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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by UsernameTaken

  1. UsernameTaken

    Surgery Day!

    Hi @@taylorgonzaless, Happy early birthday and congratulations on upcoming surgery. I will be a week post op on Friday and it's definitely been an adjusting process, concentrating on the things on I need to do to heal right now the rest will fall into place. Glad you made your way on this forum, it has been tremendous help for me to post my experiences or concerns and to read others inputs, so don't be shy and ask any questions you have!
  2. UsernameTaken

    Surgery Day!

    Good luck on the liquid diet, stick to it to the T it's there for a reason! And it does help with getting you on the road for correct eating after surgery. On my liquid diet I concentrated on having the amount of Protein I needed to take in after surgery very low carb and low fat. I had one meal to be an egg drop Soup and that was my highlight of the day, pretty much boil broth and add beaten egg to it and will for a minute. Something about that was very comforting. I had LGB as well, now that I look back at it, I was very nervous of surgery, but that was the easy part for me and the day after the surgery. Recovery for me is the hard part, now that I am home, I am glad I have a supportive husband who helps me a lot with getting up and down or help me change and walk the dogs since I can't pull or push anything heavy or loft anything heavier than gallon of Water. It seems for some recovery is easier, maybe cuz I had 3 surgeries in one so its more difficult, but yeah... Still working on passing that gas... Sure feel better after I do but it's a task right now. You will be fine.. Will you have someone to help you when you are home?
  3. UsernameTaken

    Surgery Day!

    Day 4 post op: Had a hard time sleeping in my bed last night, getting in and out of bed because there are no handles to grab on to, so I ended up sleeping on a chair for a bit then that got uncomfortable and I went back to bed, had bunch of pillows and a blanket propped up in half sitting position and that seem to help. Working on my liquids, can't drink colds so sticking to warm decaf teas. It's amazing how much my taste buds are intensified after surgery, things are too sweet and too salty now so diluting it with Water and broth works.
  4. UsernameTaken

    Surgery Day!

    I am home now:) working on my Water intake and starting full liquids tomorrow... Will see how it will be sleeping in my own bed tonight... I forgot to ask my nurse but were you allowed to use heating pad on the belly? I use it for gas shoulder pain thought it might help with getting some gas out in addition to walking
  5. UsernameTaken

    Surgery Day!

  6. UsernameTaken

    4 Days Post-Op Blues

    2nd day after surgery I was a wreck... I had to go do upper GI to check for any leaks... Now this liquid would be the first thing I would drink after the surgery, they tell me to try to take larger amount in and I am like but I can't I have to sip... Then then laid me to check other angles except to turn to the sides after abdominal surgery it's pretty hard... So I am tearing up, then these techs are like what is your favorite food so they can get my stomach working... I am like are you seriously asking me this question after I have been on liquid diet for 2 weeks and just had this done and can't have any of those things I would have eaten in the past lol man, I got so emotional, I felt like they didn't have any compassion ugh... I am better now,going on 4th day.
  7. UsernameTaken

    Surgery Day!

    @@Renkoss, Looks like things are looking up... I should be going home tomorrow unless I get fever again. Finally passed gas and it's making me feel so much better! That's for all of the support!
  8. UsernameTaken

    Surgery Day!

    Yep I agree, I actually told them I don't mind staying another day, I feel safer here and I can adjust the bed the way I need to etc. I am not in a rush, just did 4 laps In the hallway, should have brought my Fitbit lol just ready to feel better.
  9. UsernameTaken

    Surgery Day!

    Had light fever last night so staying another day to be monitored, they want me to be without fever for 24 hours guess I need to keep using that breathing machine more often to clear out my lungs and I still haven't passed gas... Geez never knew this would take so freaking long...
  10. UsernameTaken

    May bypass group!

    Yup that is fun for sure You are going in tomorrow?
  11. UsernameTaken

    May bypass group!

    Hi all, I had my surgery on May 13... I had lap band removal, gastric bypass and gall bladder removal. Recovery has been though... First day wasn't that bad because I slept a lot that day after anesthesia and pain pump. I have been walking a lot as well but still haven't been able to pass gas which is one of the things that need to happen. I did pass my upper GI so I am allowed clear liquids. I am pretty swollen so I can't get much down, last night for dinner I had 2 oz of broth and could not fit another 2, it was amazing. So far no nausea or coming which is great. The hardest part is getting up and down from bed or chair because you use a lot of abdominal muscles. When pain meds wear out its not fun so looks like I will be taking those for few more days and I usually have pretty high pain tolerance. As you can see, recovery varies between individuals, my surgeon has also done a great job but my surgery was more complex. Lasted about 2 hours. Just wanted to give you feedback. Hope it all goes well for you have not been hungry yet so still not regretting it even though it's hard right now.
  12. UsernameTaken

    Surgery Day!

