to do so...that is a problem. You need to communicate your expections and if he is not going to meet those expectations there is no reason to be with him unless you enjoy disappointment.

    Sent from my SM-J700P using the BariatricPal App

  7. I didnt lose in the first two weeks after surgery and had gained about a pound one week out. It was really frustrating and hard not to be dissappointed, but eventually things picked up and weight started dropping off.

    I've had plateaus since then (in one right now) and I just have to stay patient and positive, follow the plan, and trust that the scale will move again. I know it's easier said than done, but you can do it!

    Hope you are feeling better soon.

    Sent from my SM-J700P using the BariatricPal App

  8. Not everyone gets gerd but if you already have issues with heartburn or reflux it can make it worse.

    I haven't experienced any acid issues yet, but I'm only 3 months out.

    This site estimates that gerd will impact 45% of vsg patients, but I'm not sure if that included people who already had it.


    I've seen estimates that 20% of adults have gerd.

    Sent from my SM-J700P using the BariatricPal App

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