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Everything posted by goddess977

  1. goddess977

    Hello My Heros!

    Praying all goes well today NewJrsy... Keep us posted!
  2. goddess977

    Hello My Heros!

    Just try and get some rest. Enjoy being waited on in the hospital and while you recover for a few weeks. After that, it's just you and your sleeve headed to a whole new life!
  3. goddess977

    November 2015 Sleevers?

    102 lbs in 8 weeks!!! Wow that's unbelievable!
  4. goddess977

    Hello My Heros!

  5. goddess977

    Hello My Heros!

    So excited for you newjrsy!!! You will not regret it. As far as the surgery...here was my list to take with me... For Surgery: GasX strips G2 clear gatoraid Carmex Robe Baby wipes Extra panties Comfy sports bra Diffuser and oils Change of clothes Toiletries Biggest thing you need to prepare for is the gas pain. It truly is the only bad part. It will radiate through your upper body, chest and back. There's no pain meds or gasx that will help, just walk as much as possible and breathe through it. It took me about a week before it was all gone. Don't get discouraged after about fluids and Proteins just take baby steps and do all you can. We are here for you!
  6. goddess977

    November 2015 Sleevers?

    Welcome all!! So happy you all replied! Sounds like we all have a lot in common being Nov Sleevers! I'm going through a lot of what you all are. Don't get a lot of solid foods down. Basically only about 3 oz of animal protein 3x a day, little veg/fruits, thank goodness for protein shakes bc I would never get 60g of protein in! I'm getting enough fluids but I have literally drink all day. Started taking a daily antacid this am bc everything gives me indigestion. Can't eat anything even remotely spicy which I really miss but what can you do? I'm continually looking for creative ways to get protein in so if anyone has suggestions or tricks, let me know please! I've lost 46 lbs as of today. Started back to the gym last week and loving it. No dumping for me but I eat really clean so that helps. I did cheat today with more carbs than usual but it's the only day so far. I'm thinking about starting a private page on FB for us... Would anyone be interested? I think it would be easier. Let me know! So glad to have you all here. I'm gonna share my before and current pics. Feel free to share yours!
  7. goddess977

    Peaches n Cream Protein Shake

    Looking to gets your protein in? Need to fulfill a sweet tooth? This shake is amazing! Low sugar. Lactose free. High protein! 1 scoop vanilla protein powder(use your fav) 4 slices frozen peaches 6 oz vanilla almond milk Little crushed ice Blend and enjoy!!! So yummy!!!
  8. goddess977

    Please help need suggestions

    Walk walk walk. It will pass. Took me a full week post op before all the gas left. No meds would touch the pain.
  9. goddess977

    Before and After Pics

    August 2015 vs Early Dec 2015... Sleeved 11/11...down 46 lbs today!!
  10. goddess977

    Shelly's ricotta bake- OMG

    Add unflavored protein powder for a kick!

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
