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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by UsernameTaken

  1. UsernameTaken


    Hi ladies, I had my surgery on May 13. A week before surgery I had my period, then got it again 2 days after surgery, and have not had one since. When I talked to my PA, she said that because of the hormones and me losing weight time it can be out of wack for a bit and said if I am co concerned I should go see my Obgyn. I know everything there was good before surgery so what is Obgyn going to do for me? I guess I was just kind of annoyed by that comment. Have any of you had this? When did your period return?
  2. I had my lap band removed and revised to bypass but about 1.5 after surgery I had a lot of pain in port site area, had fever and underneath the incision was this big bump.. Ended up being Abcess that had to be opened up and drained... I still have it open its been 3 weeks and still have fluid coming out of it, I was also on strong antibiotics... Hopefully they figure out what is happening with your pain, I have been told that I will have soreness for a while in the port area after surgery because of the muscles they had to go through and scar tissue to remove. Hope you feel better
  3. UsernameTaken

    TMI Menstruation

    I had mine a week before surgery and then got another one 2 days after... But I was fine
  4. I agree that the surgery is on the stomach and not the brain. I am a month post op and my brain still things the pre op way... I sat down to eat my small measured portion for lunch, I though to myself I will eat this and still going to be so hungry... Needless to say I could barely finish it. It is hard after surgery because I do like carbs like chips and crackers, today at work I saw someone eating crackers I like, I am not going to lie I wanted some, but reminded myself of my new lifestyle and my journey. I feel like you constantly have to be paying attention to what you eating, how fast you are eating, how much you are eating and drinking. When they say it's life changing, it really is. I am still learning this new lifestyle and new stomach, but this is my only hope of being healthy, I couldn't do it on my own. I think this has been the hardest experience in my life (I had complications as well) but seeing clothes getting bigger and number on the scale going in right direction I have hope that I will get there this time around. If you do have the surgery I wish you best of luck and great success!
  5. @@Syl 153 I was revision from band and developed Abcess in my abdomen where the port used to be, things are getting better you will get better as well!
  6. UsernameTaken

    Swallowing air

    Hi all, I tend to swallow air sometimes more than other times and that results in day long discomfort/pain. I don't use straws and try to pay attention to it but I guess today I swallowed too much trying to get my Water in so I have been struggling. I am almost a month post op. Do you have any tricks for the relief? Last time I had this happen it went away the next day, and I do take gas ex strips and they help temporarily just wondering if there are others like me.
  7. UsernameTaken

    Swallowing air

    Thanks, I am usually drinking pretty slow, which makes it hard to get all my liquids in...so it's definitely a mystery to me... But will try to pay even more attention
  8. I am sorry you are going through this, I have been there myself and it was scaring me! I would cry in a second and was also so moody. How do you feel physically? I noticed once I started feeling better physically emotionally I started improving as well, but mentally it was hard to deal with all of the changes, asking myself why I did this to myself, not being able to meet my Protein and Water goals made me worried and so on. I was about to schedule appointment to psych but had complications and had to deal with that, but I seem to be getting better now, hang in there, go see a psych and address this, they may give you so medication that might help to get you through this.
  9. Paying so much extra $ for clothes at LB and it still doesn't look neat... My last business trip I had to ask for seat belt extension on the plane in front of my boss which was very embarrassing... Having hard time putting shoes and being out of breath after little effort.
  10. UsernameTaken

    How do I tell my surgeon he screwed up?

    What happens when you eat just 4 oz of food? Do you still feel very hungry? I also weigh and measure all my portions and put on a play max of 4 oz because I can't trust my eyes/head and don't want to overeat and make myself sick.
  11. UsernameTaken

    Damn protein!

    I have all these proteins I can no longer tolerate after surgery and I was really struggling, I could even detect unflavored stuff on food, finally I tried nectar protein and so far so good, it mixes well with water I just add more water so it's less sweet and it works.
  12. Ok.. I gotta vent... I am so furious right now! I had my surgery at a hospital an hour away because this surgeon is awesome. On Sunday when I wasn't feeling well we decided to go to ER by our house...that's where I found out I have seroma after a cat scan. I was still feeling very crappy since then went to my surgeon, they obtained a copy of cat scan report from the ER and guess what... No seroma! But I have a huge Abcess!OMG! Really! So now we are on the way to the hospital where I had surgery to the ER to have my surgeon open me up and drain the Abcess after which I will start antibiotics. Also going to get Doppler on my leg to make sure I am not forming a blood clot... Wow really really struggling right now but now they all can see I am not crazy, I am miserable for a reason! Please pray for me!
  13. UsernameTaken

    Furious and back to ER I go!

