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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Hunzi

  1. Hunzi

    Daily News!

    Hi Junies! Just a quick update! Wow can you believe it's been nearly 4 years? (well it's 3yrs for my band v2.0) I've been in a holding mode for about a year or more now - down 79-80lbs. Same few pounds up and down. Realized I had been spending a whole year just a tad too tight. Went back in January and had .2cc removed - wow - no more horrible burping/gassy back pressure! I'm not eating much more - but I know over the last year since I was a little too tight, I have slipped into less than optimal food choices. So I'm working on getting back on track - back to the doctor every 6 weeks or so for a check in, I'm back on the treadmill 3 times a week so far and up to 2.5miles (my goal is get to walking 5K and then to start training for a 5K with C25K - so far I'm not coordinated enough to run on a treadmill.) Now if I can kick the sweets habit again, things will be awesome! Hope everyone is doing well! Always Joann - aka Hunzi
  2. Hunzi

    Daily News!

    I'm still here! I'm running about a year behind y'all - just my 2nd year anni with Band V.2. I've lost about half what I'd like to, and I've been in a holding pattern lately - I noticed I posted about 6 months ago and I haven't done anything but bounce up and down a pound or two since then. Bummer. However, I know I'm making progresss! I've lost 80+lbs since my highest weight, and I've gone from a size 26/24 to an 18/16! I'm wearing size L exercise pants. Oh and I've been going to the gym 3-4 times a week for the past month!!! And I like it!!! So the fact that I'm not losing yet isn't going to bother overly much, I know it has to change soon. I just took 3 skirts into the tailor and she's taking nearly 4 inches off the waist, so I know something has changed in the past 2yrs! Next up, I need to refocus on the food thing - I know my fill is about perfect - I eat 1/2c to 1c at a time, and I'm FULL! I need to work on daily vitamins again - fell out of the habit when I got too tight to take big pills first thing in the morning (best time for me not to forget!) I've switched what I'm taking - mostly chewable and a couple of small pills, so now I just need to get into a routine at a time of day that I can take them. I'm tight enough most mornings that I can only have a protein shake - never was a big breakfast person. So I know I'm good for about 20+g of protein early on in the day, and the trick is getting in the other 40. If I have a glass of milk sometime, I can cut it in half, then I can probably make up the rest with the odds and ends I eat - I'm not a "eat a hunk of meat" type - not a veggie/vegan but just not a huge meat lover - so non-liquid proteins are more challenging and of course, that's what they want us to eat! Good news is I was never a super hungry person, so I don't HAVE to have a hunk of meat filling me up to not feel hungry. Lately I'm pretty sure my problem has been sweets/sugars - I had gotten a bad habit of ordering a sweet tea at McDonald's if I was on the run and thristy - because it's not carbonated (I'm having trouble with that now) and yummy and cheap - but I'm going to work on an alternative - unsweetened tea isn't an option - most restaurants teas are bad! At home I'll make a big pitcher of herbal tea and add splenda. As summer kicks in, I'm sure I'll do more crystal light stuff. I've also been munching on mini bags of choco-graham bunnies and baking the occasional batch of cookies - I need to work on finding something that satifies my sweet tooth without sabatoging my diet! But the big positive is the new exercise habit - and I'll take it for now! Always Hunzi
  3. Hunzi

    Daily News!

    So I was chatting with a friend tonight, and he's always one of my cheerleaders in the weight loss dept. He asked how much I've lost - popped out the calculator and the answer is 81 lbs. Cool. So he asked how much more I wanted to lose - hmmm well I'm starting to think about that. I mostly focus on the next "5" - when the scale passes a 5 pound mark - but I'm approaching "milestone numbers". In 14 lbs I'll weigh the same as I did post baby2. Lose 5 more and I'll have lost 100lbs! Lose 15 more and I'll be postbaby1. Lose 20 more and I'll be pre-baby1. Once I hit that weight - it's just 5 pounds to my first - "let's evaluate how I'm looking" goal. Max more I'd want to lose is 30 more - which takes me to "when I was in college, and looking back I looked pretty awesome even though, I still thought I was fat and needed to lose 25lbs cuz Cosmo told me a girl 5-7 should weigh 120 lbs or less". Bah. So now I've crossed the "probably where I'll stop halfway mark" and I have 4 lbs to go to the max-I-want-to-lose halfway mark. Either way, it's almost halfway gone. Always Hunzi
  4. Agreed! She rocks! So does the whole support staff. I had a little problem with my first band, and they saw me through it and supported me into the second band. My DH was also banded by Dr McBride. She really cares about her patients, and that's why we love her! Always Hunzi
  5. Hunzi

    March 31st, Anyone else?

