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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by Hunzi

  1. Hunzi

    Daily News!

    Good morning Junies! Ok, I have a question, and I'm not sure anyone will see this in time, so it's ok if you don't! I'm having my FIRST FILL today! Wow, nearly a year from my first band! My question for my Junie big sisters is, can I eat before I get the fill, or is it better to go on liquids from this morning? My fill isn't until 1pm, so I could have breakfast and lunch before if that's ok. My surgeon does all fills under floroscopy. I'll probably go poke around some of the other boards and see if anyone else has asked this. Thanks again! I don't know what I'd do without you guys! Always Hunzi
  2. Hunzi

    Daily News!

    Hi Junies! I'm popping in for a quick catch up session. Allie - I'm so proud of you! A team sport! How cool is that? I'm not a softball fan, but I swam on a team in grade school, and I'd love to get back into the pool one day. (Pool access and time issues.) Apples - Wouldn't it be a hoot to have a Junie Mary Kay Party? Everyone meet at Apple's house! Actually, I already have one Junie (who shall remain nameless unless she chimes in, I won't out her) who is my customer! Oh, and I want to see the photos! jfloyd at Marykay dot com. You and the rest of the Junies are my inspiration! I can't wait to get fit and slim like my Junie sisters! Teach - I love my job! I've been a work at home mom/MK consultant for 20+yrs now. I'm setting a goal to earn my car this summer, and I just found out we're going to do another MK girlfriends' trip to the Caribbean (or someplace fabulous!), so I'm working on earning my way to that! (Fun, fun, fun!) In band news, I had my 1 month check up and my surgeon is happy! So am I because I got her to clip off the stitch that popped out and was driving me crazy. I'm due for a fill in a few weeks and not a moment too soon! I think I'm eating wayyyy too much! I haven't lost any weight since I went off liquids. (I know, it's not about losing at this point, but everyone want to!) I can eat around 2 cups at a meal. I just had dinner and it was 8 pieces of veggie sushi and 4 inari, I ate half then the other half about 1.5 hrs later. I have lose about 11-12lbs since surgery. I'm up and down about 1lb for the past 2 weeks. Bah, humbug. I'll probably take a couple of progress photos this weekend. I do have a NSV already. I bought some belts last summer after the surgery, and I put one on this week and it's almost too big! I'll have to get it altered before long. That's it for now! Always Hunzi
  3. Hunzi

    Looking for my band twin - 3.25.09

    So how are you? I'm not scheduled for a fill for a couple of weeks mostly due to scheduling in the surgeon's office. Bummer. One month out, I'm feeling good. I can eat nearly anything, in moderation. I've only run across one moment where I knew I ate too fast/didn't chew well enough. I've only lost around 11lbs post op, but I'm not worried about that, since I know I'm eating well. Since I have to hold out for nearly 3 more weeks before my 1st fill, and I'm betting she's not going to be very aggressive with it, I'm going to have to buckle down and get my head back into the game and really watch what I'm eating, so I can work on losing a few pounds on my own. Always Hunzi
  4. Hunzi

    10 glorious months!

    Yay Allie!!!!! You know in MK, we're taught that you tend to become like the 5 people you spend the most time with....is there any wonder I hang out here with all my sister Junies? You are truly leading by example! Hugs! Always Joann/Hunzi
  5. HI! I'm doing great! Just had my 1 month check up, and I'm scheduled for my 1st fill in a couple of weeks!

  6. Congratulations!!! It sounds like things are going great! Always Hunzi
  7. Hunzi

    Daily News!

