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Gastric Bypass Patients
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Everything posted by tdawntaylor

  1. I am 2.5 weeks post-op, and down a total of 34lbs (including 2 week pre-op liquids). I am just curious when your highest periods of loss occurred, and how long the rapid loss will keep up? I only have an additional 34 to lose to be at my personal goal, then another 15 to be at my Dr.'s goal for me. I would love the loss to keep up like it has been, but won't mind too terribly if it slows down soon either. I just would like to know what to expect!
  2. tdawntaylor

    We have to talk about this...

    That's the trick to air freshener when you go! You have to spray it into the toilet BEFORE you go!
  3. So last Tuesday (1 week post op) I started my period. I had lost 12lbs in the first week and absolutely nothing since then. Anyone else experience this, or anything similar? It's rather depressing.
  4. tdawntaylor

    Ladies Question...

    GOOD news is, yesterday I finally dropped down 6lbs, then 2 more today. So finally it's coming back off!
  5. tdawntaylor


    How on earth is anyone getting enough water? Surgery 12/14/15, almost 2 weeks post-op.​ According to my nutrition book, I'm supposed to only have up to 2oz/ hour, but I have to drink 3 8oz protein shakes/day, and that doesn't leave a ton of time for drinking water. When you add in not drinking anything for 30 minutes prior to and following a meal, I literally have ZERO time to drink any water I'm not sure what I'm supposed to be doing here, but this can't possibly be right!! Helpppp me ​​
  6. tdawntaylor


    Talked to my nut today, and was told I can have up to 8oz of water per hour, but limit other liquids to 2-3oz. Doing my happy dance and sipping on a big mug of water! ????????
  7. I have been very careful to measure my food out. I'm not too afraid of getting sick (I have very severe reflux and threw up almost daily pre-op because of it, so I'm used to that), but I'm terrified of stretching my pouch. No bread because it adds nothing nutritionally, plus it is soft and doughy, and can get stuck in there since there's no acid to break it down!
  8. tdawntaylor


    Are you sure it's not a 2 oz per hour minimum and not an upper limit? This is from my booklet.
  9. I have had oatmeal, tuna, eggs, chicken salad, green beans, mashed potatoes, string cheese, cottage cheese, shredded cheese, and whole wheat crackers, brown rice, and sautéed mushrooms. Oh and some oatmeal and PB2 balls ???? My soft foods allows for a lot more than most, and I have been enjoying adding new things.
  10. tdawntaylor

    Vitamin patches?

    I just ordered some online after struggling the last few weeks to choke down vitamins. I will let you know how it goes, but I am very excited about it! Oh, and patchmd.com has 40% off right now with coupon code holidays2015 ????????
  11. tdawntaylor


    I am a bread junkie! And was seriously dying, even just during the 2 week liquid diet pre-op. My liquids allowed for oatmeal though, and I found an amazing oatmeal waffle recipe online (just oats, skim milk, and water), and mad myself some to get through. Now I am on soft foods, and do the same, though I usually only have about 1/2 of one triangle.
  12. My surgery was the 14th too, and I'm having the same struggle. Just took a laxative last night, and it has helped soooo much. I can't stand the shakes either. I have been looking into Isopure unflavored powder (it's my understanding it can be added to even just water with crystal light), or the New Whey protein shots.
  13. tdawntaylor


    @"bugsy72" I don't get it either. My whole nutrition book makes little sense to me. I'm very confused by it! Apparently everyone else is able to pretty much drink as much as they want, so I'm not sure why it says not to!
  14. tdawntaylor

    All Holiday Decorations

    My tree, and my two year old who needs to be in very photo. I'm really not wanting to take it down? I love Christmas decorating!!
  15. tdawntaylor

    Hair Extensions

    Any extensions using adhesive are going to be especially bad for already thinning hair. I strongly recommend micro-beaded, as the thin stands of hair hardly put any extra tension on the hair, and are less likely to show through thinning hair. If the cost is too high, the clips ins are a great alternative, and you can take them in to a salon to have them cut or even colored to blend in with your hair perfectly!
  16. tdawntaylor

    A little help please

    I like the Isopure zero Carb unflavored. It doesn't have a milky consistency like some of the unflavored, so I can add it in with my crystal light and it's not disgusting!
  17. tdawntaylor

    So thirsty

    Gah! My surgery was 12/14 but I am dealing with the same thing! I just want a big glass of water!
  18. I just ordered the Patches. I can't stand the pills. Just thinking about them makes me want to gag. PLUS part of the reason I had surgery was to STOP taking 600 pills a day. I didn't come off my prescriptions just to replace them with a bunch of Vitamins for the rest of my life ???? I will let you know how it goes after my next appt (Jan 6th)! Also, I found a coupon code for 40% off on their website - holidays2015
  19. It will be great! Don't be nervous! ????
  20. tdawntaylor


    I'm positive. I have read and re-read all my books about a million times. There's literally nothing about fluid requirements. It only says (at this point) 3 8oz shakes per day. I can sip water with my shakes, but at only 2oz/hour one shake alone takes me 4 hours to drink. So it takes me 12 hours just to get my shakes, then with 30 minutes before and after, plus 30 minutes to eat each meal, that's 1.5 hours per meal, and another 4.5 hours a day. I'm looking at 16.5 hours just to get in my small meals and shakes, and feel like there's no time left for anything else. I have left messages with my nut and my dr., but the office was closed last week for the holiday (and I just came off liquids Monday) so I've just been trying to wait it out ????
  21. I've been doing hair for 10 years, and actually see this question a lot. Coloring your hair only deposits into your hair. It doesn't lift or strip, so there's no damage. However, box dyes are made with metallic dyes for extended shelf-life and at home use that can damage the hair, so I recommend either going to a professional or at least visiting a beauty supply (Sally's) and getting your color there. The sales associates can make sure you have everything you need, and it is usually actually cheaper. Bleaching your hair can cause damage, but if it is professionally done, and well maintained, it shouldn't be an issue at all!
  22. My surgery was 12/14 and came home 12/16. Have been having some trouble with just feeling thirsty. I'm not great at sipping! My kids (2yo girl, 3yo boy) stayed at their grandmas until the 18th, and boy has it been fun - PAINFULLY so - having them home. They have a hard time with not being able to sit on me or have me pick them up. They are used to climbing in bed with me in the middle of the night, and that's been an adjustment too. Only one incision still bothers me though, and only when they are being rough with me. I also sometimes feel like they must have forgotten to staple me off, as I'm not having any problems tolerating anything, or even taking this mess of pills every day. I DID start my cycle Tuesday(22nd), and it was a tad scary, between the cramps and brown bleeding. And since then I have been battling INTENSE food cravings. Still not actually hungry, but it always makes me want to eat everything in sight. Boooo ????. Also it has completely stalled my weight loss, I was dropping about 1.5lbs a day and think I am actually up 1 right now. Not cool. Hopefully it's just bloating and will go away soon!
  23. tdawntaylor


    I don't actually have a requirement for fluids, I am just WANTING water! I feel like all I do is choke down protein shakes trying to get my protein (that's what my nutritionist stressed was most important), and I am constantly thirsty! I have a veryyyy hard time waiting 30 minutes after I eat to drink anything. My mouth feels so nasty all I can do is think about water! It's pathetic, really.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