    Well it's about 15 months post-op now, and I'm down about 75lbs (part of that was pre-band2). I'm finally starting to feel a little thinner - my skirts are all pinned up and getting too big to wear, the dresses are hanging loose, and my daughter just gave me a couple of pair of size 18 (Not W) jeans and they're actually a little loose! (I started as a size 24/26) So progress is being made! I have something between 6 & 7 ccs in the band, and I'm pretty tight right now. Still have at least 60lbs to go, and I'd really like to drop 95ish, but I'll evaluate things as I get into the 180-160 range and see if 150-145ish looks possible (That's college age weight, which is the best I ever looked.) Always Hunzi
  6. Hunzi

    How Much Have You Lost So Far?

    I just hit 75 down, and I'm about 15 months into band2. I've had several fills, and am at about 6 - 7 ccs. Always Hunzi
  7. Hunzi

    Daily News!

    Hi Junies! Well I've crossed the 1yr mark! I got my first fill since Nov last month - wow the surgeon's new PA gave me 1cc, and it made a HUUUGGEEE difference. I think I now finally understand restriction. In fact, sometimes I think I might be a smidge too tight (I've had about 8 incidents of PB since the fill and I chew well/don't overeat - I hadn't pb'd 8 times in the whole year!) on the bright side, the scale is moving! I'm officially down 65lbs (from high weight preband1). I'm excited I just dropped under 250! Always Hunzi
  8. Hunzi

    Daily News!

    Hola Junies!!!! I'm back to check in - it's almost my bandiversary! (Remember - 2nd band, only had the 1st one for a week!) I'm down about 60lbs since band 1 pre-op. Yay! I admit, I wanted to be one of those 100lb losers but I didn't work very hard..... Good stuff: I eat better than pre-band. I hardly ever get stuck - but I also probably need more fills. DH got his band last June and is doing much better - he's lost about 50lbs, and halved his BP meds. Haviing him banded has been good and bad - I ate better and was more disciplined on my own! But he understands things better and helps to keep me accountable now. (He also leads me into tempation more - so I have to be careful!) More good stuff - after taking the holidays off, I'm back for a fill next month. I'm also finally accepting that I might need to go to support meetings (even though they conflict with something I do) and I plan to get back to the gym! I'm going to join one close by for me - to swim and workout, and I'm going to go with DD to the big gym at the AF base for her (and me) until we can afford 2 memberships - it's the driving that keeps me from going there all the time. We also got a Wii for Christmas - what fun! DH and I try to do some everyday. I'm making progress! Always Hunzi
  9. Hunzi

    Daily News!

    I'll be praying for you! Always Hunzi still stuck going up and down the same 4lbs! uhg!
  10. Hunzi

    Daily News!

    Well rats on the calves! I guess I'll have to take those boots to the shoe guy and see if he can put in an insert! In other news - I'm still yoyo-ing the same couple of pounds! But I know I'm tighter most days than last month and I really am eating less! I'm going to have to work on getting more active - I'm getting out of a long (2miles or so) walk with the dog about once a week and maybe getting on the treadmill once more clearly not enough! Oh and a bit of emotional family drama doesn't help! A band can't protect me from making pumpkin brownies! And chocolate chip cookie dough is still the devil - so I won't be buying another bucket for a loooooong time! Sweets are my Achilles heel! Always Hunzi
  11. Hunzi

    Daily News!