    Allie, Hang in there! I'll be praying for you and your DH. I know what you're going through. My DH lost his job in January. He has always had a 2nd job, and they took him on full time after he was laid off, but now he only makes less than half what he did before. Even with all that, I know we're blessed. I'm fortunate that with my Mary Kay business, all I needed to do was choose to kick it up a few notches and I can help make up the lost income. And the Lord is answering my prayers for my DH, because he has finally realized that he has to do something about his weight. He's scheduled to see the surgeon next week and he's already approved by our insurance, so hopefully, he'll be banded next month. This is a HUGE relief for me, because one of my biggest reasons for being banded was to be an example for him, and to be sure I was healthy so I could take care of our kids if he didn't do something, because I was fairly certain I would be a widow in the next five years otherwise. So sometimes we don't know exactly how God is planning to answer our prayers. I wouldn't have guessed my DH would have to lose his job in order to take better care of himself, (and fix our house), but that's what has been needed. You just need to trust. One of my favorite scriptures is Jeremiah 29:11, "For know that I have plans for you, says the Lord, plans to prosper and not to harm you, and to give you a future full of hope." Always Hunzi/Joann
  8. Hunzi

    Daily News!

    HI! I am feeling fantastic! I went back to work this week. I sort of eased into things last week, but this week I have 5 appointments up so far. I had a skin care class last night, a facial today, two facials tomorrow, and a facial up for Tuesday, and a double skin care class up for next Saturday (two hostesses). It feel so good to work! Food wise, I was given the go ahead to move up to mushies, and then move on to normal foods as I tolerated them. So far I'm doing great. I'm probably eatting too much! (Or at least it seems like it.) Yesterday I had a seriously hungry day. I even stopped at Sonic and got a jr burger with my DD. I ate that and 4 tater tots. Then I felt better. Weight wise, I've hit a holding pattern for a few days. I actually forgot to check this morning because my bathroom is in total chaos! My DH is replacing ALL the plumbing in the house, because we live in an old house that had 80yr old galvanized pipes and they were all clogged. They were so gross! I can't believe I've been cooking and bathing in that for years! Ewww! (Drinking water has been bottled for a long time because I hated the taste.) So think happy thoughts for me, because sponge bath and flushing toilets with 5 gal buckets of water gets old very fast! I might have to go rent a hotel room this weekend just to get a decent shower! Always Hunzi/Joann
  9. Hunzi

    March 4th... and an intro!

    Hi Angie! Good luck with your surgery! I ended up getting banded March 31st! Are you planning to do your aftercare in town? Always nice to meet someone from Omaha! Always Hunzi
  10. Hunzi

    Daily News!

    Hi Junies! I'm just checking in! Ok, I'm officially 1 week post op! And wooohoo! I'm not in the hospital this time!!!! This is as far as I got with the first band before I was a seriously sick/infected internal organs/dehydrated chick, band out and starting 2 weeks being seriously ill in the hospital! I'm feeling really good. I've pushed things a little too hard a couple of days and worn myself out, but overall I'm amazed at how great I feel. If I had any idea I was supposed to feel this good I would have been pounding on my surgeons' door by day 2 last time telling her something was really wrong! I just thought I was one of those unlucky ones who was a bit swollen for a few days. Who knew you weren't supposed to have to load up on lortab to drink water by the teaspoonful? This time - ZERO restriction. I'm on clears, but I swear I could eat a steak with no trouble! (and I don't even like steak!) My incisions are looking good. The steristrips are starting to peel off, which is good because they itch like crazy! I had teased my surgeon in the pre-op area that she was going to have to think back and recall her plastic surgery rotation from way back, because I expected pretty scars this time. (Last time after the band came out, she used staples because she was worried she'd have to go back in again right away, and the scars ended up sort of ugly.) She went back in through the old port scar, which was the worst one because it had dimpled in about an inch, and the other little ones she put close to the 1st ones but those don't worry me much because the 1st ones faded pretty well (about half gone now). My new port scar looks like it's going to be nice - she cut out all the old ugly parts and I'll have one nice clean line, and it doesn't look like it's going to be all sunk in this time. Yay! She rocks! The post op diet has been a challenge. Clears for 2 weeks. Uhg! I'm running out of inventive ways to make chicken broth. So far, stirring in a teaspoonful of pesto has been pretty good, and I came up with an "asian" flavor with a little ginger and cilantro. I'm alternating that plus a scoop of protein powder, with other protein drinks. Thank goodness I got a good variety! Once I survive the clear phase, I get to move on to pureed soups and mushie stuff for 2 weeks then finally into soft proteins and into my new normal eating. I'm looking forward to it. Now one week out, I'm getting hungry. Not sure how much of it is in my head and how much is real hunger. 400-500 calories/day isn't a whole lot to run on for 2 weeks. In good news, I've lost around 10lbs since surgery. It's a nice head start, because I think it may take a little time to get to that sweet spot given how loose I am right now and I know my surgeon is going to be uber cautious! I may resort to gnawing on the table legs before I get there. But hurray! 10 pounds! Always Hunzi
  11. Hunzi

