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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by mabarbee

  1. I had my sleeve gastrectomy 12/21. I had pain initially when I got home after discharge and meds from hospital wore off. Then found out that my pharmacy who told the discharge nurse they had my pain meds didn't have them nor did any other local pharmacies. Didn't get pain meds until next morning at the hospital pharmacy. Luckily I have not had such intense pain as I had had the day of discharge from the hospital. My biggest issues are swelling and bloating in my midsection and pain like strong muscle spasms when I take in liquids at times. I could hardly drink 32oz of Water yesterday due to bloating. I think I must be having a lot of swelling. I didn't push it and just took in what I could. My taste is different. ..jello takes stronger in flavor and smells are getting to me. I definitely learned not to swallow a piece of sugar-free popsicle ...oh my did that hurt and bring on the worst muscle spasm! Anyways, just curious what other people about 5 days post-op like me are doing. Christmas was hard with all the food around and feeling like liquids were my options. But I made it through. Best wishes :-) on this new and challenging period of recovery and change!
  2. Just wondering if anyone else has had to wait until week 3 to eat pureed/semi-solid foods? I have to go to nutrition group Monday before being allowed to go on soft foods diet. Do you have any times where you feel a little hunger?
  3. Congrats on the weight loss! ... I haven't braved eating out yet ... I don't get to eat soft foods until next week ...on semi-solid foods this week
  4. Congrats keep up the good work! ...I have done more exercise this week too ...my highest number of steps this week was a little over 11,000 ...which I'm sure was out of the ordinary ...but my average is around 6,650 steps ... I have even braved the cold this week as I have taken time to walk around the parking lots of the hospital next door to my office building. I'm usually battling chronic fatigue but have felt like i have more energy since my surgery although I have had some days I have felt exhausted. Going to keep working at it!
  5. I have used Gas Ex Thin Strips before eating and they have been very helpful
  6. mabarbee

    Very slow losers?

    I was sleeved on 12/21/15 and before surgery I had lost 14lbs, right after surgery I was up with weight and attributed it to water weight and swelling, and then now, just under 2 weeks out I continue to show an up and down weight (yes, I'm getting on the scales everyday ... perhaps I shouldn't right :-) ...) ... I am about 20lbs down but I do worry about losing weight consistently because of such a difficult time in the past with losing weight. Did you see this in your weight loss journey too? Congratulations on your success!!
  7. mabarbee

    Profile Photos

  8. mabarbee

    Motivational Quotes

  9. mabarbee

    Reasons To Lose Weight

    From the album: Motivational Quotes

    From Mazy's Cozy Corner: https://www.google.com/url?sa=i&rct=j&q=&esrc=s&source=imgres&cd=&cad=rja&uact=8&ved=0ahUKEwj4wKy9wYvKAhVC2B4KHfAoAuUQjB0ICDAA&url=http%3A%2F%2Fmariescozycorner.blogspot.com%2F&psig=AFQjCNEdPpXrYJruFc4T6dcncMeDQZDqZg&ust=1451837282807583
  10. I am up and down with slow weight loss. I've lost close to 20lbs including pre-op weight loss. I see my doctor next week and hopefully will get some perspective on my up and down weight ... I think it is because I have a tendency to retain fluids and they took me off of my medication that helped rid me of fluids. I think I might start doing measurements to see if I can see changes that way and not just via the scale. Hope you are doing well with your weight loss :-)
  11. Your feelings are just your feelings ... I am sure most of us have our days too. It is a big adjustment and big changes always contribute to changing moods. One of these days you will look back and say it was worth it. I keep telling myself this especially when I look like I'm losing and then get back on the scale and I'm up a couple of pounds. I am trying to focus on my goals ... ultimately to have lost weight and to be healthier. Hang in there! You can do this :-)
  12. So glad to hear people have the same thoughts and issues as I am ...I felt really hungry yesterday and drank 3 protein shakes (90grams of protein) throughout the day ...started worrying that maybe my surgery won't be effective if I feel really hungry ... not as bad today with hunger
  13. I went into my office yesterday to do paperwork and I too was so exhausted. ..I couldn't do anything when I got home...congrats on your weight loss!
  14. In my plan, purée allows soft scrambled eggs, cottage cheese, hummus, purees soups (bean, etc), refried Beans thinned with broth, pureed tuna, chicken, other meats, mashed potatoes, etc. That's how my plan is too re: pureed foods ...can't start until next week ...tired of Lipton Cream of Chicken Cup-A-Souo
  15. One week out (for most of us posting)!! To me it feels like an accomplishment! I am wishing everyone success and relief and encouragement and peace in this new journey!! I believe I have had a great deal of internal swelling and Water retention. I am just now at the right at the weight I was pre-op and waiting to finally see another drop in weight. I have lost 14lbs. thusfar but I am on the lower end of the continuum for BMI and am only 5'2" tall. I am hoping that my metabolic issues (PCOS) won't impede my ability to lose weight. I feel that maybe I have lost in measurement (i.e., inches, part of an inch, etc.). Have a great day!
  16. Wow you are doing great! How encouraging. I had to have a hernia repair that I didn't even know was a problem. My second night was the worst as well. You are doing a lot first right after surgery..you sound like a very busy person :-)
  17. Don't know if you have tried Gas Ex Thin Strips they can help and movement. ..I had that shoulder pain with gall bladder surgery a few years ago ..hope you get some relief
  18. Have you easily added the unflavored protein powder into stuff like broth or low fat cream based soup?
  19. I hadn't heard of the Unjury brand ..it looks like it could be a good option...thamks
  20. I tried some sugar-free orange Jello with some fat free half and half to cut down on strong flavor ...wasn't bad ...put it in freezer to set it and had to stir it a couple of times to keep it mixed together. ..then put on fridge

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