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  1. I am at the puree stage. My dietitian has me having three half cup servings of high protein foods per day and 1 protein shake to split up throughout the day...and of course water. By the time I almost finished with my half cup serving of puree food I feel the squeeze type feeling which I assume is my stomach saying "hey you're done!" I'm doing well with not drinking a half hour before or after eating. What is worrying me is that I still kinda feel hungry an hour or so later. While I know I'm not consuming much I'm worried I have such an appetite so early. I haven't eaten more when I'm hungry but I want to know how to keep myself in check. Maybe I'm just bored. I just don't want to mess anything up. I have heard many day they really don't have an appetite so...why do I? I hope nothing is wrong. :/

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