    Lucky Losers - i posted my before album

    Good for you! I'll have to figure it out and post my (uhg!) before photos. I took a bunch before my first banding and I plan to wear the same thing and take the same shots each week/month/milestone. It's my own stop-action "watch Hunzi shrink" movie. Always Hunzi
  12. Hunzi

    March 31st, Anyone else?

    I haven't been super active yet. Right after surgery, I made myself get up and walk around a lot, first in the extended stay unit (for under 24hr stays), then when they decided to close that for the night they moved me back to the surgical care floor, which is where I spent 2 weeks last summer. I was joking with them that they heard I was in the hospital and kidnapped me from extended stay. While I was down in extended stay, I did a lot of napping. I think I got there around 11am (surgery at 8am), and I snoozed on and off until around 5pm. DH came in and stayed for a short time, then headed off because there was no point in him just watching me sleep. Around 6pm I felt better, so I got up, washed my face and went potty, then got decent and walked around. I think I walked for about 30-45 minutes slowly, then headed back to my room for a little bit for a nap. I didn't get it though, because that's when they announced they were moving me to the surgical floor because there weren't enough patients in extended stay to justify keeping it open overnight. So I moved up there, got settled in, and a hour or so later started walking around up there. My roommate was a RNY patient, and her DH was visiting, so I wanted to let them have as much time alone as possible. I asked the nurses station if anyone knew how far it was around the unit. No one knew, so I looked down, noticed the tiles were 12x12, and counted them all the way around. (254!) So that meant 21 times around = 1 mile. I decided to make it a goal. It took me a little over an hour but I did it! By that time Roommate's DH was leaving so I got settled in for the night. Next day I didn't really do much. I was a little tired because Roommate had a tough night, and I had to do my upper GI in the morning. Once I did that, got cleared by the surgeon, and had a tray of clears, I just bummed around until she discharged me around 6pm. Thursday I mostly rested, but I had to not take any lortab because I needed to drive DD around and run a few errands. Same thing Friday and Saturday. Mostly rest, no meds during the day. Kind of wished I could have them! I was getting pretty uncomfortable, but needed to finish all my driving duties before I could take any. I keep looking at my treadmill, but the will isn't quite there. I think part of it is I'm running out of steam with eating/drinking so few calories. I'm getting in all the Protein, liquids, and Vitamins, but on less than 500 calories. Yesterday I was getting hungry, so I made some SF Jello, and I worked on making my chicken broth a little more flavorful, so I actually ended up with around 650 calories for the day. I felt better. I figure as long as I move enough to not worry about blood clots, up and down stairs, walk around my room etc, I won't worry about actually exercising until I'm on full liquids/mushies which is week 3 post op. I'm on a clear liquid diet until then. Always Hunzi
  13. Just be sure you're getting in enough fluids now, sometimes it takes a while for your body to wake up, but as long as you're staying hydrated and peeing now, no worries! Always Hunzi
  14. Hunzi

