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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Hunzi

  1. Hunzi

    March 31st, Anyone else?

    You're not alone! I'm now scheduled for March 31st. I was supposed to have surgery March 4th, but the surgeon had a family emergency, and then on March 25th, but I caught a norovirus (ick!), so now it's the 31st. Third time (or 4th since this is my 2nd try) is gonna be a charm! Always Hunzi
  2. Hunzi

    Daily News!

    Lucy, Just love your clients and give them rock star customer service! Make it fun! I have customers all over the country. This is an awesome time for my business, I hope it is for yours too! Always Hunzi
  3. Hunzi

    Daily News!

    Well phoooey! I guess I picked up a stomach bug this weekend at my career conference, and I woke up to the joys of tossing my cookies this morning. So my surgery date is bumping a week til next Tuesday, the 31st. Better safe than sorry. Waaaa! Is someone trying to tell me something???? Always Hunzi ok, pity party over
  4. Hunzi

    Looking for my band twin - 3.25.09

    Rats! I woke up this morning with a stomach bug! Tossed my Cookies about 6 times over 3 hours and then the other half kicked in. Ick. So my surgery date has been bumped back to March 31st. I'll think happy thoughts for y'all on Wednesday! And you can be my big sisters a week later. I'm beginning to think some one is trying to tell me something! Always Hunzi off to practice her sip sip sip since I can only drink Water tonight
  5. Hunzi

    Looking for my band twin - 3.25.09

    Hey Twins and other Marchies! Well I'm about 48hours away from Round 2! I'm in to the hospital on Wednesday morning for rebanding. I'm trying not to be nervous. I've been keeping super busy with Mary Kay to keep my mind off it all. I just got back from our career conference, which is so much fun. Now I just want to get all this surgery and recovery over with as quickly as I can so I can get back on track with my business. I'm working on being the #1 consultant in my national area for the 2nd year in a row! Last June with all the disaster of the post op infection I was pretty sure I wasn't going to be #1, but I was, but the recovery really took me a long time, so I wasn't back to work until about October, and now I'm a bit behind! I think I'm still in the top 10, and there's still plenty of time before June 30th for me to catch up! With Career Conference, etc, I'm only just now starting the liquid diet. I've been eating fairly sensibly up until now, and working on picking lower carb choices, but now it's liquids until midnight Tuesday. Bah humbug, I'm already hungry. I'll probably be here chattering nervously until the anesthesiologist knocks me out! Prayers and happy thoughts are most welcome! Always Hunzi
  6. Hunzi

    Daily News!

    Hey Junies! Well I'm about 48hours away from Round 2! I'm in to the hospital on Wednesday morning for rebanding. I'm trying not to be nervous. I've been keeping super busy with Mary Kay to keep my mind off it all. I just got back from our career conference, which is so much fun. Now I just want to get all this surgery and recovery over with as quickly as I can so I can get back on track with my business. I'm working on being the #1 consultant in my national area for the 2nd year in a row! Last June with all the disaster of the post op infection I was pretty sure I wasn't going to be #1, but I was, but the recovery really took me a long time, so I wasn't back to work until about October, and now I'm a bit behind! I think I'm still in the top 10, and there's still plenty of time before June 30th for me to catch up! With Career Conference, etc, I'm only just now starting the liquid diet. I've been eating fairly sensibly up until now, and working on picking lower carb choices, but now it's liquids until midnight Tuesday. Bah humbug, I'm already hungry. I'll probably be here chattering nervously until the anesthesiologist knocks me out! Prayers and happy thoughts are most welcome! Always Hunzi
  7. Hunzi

    Looking for my band twin - 3.25.09

    That would be me! I'm getting banded March 25th too. This is round two for me, first try ended with removal about a week later because of a surgical complication. This time I'm keeping it! I'm really looking forward to a no drama surgery! Always Hunzi
  8. Hunzi

    March 4th... and an intro!

