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LAP-BAND Patients
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About sonyasix

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  • Birthday 08/28/1972
  1. Happy 40th Birthday sonyasix!

  2. Of course, the 23 pounds didn't come off since 3-24! I started my liquid stage on 3-10-08 and since then I have lost 23 pounds and only 57 to go! It hasn't been nearly as difficult as I had anticipated. My doctor should clear me tomorrow to start excercising again (besides just walking). I've had my moments, but when I know I can't physically ingest something, it isn't that hard to stay away from it. I haven't been participating on the board since the surgery. I've actually been trying to get my head around this entire thing. To top it off, while I was in recovery, I got a call from my department and found out I had landed my dream job! I had been trying to get into this unit for years! And there it was! Wow! What a day. I did have to stay in the hospital for the night because I couldn't pee (sorry) on my own, but other than that everything was fine. Thank God for SF/FF jello! I do miss sodas, but it's worth the pay off. I go for my follow up tomorrow! Hope all is well with everyone! I can't figure out how to work my ticker! I don't know what my PIN is!
  3. I started my 2 week liquid pre-op yesterday. It hasn't been that bad. I am a total apple shape as well, Panda. While I read your post, the first thing I thought of was "apple shape! oh no!". The more I read, however, I agree with the others about the possibility that the doctor was not completely up front with you. As far as the 30 pounds-if I can get through 48 hours on Isopure and raw veggies while juggling work and school and not smoking then I know you can lose that 30! Look at all you've already done! You should NEVER feel like a failure! You lost more weight than I ever could on my own. You should be proud. The doc's reasons may or may not have been on the up and up, but I do believe that God didn't want that band on you that day. Hang in there and all will fall into place! I understand the depression part, but you just have to hold on. I sound like a greeting card from the dollar store-but it's true! My bi-polar has made this experience even more interesting than expected. That's how I sound when I'm in a decent mood. Otherwise I would have said "this sucks and I want to eat my feet!" Bless you and best of luck!!!
  4. I start my 2 week liquid phase on March 10. My surgery is March 24. My boyfriend and I are definite foodies. He is not overweight, he has so much muscle and has a physical job so, he doesn't deal with the same demons as I. I still have my bulimia demons, my "fascination" with proana/mia sites, my horrible habit of measuring myself up against every other woman in the room. It's crazy how someone so vain can be so insecure. I suppose vanity and insecurity are really one in the same. At any rate, I am ready and want this so badly! I had to be on clear liquids only for one day a couple of years ago for a procedure. I thought I would die! Now I think about people who have no food and go to bed hungry every night. That didn't always keep me from eating a roll of cookie dough (boy, those days are over!). I am hoping that looking at the liquid fasting as a sort of religious and detoxifying experience will make it easier and prove to myself that I can control what I put into my body. People fast in prayer for days to show their devotion to God. I should be able to drink liquid protein for two weeks without wigging out. I guess we never really know until we have to do it for ourselves. I am so glad you all are here. This forum has been a lifesaver! yummy! a butterscotch lifesaver! Do those come in sugar free?
  5. sonyasix

    How Many Last Meals ... ?

    I was definitely thinking of a last meal before my 2 week pre-op begins. My fiance' says he wants to go hit all of our favorite spots before the pre-op, Outback, Olive Garden, Sonic (shakes!), Chili's. I have to admit I wasn't quite thinking so big. I think I would just like to have a nice steak dinner before the pre-op. I would probably have dessert since I've been avoiding refined sugars and sweets for a few weeks. He says he won't be able to eat in front of me. I think he'll change his mind on that one. He has to have his gall bladder removed soon, so he won't be doing any pigging out, either. I guess since I've changed my eating habits over the past few weeks it's easier to wrap my head around the thought of adjusting to this transition. We'll see!
  6. sonyasix

    Approved! Finally!!!

    :rolleyes2:I FINALLY GOT APPROVED!!! I've been working on this since May 2007 and I just got approved! Yay!!!! I am so freakin' excited! I love this forum! I have learned so much here! My insurance company (Aetna) and my insurance coordinator didn't seem to speak the same language and there was nothing but total miscommunication for so long! I took matters into my own hands and obtained copies of my info yesterday and faxed it this morning and got a call back TODAY! I don't really know why the insurance coordinator is on the payroll at my doctor's office, but who cares-I'VE BEEN APPROVED. I'm hungry already:wink2: I have so much support from my fiance' and this forum is just the cat's pajamas, so I can do this! Now I have to post a ticker and a picture and....wow! I'm so excited! So many of you have helped me with your posts and don't even know it. Thanks!
  7. sonyasix

    The most insulting compliment.

    I think it is a really pathetic attempt at a compliment from people who don't really think about what they are saying to you. It's like they are assuming that you should be happy as a clam because you are getting a compliment of any kind. Riiiiight. If you are pretty you are pretty-at one hundred or at three hundred pounds. I like the way my therapist responded when I told her that I was going to be banded. She said, "Wow, you are beautiful now but after that you will be a devastating beauty". Of course, she is a therapist and knows how to talk to people!
  8. Well, I'm waiting on my insurance company to give the go ahead. I started "the program" at the end of May 2007. I have jumped through all of the hoops and now I'm just waiting to hear the word. I am really looking forward to it. I have been able to lose some weight on my own in the past month or so. I have quit smoking-I had no idea my hair smelled so good! I am looking forward to reading the posts on here and posting some of my own. I haven't done one of those timeline thingies yet-I will after I am banded. I am at 238 and would like to be around 150 or so. Everything looks great on my blood work, except my doctor said that I will end up with metabolic syndrome and ultimately diabetes if I don't do something STAT! My dad and mom are both diabetics. Being genetically predispositioned to the disease, I finally decided that I couldn't go through what they have been through. I have to clock back in, but I am looking forward to more reading! Thanks for all of the info!:cool:

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