    Thank you everyone... Glad I can come here talk to you all. I passed my upper GI so I am drinking now and ordered my first meal (broth, Jello, Popsicle and juice so I can try and see what goes better for me) will be measuring those in 1 oz cups for 4 oz meal. Got my oxygen monitor out and caterer, brushed my teeth and washed the face... Walked half hour in the halls... Things seem to look promising... One weird thing that happened is I had blood sugar level of 200 (I am not a diabetic) so they had to test it every 4 hours, finally it went down to 117. I was told it's because surgery was such a shock to the body so blood sugar spiked. They are thinking I should be getting released on Monday
  13. UsernameTaken

    10 months after conversion

    Wow great job! I had band for 9 years, revised to bypass yesterday:) looking forward to this new journey. I think 78 lbs in 10 months it's awesome! You look great!
  14. UsernameTaken

    Surgery Day!

    Today is a bit tougher... Feel like I did 2000 crunches... Going for upper GI in an hour and half, hopefully everything will be good.
  15. UsernameTaken

    Surgery Day!

    Hi All, Surgery went well, had my band out, revision to bypass and gallbladder removed. I am pretty sore and use the pump for pain but that is expected. Already walked 3 laps and about to go on another walk in few min before calling it a night.... The pain meds make me really really sleepy. Upper GI in the morning, if I pass, I will be able to start liquids, right now can just suck on ice which I am grateful for because my mouth is so dry. Everyone is taking such great care of me so far so good
  16. UsernameTaken

    Excited, yet worried.

    I had foaming with the band when the food would get stuck... It's amazing how heavy saliva would feel in my pouch when that was happening... Sometimes it would last for an hour... Worst ever... Glad I am getting it removed tomorrow:)
  17. Going in on Friday... I plan to be there for 4-5 days, usually I am not too comfortable without bra, I am bringing my pjs but not sure how the bra situation will go, should u bring one or not bother since I probably won't be able to put it on myself etc? Would like your inputs please...
  18. You get a pedicure and they give you a massage... They think just because you are big that they need to massage the hell harder out of you than others...I mean seriously ouch! I guess I should have called this post NSF = None scale Fail....
  19. I am doing my clear liquids tomorrow all day for surgery on Friday morning... What did you have for your clear liquids... I know I can't have anything with red or purple dye in it...
  20. UsernameTaken

    Sick after eating

    Maybe you developed lactose intolerance?
  21. UsernameTaken

    Is guacamole bad

    I am on a pre op liquid diet almost 2 weeks now, my surgery is on Friday morning... Yes it's very difficult, but every time i want to put something in my mouth that I'm not supposed to I think of why I am doing this and that I don't want to wake up from anesthesia and learn they couldn't do my surgery because of fatty liver blocking the way... I have come way too far to get here. Today at work they ordered pizza, I went to a different room in the office and had my warm broth because I didn't want extra temptation. Ask yourself if you are really ready to make this commitment... This is not just another diet you are starting after surgery and it won't just last certain # of weeks, we have to make these changes for life and find comfort in other things (I have been cleaning and organizing like there is no tomorrow to keep my myself occupied and not think about food) Wish you all the best but really think about it if you are really ready to do this... It's not a magic pill...
  22. UsernameTaken

    Hospital stay... To bra or not to bra?

    Thanks everyone for the inputs, I needed some laughs as well:) 2 days to go...
  23. UsernameTaken

    Hospital stay... To bra or not to bra?

    Lol thanks ladies, guess il just be bra less and keep flashing everyone...
  24. UsernameTaken

    One more week! ekkkkkkkk!

    Mine is on 13th... My nerves are definitely kicking in... Liquid diet is rough, but sticking to it. I have my pre op with surgeon tomorrow, it's getting so real
  25. UsernameTaken

    Band to bypass yesterday

    Glad it wasn't anything serious and that you are doing better! I am having my surgery on Friday and starting to really freak out... It's getting more real everyday.. I am scared of not knowing of what will happen and thinking of what could happen,,, but then think to myself if I will not go through with it I am sure going to regret it.

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