    Well no March 4th for me. ;-( It looks like I'm getting rescheduled for March 25th. I could have chosen March 11th, or March 20th, but I have a conference on March 19th-21st, and I don't want to worry about not being quite recovered, so I'm looking at dates afterwards now. I hate waiting more, but that's the breaks! Always Hunzi
  9. Hunzi

    March 4th... and an intro!

    March 4th for me too! At least I hope so....my surgeon may have a personal situation that requires her to push back a few dates. So far we haven't rescheduled! I'm planning on the 4th unless I'm told otherwise. Always Hunzi
  10. Hey there March Melties! I'm scheduled for surgery on March 4th! This is round 2 for me. I ran into a bit of a complication on my first try and we had to take the band out a week later and give me time to recover from a post op infection. But now it's 9 months later and it's time to try again! Always Hunzi ready to Melt in March!
  11. Hunzi

    Daily News!

    Hey Junies! Ok, I saw the surgeon today, and we chatted about what she has planned for me. I'm scheduled for surgery in 2 weeks and the plan is to put in a lap band, and if she can't get one to fit properly or doesn't feel it is the safest option depending on how much scar tissue she finds, then she'll do a VSG. So 2 weeks to getting-skinny me! Always Hunzi
  12. Not be so self conscious in a swim suit Be able to go on long walks Do fun things with DD, horseback riding, amusement parks etc with no worries about being too big 1st thing I'd do if DH loses weight? - (Close your eyes Mouseketeers) ....well use your imagination
  13. I think I had several things that got me here. First, I was always overweight, even as a kid, not a lot, but some, but I felt huge, because I was always the fat girl in school and my mom was petite and skinny when I was little. (Althought looking back, I wasn't nearly as fat as I thought I was!) I weighed about 160-170ish in high school, dropped to 140-150 in college/early marriage but always thought I had to be 120ish to no be "fat" (I'm 5-7). When we had kid#1 I weight 180, and gained 20lbs, 200 with Kid#2, and gained 30ish, then gained maybe 5lbs/year afterwards. But what really got me started was my DH who had struggled his whole career in the USAF to keep his weight down retired from the AF in 2000 looking totally hot and fit and completely lost control. He gained nearly 200lbs in about 2 yrs and it freaked me out. He was already having some health/stress related problems before his weight gain but the extra weight made everything worse very quickly. I soon realized I had better start taking care of myself because he was putting me on the road to widowhood. (Our kids were just 11 and 6 when he retired, now 20 and 15) I decided I had to lose weight so there was at least one healthy parent! I also hoped if I lead the way, DH would follow, if not, I still needed to do this for me. So I tried dieting on my own for a couple of years, but just couldn't seem to lose anything. I finally went into see my doctor for an annual exam and told her my problems and she figured out I had PCOS. Put me on Metforin, BCPs, and Xenical and I dropped 40lbs with diet and exercise over the next year but couldn't seem to get any farther and in researching the PCOS I started reading about people who were having lapbands. So I started researching the surgery. I knew I'd never consider RNY but this looked like it had potential. So I tried to get approved for surgery and my insurance came back with an approval for RNY but not Lapband. I opted to wait. In the 2 years afterwards I gained back the 40lbs. Meanwhile my DH's health has continued to worsen, HBP, lots of pains, can't even climb the stairs to bed without being out of breath. One day last year I got an newletter from Tricare saying they were now paying for Lapband procedures, and I called for an appointment that same week. While DH would never consider surgery for himself, he was supportive of me (not that I gave him much choice). Got approved, had the surgery, ran into post op complications (the surgeon accidentally perforated or burned my stomach leading to an infection), so she removed the band the next week and I spent 2 weeks in the hospital on antibiotics. DH was terrified he could lose me and I was probably about 24 hrs from being dead when I was admitted to the hospital although we didn't realize it at the time. I've now spent 6 months recovering and my surgeon thinks I'm ready for another try. I'm scheduled for surgery March 4th. I'm going in to talk to her next week and discuss if she thinks a lapband or a VSG is the best option for me. Either way, starting next month I'm taking control of my personal health. On a happy note, my DH who has been super supportive of me even while he lived in denial himself, has finally come to the decision that he has to lose weight. We're going to the educational class for him on Monday to start the process for him to get surgery too. This is a huge step for him because he was always against having surgery, and when mine didn't go smoothly, I though he'd never consider it. Always Hunzi
  14. Hunzi

    What do you all do?

