I am at the same place as you (my sleeve was done on Nov. 7th), so I am just starting on a "regular" diet and testing the waters. I know I'm eating no more than 1/4-1/2 cup of food at a meal but I feel like I'm swallowing air and I get a huge knot in my stomach from the gas build up that, unfortunately, is NOT releasing with a burp. Water makes me feel that way, protein drinks make me feel that way, food...makes me feel that way. All of that finally culminated in so much discomfort and continual nausea from not being able to get the gas out of my little pouch that I finally called my surgeon's office today and got prescriptions for nausea and for gas relief. I feel like I'm taking small enough bites and chewing well but it still happens with any type of food or drink and it's very frustrating. Hopefully this is another phase that we just have to get through, fingers crossed!!