    Looking for my band twin - 3.25.09

    My surgeon believes in "starve 'em into submission". I'm on clears for 2 weeks. Then 2 weeks of full liquids/pureed/mushies (nothing with more texture than baby food), then week 5, I get to have soft Proteins and other very soft foods and transition to solid proteins. For rachaele1, here's what I'm allowed: liquid Diet 1-2 weeks post op clear broth or soup (no veggies, meat or poultry) Protein powders (soy , whey) sugar free Carnations Instant Breakfast Non-fat powdered milk Skim Milk or 1% SF popsicles SF Jello SF, Non-Carbonated drinks or Water less than 5 calories/serving drinkable yogurt - low fat, SF pureed Foods 3-4 weeks post op Slightly textured foods, consistancy of baby food. Eat pureed protein rich foods first then veggies, and fruits Pureed skinless chicken or fish Cooked Pureed veggies Low fat or fat free yogurt Low fat Cottage cheese Low Fat Ricotta Cheese Vegetarian Fat Free Refried Beans Low Fat Cream Soups Mashed potatoes w/ no milk or butter (not a good source of protein) Soft Foods - 5 weeks post op Very tender cooked foods, cut into tiny eraser sized pieces and chewed well eggs or egg subsitute Fish (tuna, shrimp, white fish, crab) Chicken (white meat, skinless) Turkey (white meat, skinless) Lean Beef (round or loin, ground beef >90%lean) Lean Pork (tenderloin) Low Fat Deli meats Beans Peanut Butter (use sparingly) I'm having a lot of chicken broth warmed up with a scoop of Any whey Protein powder (17g protein), and I have lots of ready to drink protein drinks, Labrada Lean Body chocolate Ice Cream, Whey Up berry, Isopure Green Tea, Isopure Lemon Black Tea, CytoSport Tangerine, CytoSport Watermelon, New Whey Protein Bullets Fruit Punch, and a few protein powders, IDS Multi Pro Whey Belguim Chocolate, and a few samples left over from my Protein Sampler pack from last June. Yeah, it's overkill, but I didn't want to get cranky because I was tired of drinking the same thing all the time, 2 weeks pre-op and 2 weeks post op, so LOTS of flavors. What I don't use in the first 2 weeks, I'll use just to supplement proteins, and my DH is planning to have a band done too, so he'll use them too. I discovered during my recuperation from last year that the unflavored protein powder (I use Any Whey) is awesome! I'd mix it into whatever soup I was having and get a nice protein boost. Just remember, your major goal for the next 4-6 weeks is to allow your stomach to heal around the band. If you don't stress it, you'll really reduce your chances of a slip later on. Ok, that's information overload! Always Hunzi
  15. Hunzi

    March 31st, Anyone else?

    Hi Amy & Beza, Hang in there! Ignore the weight gain, that's just from the IV fluids. Just be sure to take your pain meds on schedule, staying on top of the pain really helps you heal faster. I'm definitely doing better this time. Last time I was swollen and so bruised I look like someone beat me with a baseball bat, and I was so tight I could barely swallow a teaspoon of Water at a time. My surgeon was even able to remove a few adhesions that had formed after the post-op infection (my stomach, liver and diaphram were stuck together.) This time, no bruises, some swelling but not too bad, and I'm able to drink slowly, but nearly normally. This band is very loose. I took some lortab last night at bedtime and woke up at 4:30 and took another dose, but I'm not taking any today because I need to be able to drive so I can pick up my DD from school. I do have a lot of gas rumbling around, but no real pain, just a growly stomach and the whole "liquids in, liquids out" thing. I'm already dropping the IV Fluid gains, and am back to just under surgery weight. (But this time, I know I'm not just dehydrating because I was able to drink 50+ oz of water yesterday.) Pretty soon, we'll all be skinny chicks! Always Hunzi
  16. Hunzi

    Daily News!