    I'm a wife and mom. My son is 20 and off to college, and my daughter is 15 and a freshman in high school. I have degrees in Psychology and Agency Counseling, but I've spent the past 20yrs owning my own business as a Mary Kay consultant. It gave me the ability to be a 6 figure stay at home mom! I love my life! Always Hunzi
  15. Hunzi

    Daily News!

    Hi Junies! Well it looks like I'm gonna Melt-Away in March! I have a tentative date for March 4th! I'm calling it tentative for now, because I'm meeting with my surgeon again on Feb 16th, because I have a few questions. When I saw her last October, she talked about doing the VSG, (the sleeve) instead this time, and I was saying, "no, no, no! no altering the anatomy!". But I went home and did my research so I could make an informed decision just in case. (Her concern is that there might be scaring and she'd have problems rebanding me, but we just won't know until she opens me up!) So I've spent a lot of time working out the pros and cons of both procedures. Now I'm approved for the band again (plus RNY and VBG). Her Nurse Coordinator told me that she plans to use the biggest band and we'll just take more time doing the fills. So, I asked for an appointment to chat with the surgeon so we can go over the choices one more time. I really want the least invasive surgery, but I also don't want to risk even more surgeries if slips/erosions/other problems pop up. Ack! Why can't this just be simple? So, March 4th. For now. Band. For now. Either way, I'm gonna get skinny! Always Hunzi
  16. I have a tentative date for March 4th! (I might try to move it up if there's a cancelation.) How about calling us the March Melt-Aways! Always Hunzi
  17. Hunzi

    Daily News!

    Here comes the June Bug that got left behind! Hey Junies! I opened my mail today and found an approval for my surgeon to reband me (plus any of several other procedures), so now I need to get my head back into the game and decide if and when I want to do this again. I definitely want to get rebanded, but the timing is a little uncertain. My DH lost his job a few weeks ago, so he's seriously under-employed, which could be good because he'd be here to help the first few days, but also sucks, if he gets a new job right before and can't take off. Hmmm. I'm off to pick him up from his pt job now, and plan to tell him about the approval. So yeah! and hmmmm. Always Hunzi ready to get skinny
  18. Perhaps it's because of a difference in locale for the infection, but I had an infection due to the surgeon accidentally puncturing or burning my stomach while installing the band, and she insisted that ALL banding equipment be removed until the infection was cleared up and all inflammation was resolved. So I was disbanded a week after my first surgery, then was kept in the hospital on broad spectrum antibiotics and anti-fungals for 10 days (total stay was 2 weeks). She said that once there's an infection that the bacteria can use the band equipment as a lattice work and that antibiotics aren't effective against that since it isn't part of your body, so she removes EVERYTHING, waits until the infection has resolved, and then waits at least 6 months for your body to end any inflammatory processes before re-banding. For me, it's been 6 months, and I'll probably chat with her soon about a 2nd band. Good luck, but I think given your pain and history, you might want to discuss removing the band and really working to knock out any residual infections (which can be anywhere in your body). All the best, Hunzi
  19. Hunzi

    Daily News!

    Thanks Apple & Long2BeThin! My appointment is for Tuesday (upper GI) and Thursday (to see the Dr). The hair thing was weird! I'll check into the Biotin. You both are doing amazing! 75 and 104lbs! I hope I can do half as well! I'll report back in next week. Always Hunzi
  20. Hunzi

    Daily News!

