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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Dawntapki

  1. I got sleeved in Feb 2010 and had back to back two pregnancies. 2011 and then 2013. Absolutely no issues, very quick and clean conceptions and both the times normal delivery. So yes, it's fine. Just keep your vitamins and folic acid up and running when you are planning or have already conceived.
  2. What role does Protein shake have in weight loss. I am 8 days post op and already tired on Clear liquids. Its not easy. But I am scared Protein shakes, prescribed by my doc, will impede weight loss. is that true?
  3. Thanks for the inputs dear. I have been put on BariPro, (cream cookie flavour), which is okay. Though I am not really fan, especially the sugars have been putting me off - what I do enjoy though is taking it with cold coffee and shaking it with diluted milk.
  4. I am a resleeve. Got the first one done in Feb 2010 @107 kgs. Got down to 67 kgs by Feb 2011 and then got pregnant. Ate with pregnancy and reached 84 kgs by the time baby came out. Again stated at 84 kgs till the next pregnancy in 2013 and delivered at 92kgs in January 2014. Nothing changed thereafter. Net net: 1. Had 40 kgs weight loss post sleeve in 12 months 2. Got pregnant comfortably and delivered two children naturally post sleeve 3. Gained weight inside the pregnancies and then did not lose any Started gaining weight back around mid 2015. Got to a heavily controlled diet though just enough to not increase the weight. At 94.8 kgs I went back to my doc and consulted for surgical options. I was 33 years old and was done with family multiplication commitments. He recommended we do a resleeve. This time banded resleeve. He did a dye test. Made me drink a liquid and showed me that my stomach had doubled in size since the sleeve. So dilated sleeve was the diagnosis. He saw no issues and a simple procedure with a single incision, no drain like the one last time etc. I was wheeled in in Dec 2015. Surgery was not what was expected. It lasted longer. I had 5 incisions, bigger and more painful than last time. And. A bigger drain. Doc said he has never had a leak but with this one there were several adhesions and he wanted to be doubly sure. My haemoglobin plummeted 2 points from 12.1 on surgery day to 10.1 post op. The pain is unbearable. The fact that there were two other patients with me. Who had a sleeve but had no drain and looked far more comfortable did not help either. Now three days post op, I have lost 1.5 kgs. Though as with the surgery I am now doubtful if I will lose weight with this revision. Haven't been able to sleep due to discomfort. Coughing makes me teary as incisions cry out in pain. Not sure yet if I have taken the right decision or if i will ever come out of the recovery - recovered.
  5. Dawntapki

    My resleeve

    I am 8 days post op and have lost 8 pounds so far. Don't think that's how its going to continue though since I am now depressed being purely on liquids. Just seems difficult. What role do Protein shakes have in weight loss post-op?
  6. Dawntapki

    My resleeve

    Just had my drain removed. It certainly feels better than before. A long tube pulled in a swift motion out of the body with outside stitches cut. There was some blood, some liquid and a bit of stench that came out with it. But it's better now for sure.
  7. Dawntapki

    Greeting from a "Newbie"

    Good luck you all the ladies. God bless and may the new year dawn on us much lighter than ever before. ????????????????
  8. Dawntapki

    Post-Open Day 3

    I had mine on the 26th. I too am in a lot of pain but mostly from incision related pain. Then there are others like scarring under the skin which I feel really stretched and achy when I move- near the navel. Rest I m fairly mobile and thus gas related pains haven't really hit me. Keep moving and keep sipping. Also I figured it's best to keep my pain killers pumped in. A dose of Crocin every few hours has helped me cope up. And though I m not the one to rely on meds too much, this time I just need them i guess.
  9. Dawntapki

    My resleeve

    Thank you outside. What's your story like?
  10. Dawntapki

    My resleeve

    Thanks outside. That was comforting. It's been a tough tough decision. So I better get the results. ????
  11. Dawntapki

    Surgery Day 12/18/15

    Wish you the best dear may your recovery be the soonest.
  12. Dawntapki

    Had my drain removed today

    I am a resleeve and had a drain both the times. This time I am four days post op and the drain is still oozing red diluted liquid and even some tissue. Doc says it's okay. Will leave it in longer. Perhaps 2-4 days more. Am really inconvenienced. ????????????????????

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