    I'm banded! Yeah!!! Everything went great. I feel really good. I told my surgeon if I had known I was supposed to feel this good, I would have rated my pain a lot higher the first time, and would have never left the hospital without insisting something was wrong that first day. I stayed in the hospital overnight, and my surgeon wouldn't let me have anything but swabs for my mouth until I had an upper GI the next morning to be sure everything was ok. She came down and supervised the upper GI, and it all looked great. I feel great overall. I do have some nasty heartburn. I'm taking Pepcid Complete, hopefully it will resolve soon. Other than that, I'm not having much pain, I'm not even taking any medication during the day today. Although I'm starting to rethink that for now. Lortab is our friend. Always Hunzi
  17. Hunzi

    March 31st, Anyone else?

    How is everyone doing? I'm banded! Yeah!!! Everything went great. I feel really good. I told my surgeon if I had known I was supposed to feel this good, I would have rated my pain a lot higher the first time, and would have never left the hospital without insisting something was wrong that first day. I stayed in the hospital overnight, and my surgeon wouldn't let me have anything but swabs for my mouth until I had an upper GI the next morning to be sure everything was ok. She came down and supervised the upper GI, and it all looked great. I feel great overall. I do have some nasty heartburn. I'm taking Pepcid Complete, hopefully it will resolve soon. Other than that, I'm not having much pain, I'm not even taking any medication during the day today. Although I'm starting to rethink that for now. Lortab is our friend. Always Hunzi
  18. Hunzi

    Looking for my band twin - 3.25.09

    Hey almost twins! I'm banded! Yeah!!! Everything went great. I feel really good. I told my surgeon if I had known I was supposed to feel this good, I would have rated my pain a lot higher the first time, and would have never left the hospital without insisting something was wrong that first day. I stayed in the shospital overnight, and my surgeon wouldn't let me have anything but swabs for my mouth until I had an upper GI the next morning to be sure everything was ok. She came down and supervised the upper GI, and it all looked great. I feel great overall. I do have a little rotten heartburn. I'm taking Pepcid Complete, hopefully it will resolve soon. Other than that, I'm not having much pain, I'm not even taking any medication during the day today. Although I'm starting to rethink that for now. Always Hunzi
  19. Looks like I just joined the club! My surgeon implanted a Realize band on March 31st. She had told me pre-op that she thought she'd use a Lapband AP, but she planned to bring all types into the OR because this is a 2nd band for me, first one was pulled due to a surgical complication that resulted in a leak and infection. So when I woke up, she told me she had used a Realize band, because there was some scar tissue between my stomach, liver and diaphram, and she felt the wider band would give me a better chance of avoiding a slippage later on. So Realize it is! I'm toying with the website now. It's ok, but I do like Daily Plate more. I think I'll probably use both, Realize for my surgeon's benefit, and Daily Plate for mine (and to get all the nutritional info to enter into Realize which didn't have any of the Vitamins etc I take and like to track. Here's to an awesome adventure! Always Hunzi
  20. Hunzi

    Lucky losers 09

    I guess it is officially, but I'm just rebelious. I will lose weight, but I'm never a loser so I just can't use that name. Always Hunzi always a winner
  21. Hunzi

    My girlie gene is weak!