    Hi Junies! I called the surgeon's office today and got an appointment to follow up on the last surgeries (band in and out a week later) and talk to her about getting the ball rolling on the re-band! I'm ready. I've been sort of in a funk lately and I really need a change for the better. I think getting back to losing weight will definitely help. I lost about 30lbs on my own pre-op, then about 12 more afterwards (being NPO and on IV antibiotics for 2 weeks is a evil weight loss system!) But now I've had about 10lbs creep back on, so I'm back to my just before surgery weight. I don't want to backslide further. I must have changed something eating wise once I slipped away from daily tracking of every bite and sip that went into my mouth, because around mid-Sept, my hair started falling out by the handful! Ekkk! Back to counting protein! It fell out for about 2 weeks then went back to normal. Maybe it was just a weird post-op hair cycle. My hair is about half as thick as it was before, but I'm lucky to have lots of hair, so I still probably have more than most. I do need to get back to daily exercise, I pretty much stopped when I was recovering, then school started and I'm busy every morning driving DH and DD around (we car pool) and I just haven't gotten back into the habit. I'll work on that! I've been good to myself since June. I've revamped my wardrobe, and got a new hair cut and color. I was the #1 consultant in my Mary Kay National area. I look good. Now I'm ready to feel good too! Always Hunzi
  21. Hunzi

    Daily News!

    I'm back! Hi Junies! I just popped in to to see how everyone is doing. I'm feeling pretty good. I'd say I'm at about 90% of what I was before surgery in June. So I'm thinking about Round 2! I'm going to have to ponder the timing, but I'm determined I'm not going to lose all the weight I lost pre-op. I'm up about 5-8ish pounds from my lowest weight which was about a week after I got out of the hospital after the infection. Not bad for 3 months of nothing! Of course if I binge much more like I did yesterday (TOM), it won't be long before I'm back to square one! So, life is good. I got out of the hospital, took a couple of weeks to get back on my feet, was the #1 CONSULTANT IN MY MARY KAY NATIONAL AREA (serious woohoo!), and I treated myself to a bunch of new, really good looking clothes (in sizes 20-22 instead of 24-28!). Progress is being made! Round 2 - I'm going to contact the surgeon soon, she's back to work after having the baby, and I'm brave enough to try again! I know she wants me to come in for an upper GI to check if there's any obvious damage from the infection. I don't think so, because I don't have any trouble eating or swallowing now that the swelling is gone. Of course we won't know if I can be re-banded until she actually goes in and sees everything with her own two eyes. The concern is scaring. As long as there aren't any serious scars that would interfere with placing the band, everything will be hunky dory! You never know when I'll pop up! Always Hunzi
  22. Hunzi

    Jazzy Junes First Fill Line up

    I seriously love The Daily Plate. I think I heard about it from someone at LBT. Now that I'm back to working by myself for weight loss (or lately, just holding steady!), I find that it really helps me to see how much I'm eating and how I'm doing! I tracked every day pre-op and post-op until I went into the hospital with the infection, and got back to tracking as soon as I got out. I even tracked the 2 days in the hospital at the end when they finally took me off NPO (yummy ice chips for 8 days!) and let me eat! (Started with Clear liquids and too rapidly moved to solids ouch!) I dropped about 10lbs in the hospital for a total of 43 down from pre-op, but since coming home I've gained back 4.5lbs then I've held steady (up and down .5lbs) for over a week. I think I was on a super low calorie diet for long enough that my body thinks I'm living in a serious famine! I've been gradually and not entirely intentionally, adding in more calories and haven't gained any more weight. Now I'm trying to step up the activity too. I managed to get on the treadmill twice last week. Not today, I spent the whole day running errands. Always Hunzi
  23. Hunzi

    How Much Have You Lost So Far?