    hi Junies! Just a quick update from me! - This last fill has definitely helped! I dropped the 3lbs again, and even dropped a new one! Just 4.5lbs to go and I can go "clunk" and move the big weight on the doctor's scale down a notch! I'm eating better, but still not as good as I should - need to cut out the lunches out and cookie dough is still the devil! I'm not walking daily, but I've been getting in at least one good walk a week - usually taking the dog out for a couple of miles on the weekend. Here's a question for y'all - for those of you who had "extra wide calves" did they get smaller as you lost weight? I have a pair of knee boots that were "the extra wide" type, but they're still too small - I've just tucked them into the back of the closet for now, but if there's no hope my calves are going to improve when I drop a few or 50lbs, then I'll take them to the shoe guy and see if we can alter them. My other "extra wide" boots are actually a bit loose in the calf, so I'm not sure what to do! I had a little clothing victory! - I have a darling dress for fall (which I want to wear with the boots!) - I bought it last fall/winter and when I got it (size 24) it was a bit close fitting, showed the curves/tummy bulges. I slipped it on the other day and it's very loose! I figure I'll have to get it altered before long! Yay! Always Hunzi
  12. Dr McBride rocks. We ran into a surgical complication with my first banding, and I landed back in the hospital about a week later. She was super caring and very focused on getting me better. I spend two weeks in the hospital, so I got to know her, her current Fellow, and all her staff pretty well. I even met Dr O when he was standing in for her one weekend so she could get some rest (36 weeks pregnant). I really have nothing but good things to say about her! Second band went in 10 months later - life is good. Always Hunzi
  13. Hunzi

    Daily News

    Since this is a re-band for me, I also participate on the monthly board for my 1st band (they are an awesome group who saw me through the infection and the long wait til the new band), and they do something really neat. They have a thread called Daily News. It's a place everyone goes just to chat about whatever is going on - updates on fills & weight loss, questions about the band - sort of a One Thread Fits All. You don't have to post daily, it's just the Go To Thread. It's great because it's easy to keep track of, and get email updates with the subscriptions. So, I thought I'd introduce the idea here! I don't know if it will fly here, but I figured it was worth a try! Always Hunzi
  14. Hunzi

    Daily News

    I'll start! Hi Marchies! Just a quick check in! The good - I started walking, on my treadmill, and walking the dog around the park, I'm not totally consistent yet, but I've remembered that I like this. I can do 30 mins on the treadmill, not super fast - maybe just walk a mile. When the dog and I go out (usually just if it's nice on a weekend morning) and it looks like it's about 2miles around the park. The Bad - I haven't been totally consistent, and I haven't been eating as good as I should - stuff like brats, a little fast food, too many Protein bars (as Snacks instead of meal substitute). Not enough protein, not enough Water. The Ugly - I went in for my fill and I officially haven't lost one pound this month! Duh! I actually was down 3 lbs at one point early in the month, then bounced up with all the "bad" things. So I got another fill, and this one I'm feeling! I think I'm slowly getting closer to that sweet spot. She gave me 1.25ccs, (tried to give me 2.0, but backed it out when it wasn't flowing the way she liked on the floro). That means I have 5.75 in my band now. (I think - I need to check last month's number). So this month, I have to be disciplined! Do that walking! Eat my protein! Stay away from the easy, naughty foods! Irony - I'm writing this with a container of leftover tuna-n-mac-n-cheese on my lap that I was nibbling for brunch. Bad Hunzi! No! I'll let ya'll know how it's going! Always Hunzi
  15. Hunzi

    Daily News!

    Hi Junies! Just a quick check in! The good - I started walking, on my treadmill, and walking the dog around the park, I'm not totally consistent yet, but I've remembered that I like this. I can do 30 mins on the treadmill, not super fast - maybe just walk a mile. When the dog and I go out (usually just if it's nice on a weekend morning) and it looks like it's about 2miles around the park. The Bad - I haven't been totally consistent, and I haven't been eating as good as I should - stuff like brats, a little fast food, too many Protein Bars (as Snacks instead of meal substitute). Not enough Protein, not enough Water. The Ugly - I went in for my fill and I officially haven't lost one pound this month! Duh! I actually was down 3 lbs at one point early in the month, then bounced up with all the "bad" things. So I got another fill, and this one I'm feeling! I think I'm slowly getting closer to that sweet spot. She gave me 1.25ccs, (tried to give me 2.0, but backed it out when it wasn't flowing the way she liked on the floro). That means I have 5.75 in my band now. (I think - I need to check last month's number). So this month, I have to be disciplined! Do that walking! Eat my protein! Stay away from the easy, naughty foods! Irony - I'm writing this with a container of leftover tuna-n-mac-n-cheese on my lap that I was nibbling for brunch. Bad Hunzi! No! I'll let ya'll know how it's going! Always Hunzi
  16. Hunzi

    Daily News!