    I'm 5-7, so not tall, but taller than a lot of women. I'm probably the tallest girl in my family that I know for several generations. I tend to avoid heels. I like flats. I'll wear a heel up to around 3 inches, but prefer 2. That said, when I lose this weight I plan to buy a serious pair of cfuk-me shoes. Something seriously sexy that only the skinny girls wear. My poor 5-6 DH will just have to deal with it. Purses are not a thing for me. I'm in a fashion business so I do notice them, and I try to keep current, but to be honest, I'd really rather carry one of those backpack bags from the 90s, not the teeny little ones that looked stupid but something fairly large, not as big as a college backpack. I have about 4 of them now, my favorite is sadly in bad shape. It was black buttery leather, made by Esprit, big enough to use as a laptop bag or carry a full sized planner and I could even do a weekend with it if I stuffed it. I liked it enough to hunt down several more similar to it. Worked great when my kids were smaller and always wanted me to carry stuff for them. Right now I have a cute hand bag I use, but I'd go back to the backpack (always wore it over 1 shoulder) in a heartbeat. If I'm really bumming around and it's winter, (which lasts forever here) I have a jacket with huge pockets and I'll just drop everything I need into them and go. I like sappy movies. I love girl-power movies too. I just saw A Long Kiss Goodbye! She rocked! I avoid horror flicks mostly, because I have bizzaro dreams if I watch one. I was an abused kid and I think they just get to me. I also love a good action flick and sport movies where hard work pays off for the underdog. It's funny. I wasn't at all girly as a kid. I was climbing trees and fishing, and the smart kid at school that no one knew was smart because I didn't care if they knew. I washed my face with Ivory soap and Sea Breeze before I became a Mary Kay consultant. I think I only owned 2 eyeshadows back then. (Both of them horrid, looking back!) Now I'm definitely girlier. I wear makeup, I get regular manicures, and treat myself to a pedi now and then. My toes do look way cuter when I do them, so I do. Nails are just done clear usually. I just need the mani because otherwise my nails are way too weak and break off, then I chew them down, nervous habit, but if I keep them done I leave them alone and they look great. I hated dresses as a kid, much to my Grandmother's chagrin. I started wearing them as a teen now and then, but stuck to jeans most of the time. Now I hardly own a pair of pants. I wear skirts and dresses all the time because it works for my business. I have seriously good hair. I just never like to mess with it. I get it cut and colored, and I straighten sometimes with a flat Iron, or let it air dry and I'm all waves and ringlets. I'm lucky to have a good stylist who loves me even when I don't show up for months. Panty hose are truly evil. I wear them alot and always hate them. I have a lot of long skirts and a pair of great wedges so I do go without if I can, but still pull them on for business attire. I've never had the thought "Oh cool, a tiara" Me either, but last year I was the #1 consultant in my National Area for Mary Kay and I got one for being the Queen! All sparkly! It's way too fun. I have it up in my bedroom where I can look at it because I'm committed to earning another one this year! Sometimes it's fun to put on an evening gown and play Cinderella! Yeah, I've been infected with the girlie gene! Always Hunzi the force is stong in that one Obi Wan.
  22. Hunzi

    Looking for my band twin - 3.25.09

    Yay! I'm glad you're feeling good. Eat nothing! Sip sip sip! I have a large supply of clear and full Protein drinks for the first few weeks. Sip chicken broth, have a little protein bullet, sip Water like crazy! Give that band lots of time to heal in place. Always Hunzi
  23. Hunzi

    Daily News!

    Hi! I hope everyone is feeling better, I know I am! Talk about a quick way to lose weight, 6lbs since Monday! I'm back to liquids mostly until surgery now. Teach, Congratulations! I can't wait until I can say that. Always Hunzi
  24. Hunzi

    Looking for my band twin - 3.25.09

    SO how are you all? Always Hunzi
  25. Hunzi

    March 31st, Anyone else?

    The being nervous is the worst part. The good news is, it really wasn't that bad. Last time, I was mostly just sore, along the lines of too many sit-ups. I'm not expecting more than that this time. I can't really judge the pain when you swallow because I had a lot of that but had a leak and didn't know it. I just thought it was normal. (eek!) Moral of this story is if you have so much pain that you can't drink or can't breathe normally call your doctor! I'm expecting a lot less this time. Good luck with the pre-op diet. I dropped 6 lbs since Monday thanks to my vicious little virus. Now I'm going to be mostly on liquids (but I can have a "sensible meal" if I need it). Today I had cream of chicken Soup with toast for lunch and cream of carrot soup for dinner. By Sunday I'll drop to Clear Liquids. Always Hunzi

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