    yesindeed! - You are a Junie! Hang with us! We are here for you sista! Hang and heal, baby, hang and heal. HUGS!! Long2bThin - Hunzi, I hope you hang with us, once a Jun-ie always a Jun-ie!! cathychatts - Hunzi: Once I catch a June Bug I never, never, never let them go! Hang around! You are a bandster! They will be able to fix you up soon! This is a great place to get support and you know that! Ok, When I read your replies yesterday I officially cried! Thanks so much for the support! I think it's just starting to hit me that I've been through all this and I still don't have a band. It's so ironic. Now I'm just focused on getting better and not gaining any weight back. I got on the scale this morning and I'm up almost 5lbs. So I've got to get serious. I did drag my fanny onto the treadmill and did a mile. I'm going to have to be consistant with that! I'm still having trouble eating much. I eat pretty lightly for breakfast/lunch, and then have a larger dinner, but my eyes are bigger than my stomach - I tend to take too much (which is less than I'd eat before) and even though I don't eat all of it usually, I'm stuffed to uncomfortable for the rest of the evening! I told DH to remind me to take about half of what I usually serve back off my plate! (I am getting in my 60g of Protein - usually by adding some Protein powder to my Soup.) And how's this for not fair? I had a PB! I was in Sams Club last Saturday, and I'm never there on the weekends when they have samples. I had been out early (got a wax and pampered myself!) and hadn't eaten Breakfast, so by noonish I was hungry. So I figured a couple of tiny samples wouldn't hurt! I had about an ounce of margarita mix (virgin), 6 tostito scoops with about 2Tbsp of dip, a 2 bite brownie, (all this over about an hour), then I met the wrong thing! They were sampling a hamburger recipe and giving away tiny bite sized quarter hamburgers. It was honestly 1 bite! And it went down and I knew I was in trouble! Got the golf ball feeling, mouth watering like crazy, nausea....I just stood there not knowing what to do, because I knew if I ran for the bathroom (200 yards away) I'd never make it. So I just stood there in the aisle (out of the way from most people) and tried to breathe and hoped the feeling would go away! But in the end, up it came! Luckily, I had grabbed a handful of napkins, so I just PBed into them and prayed no one noticed (I don't think so). It was awful! And then I still had to wait around because I was waiting for some deli meats to be sliced. I felt like a limp rag by the time I got home! No fun at all! And no fair getting all the bad side effects of the band and still not having one! LOL. At least if any of you ever have a PB, I'll be able to relate (but I hope you never do!) I've been a lot more careful this week. No more incidents, but I'm avoiding burgers and more solid stuff for a bit longer! Always Hunzi who stopped and bought herself flowers to console herself!
  24. Hunzi

    Waxing ...

    Well, I was inspired to phone a local spa and as soon as I was home from the hospital (post op infection and dis-banding), I went in and had laser hair removal on my chin and upper lip, lasered a couple of sun spots, and booked a waxing. So yesterday I got my wax. I did arms, underarms, and legs. My incisions aren't quite healed yet so I'm doing a standard bikini wax in a couple of weeks. I feel so much better! It didn't hurt at all and was worth every penny! I'll never go back to shaving. Always Hunzi
  25. Hunzi

    How Much Have You Lost So Far?

    I'm not sure if I should count myself in with the Jazzy Junes or not, since I had to have my band removed after 1 week due to a post op infection. What do you all think? I lost 29lbs on the pre-op diet and about 11 more post-op (mostly while I was in the hospital for 2 weeks living on ice chips and iv nutrition), so I'm down 40lb since late April. My weight has finally stabilized the past few days, I'm down to 266, and I've only seen a variation up and down of about half a pound for nearly a week, so I think I've hit bottom until I start doing something again. My incisions are nearly healed from the dis-banding, and I'm starting to try to get back into normal routines, so I'll jump on the treadmill starting Monday. I'm still tiring out really quickly, so I'll probably only get in a half mile or so. Eventually I'll get back to my 3 miles/day. So what do you all think? Should I hang out here and get support until I'm well enough to get a new band? Or is having a failed bandster around a bummer and I should go find someplace else while I'm in a holding pattern? I don't want to be the "poor girl that lost her band" nor do I want to annoy or discourage anyone by posting to the group if they don't think I fit in anymore. Always Hunzi

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