    Hi Junies! Just a quick note to say "Yay! I walked 5x/week on my treadmill for 2 weeks in a row now!" Yay! I'm developing an exercise habit! Not much to report on the weight front - sloooowly slipping downward - I saw 257 on the scale the other day (then up, down, up, down), but it will hang around and go down soon. Clothes are fitting better - those size 18 dresses are looking better. Think Pink! Joann (Hunzi)
  17. Hunzi

    Daily News!

    Angel, I know how you feel about ordering too much. I'm working thru it too. Last time we hit a fast food place, I actually just ordered a sandwich and a drink! And just had 2 or 3 of DH's fries. Not bad for 11pm after spending the whole day in DFW airport because our flight had major delays due to that loon at LaGuardia. And I had just had the 2 mini burgers w a few onion rings at lunch (TGIF) that day in the airport. I'm slowly learning! Another thing that's a stretch for me is eating breakfast everyday. I used to putter around in the morninings and eat around 11ish to 2pm. Now I'm hungry most mornings, and I'm trying to eat more proteins, so eggs are on the menu a few times/wk when I used to eat them only a few times a year (I'm not a huge lover of eggs, but I've finally found if I saute a bunch of veggies -peppers/onions/garlic etc, then add eggs & cheese & scramble - I can do that because it isn't too eggy!) I got another 1cc, so I'm up to 5.5ccs on this 3rd fill - I can tell a difference! I'm getting full faster. I jumped on the scale this morning and I broke 260! Now 258. Always Hunzi
  18. Hunzi

    Daily News!

    Hi Junies! Oh my gosh, I'm so excited for everyone! Goals met, looking skinny in new dresses (Jen I mean you!), plastic surgeries scheduled, engagements, lots of career goals,! Happy news all around! I'm back for a quick progress report! I just got back from my Mary Kay Seminar - (which totally rocked!!!!). I jumped on the scale this morning and I weigh 260. So I don't weigh much less than I did when I went to Seminar last year (about 265), but things definitely fit differently! Last year was just after I got out of the hospital from the band-gone-wrong, and I was pretty swollen still - gained back 30lbs before I got the new band, and now I've lost that - but the cool thing is the way my clothes are fitting! I wore the same evening gown and skirts I had last year - the gown looked good, and the size 22 skirts are big on me. I bought a couple of size 18 dresses before I left - they're a little more clingy around the tummy than I'd like, but everyone said nice things about them! I felt like I looked good - at least until I saw the photos with my girlfriends. I'm not being too hard on myself - I just hate looking sooooo much bigger than them! I can't wait to see the difference next year - I'm sure I won't feel quite so super-sized next to them! But I totally know I'm making progress - and that's what it takes! I jumped on the treadmill this morning for 20 minutes - my new resolution is to really get serious with the exercise, so I think I'll pop on here for a sec each morning just to keep myself accountable! Mary Kay wise, I was #3 this year in my unit, and in the top 10 in the National Area - not bad for this year given how much time I needed to recover from the infection! This year, I'm resolved to really kick it in! My goal is at least 10 parties a month and to be on the National Queen's Courts of Sales and Sharing! Please pray for me! Fill wise, I'm off today for my 3rd - probably just a little tweek. I think I'm getting closer to that sweet spot - I'm starting to feel full longer - but definitely can still eat more than 1 cup (for example - I just had one of those broccoli stuffed chicken breasts and about 3/4cup mashed potatoes for lunch - I'm full - not at all hungry, but I definitely ate all of it!). I did get tighter this time when I started my period, and combined that with a careless bite of a very melty gooey cheesey cassarole - bad! So I had my first real stuck - tossing my cookies moment! Not fun - but I think it was just the combo of cheese and rice. I'm so excited about MK, everyone's good news, my steady progress and my new goals! Yay! Love you Junies to bits! Always Joann aka Hunzi I'll put up some photos on here & Facebook for anyone who's curious!
  19. Hunzi

    Daily News!