    Thank you everyone for all your prayers, thoughts and support... I can finally say I am doing better! I am back at work, although my energy is not back yet and I get tired fast but I am not crying anymore and I am not nauseous anymore. Still have to take care of my wound everyday and hoping it will heal without getting infected but so far so good. Wouldn't have done it without all of you and your support! There were times I really didn't believe it will get better. I am 4 weeks post op tomorrow and starting to see some of my clothes getting bigger which is really nice!
  14. UsernameTaken

    Hard Boiled Eggs

    We use this method and they peel easy and always perfect http://allrecipes.com/recipe/213737/kens-perfect-hard-boiled-egg-and-i-mean-perfect/
  15. UsernameTaken

    Post Your Silly Rant

    Because they think of bariatric patients that don't eat buns?
  16. UsernameTaken

    Furious and back to ER I go!

    I ended up being in hospital for 4 days... Have been home for few days now and went back to work today. It was a tough day, I got pretty tired but hoping I will keep getting better. Right now just taking care of my wound from the Abcess with packing everyday, my dr thinks it will probably take about a month to heal up.
  17. I has to get cleared by pulmonologist ( do breathing test to check my lungs and if he believes I may have sleep apnea he would have me do sleep study, but i didn't need to), I had to get pre op clearance from my primary care, ekg, upper GI, chest x Ray, blood work.
  18. UsernameTaken


    So I am still slowly getting better, was able to go to church today, grocery shop and hang out with my doggies at the park. My nausea is almost gone and I am so excited about that. I think today is the first day I felt hunger, it scared me at first but then I was grateful because I rather have this and eat what I am supposed to instead of being sick and nauseous all the time. Things are starting to look up finally after 3 weeks of suffering, just hope my wound heal up quickly and without any problems.
  19. UsernameTaken

    Ladies! Menstruation

    I had mine a week before surgery, then I got it again 2 days after surgery... I am now 5 days late and know for sure I am not pregnant. I also stopped my bc a month before surgery so I am sure it's all out of whack.
  20. UsernameTaken

    Too Fat To Fly

    Great post!sp very sorry for your loss:( I have a close relative that chooses to smoke even though he takes a handful of meds twice a day and has diabetes but he refuses to quit. It hurts me to see this because I feel it's selfish that he doesn't care that he will leave his family way earlier before its time and her nothing I can do about it. I am sorry he is not here for you, I lost my dad in 1999 to pancreatic cancer, I was daddy's girl... Even though many years have passed I still miss him lots and wish he was here. Hang in there dear, your beautiful wings are growing
  21. UsernameTaken


    It took about a week to 10 days to hear back on my approval. I also have basic option and no deductible just copay for hospital, surgeon, anesthesiologist etc.
  22. UsernameTaken

    Feeling sick

    @@Daisee68 I love your post! Thank you for sharing it!
  23. UsernameTaken

    May 24 Surgery Day

    I know exactly how hard that is! Hang in there I am 3 weeks off now, will be 4 on Friday and today is first day that I almost don't have nausea and was able to eat. It will get better, that I see now... I honestly didn't think it would...
  24. UsernameTaken

    Feeling sick

    @@deanieluv6 Aww you are so fresh out from surgery and it is very overwhelming. I had mine on May 13 and just today I can say I am starting to feel better. I had some complications so i took some steps back but everyone heals at their own pace. You have to listen to your body. I still can't meet my water and protein goal but each day I do my best and I know eventually I will get there. It's scary, I know, but hang in there, do best you can with time you will get there.
  25. UsernameTaken

    Personal Questions for after surgery

    I did get a pedicure mostly because it relaxes me, shaved my legs before surgery and shaved/trimmed the private area and I think that's it:)

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