    Hi Junies! Just a quick note to say I had my 2nd fill yesterday - now I'm up to 4.5cc. I think this one will help, I'm still on liquids, but I can feel a difference. I've officially lost 20.5 lbs since surgery March 31st 09. Not bad, not great, but that 20lbs is gone forever! I absolutely have to start exercise! I'm still not very motivated to do it. I went to my surgeon's support group yesterday, and she says studies show for weight loss you really need 50 minutes of aerobic exercise 5 times/week, 30 is the minimum for maintenance. Plus at least 3x/week of strength training. All I've been managing to do is a little gardening. (but I figure that's more than I was doing before!) Always Hunzi
  20. Hunzi

    Can everyone PLEASE post

    I was banded March 31st 2009, and I've lost exactly 20.5 lbs since then. I lost about 30 since the pre-op diet, and about 50 since last year. I just had my 2nd fill, and now have 4.5cc, so I'm hoping to get the weight loss moving! Always Hunzi
  21. Hunzi

    Daily News!

    Hi Junies! I'm back! (mini rant) Good news - DH is now officially a Junie too! (But for 2009!) He was banded 2 weeks ago. He started mushies today - thank goodness because he is like a finicky five year old! Bad news - he hated the protein shakes, he didn't like the vitamins, wa wa wa! Slowly we've found things he liked. I had tried to get him to taste things before surgery! Now we're on to mushies - and yeah, he's still picky. He likes only a few vegges, doesn't really like soup (and says it's too hot for it anyway) and bores easily with foods (can't eat the same thing too often). Arg! I'll survive! He might live - if I don't kill him! I could use lots of ideas for mushies! (end mini rant) In happier news. I'm doing well. I haven't lost much since going off mushies myself, but I'm due to have my 2nd fill on July 6th. Yay! I have hit a big milestone for me - I hit my low weight from last summer - my lowest weight after the 10 days in the hospital for the post op infection. So I feel I'm finally back on track again! (Actually I've bounced back up a pound, but I'm counting it!) I've officially lost 50lbs from my highest weight last year! Yay! Always Hunzi
  22. I had my first fill a couple of weeks ago. My surgeon does them under floro. She put in 3 cc and had me swallow some photo contrast, then backed out .5cc because it was too tight (I had a previous band, post op infection, band out - so I have a little scaring that might make things a bit tighter than usual.) I can feel the difference from no fill, but I suspect I still need a little more. Now 2 weeks out, I actually feel it more than I did at first. Maybe it depends on where I'm at hormonally. I've lost almost 20lbs since my 2nd band went in, slow, but progress. I've lost about 2lbs since I got this fill. (My surgeon says I've lost more, but I think her measurements are off due to variations in clothing (heavy winter suede skirts, sweaters etc, and hydration issues - drinking a couple of liters of Water before an appointment vs naked, same time, every day in my bathroom on a balance beam scale) I'd like my progress to be faster, but I'll take what I've got! Always Hunzi
  23. Hunzi

    Daily News!

    Hey y'all! Today is sorta my first bandiversary! (Of my 1st band that only hung around a week) I'm doing ok with my first fill - obviously still need another, but I can tell a difference from no fill. I'm down about a pound. I'm apparently not destined to be a fast loser! But I'm making progress, slowly but surely. I'm down 50lbs from my highest weight, and I only have 2lbs to go to get down to my lowest post 1st band weight. Once I cross that threshold, I'll feel like I'm back on track. DH is off doing his pre-op appointments today - he has his band surgery next week. Always Hunzi
  24. Hi March Melties! I'm getting my first fill today, and I have a question. Can I eat normally before the fill? My fill isn't until 1pm, so I'm not sure if I can have Breakfast and lunch, or if I should switch to liquids this morning. I know I should do liquids for a day after the fill, I'm just not sure if it makes it easier in anyway if I start from breakfast this morning? My surgeon does her fills under floro if that makes a difference. Thanks for any tips! Always Hunzi
  25. Hunzi

    First Fill questions

    Thanks! My fill was easy-peasy! 2.5cc. Always Hunzi

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
