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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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    Lilly-of-the-Valley reacted to karen091866 in Now I understand why we dont tell people we are getting the sleeve...   
    Wow..can I relate to this thread! I had my surgery 11/19/15..and returned to work 2 weeks ago...(having lost 35 pounds since anyone last saw me)...one doofus @ work immediately blurted out, "Did you have gastric bypass?!?"---I confronted her and curtly told her that my surgery was personal...and essentially none of her concern.
    The next day, I returned to work to hear that she told everyone I had vaginal reconstruction!!! I was appalled.
    Again, I confronted her..asking just WTH her problem was...spreading lies that had placed her on a fast-track to a workplace harassment charge...now possibly sexual harassment....and she meekly replied, "I was just concerned about you"--- BS...."concern" would have been checking in on me while I was off from work...not speculating and fabricating BS lies upon my return because you don't know ANYTHING about my personal life...and you have some sick need to be the focus of everything. --- I told her that if anyone wanted to 'really know what went on while I was gone from work', that I'd gladly tell them, provided that they be willing to pay a portion of my medical bills....otherwise, it's NOYB. Period.
    I told her that if she spoke one more word about my health or appearance, there would be consequences beyond which she cared to imagine.....Strangely enough, she has been quiet as a mouse since.
    Some people just have serious issues seeing someone else experience anything positive....My choice to undergo such a life-altering procedure didn't come lightly...and the victories are MINE...and of no concern to anyone other than those I choose to share with.
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    Lilly-of-the-Valley reacted to 4MRB4PHOTO in Now I understand why we dont tell people we are getting the sleeve...   
    It sounds like that woman at your job needs a surgical procedure to remove her cranium from her rectum.
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    Lilly-of-the-Valley reacted to Dub in Now I understand why we dont tell people we are getting the sleeve...   
    Great attitude. You are going to keep on rocking it.
    The family.....even though they are wishing well and have great intensions......can be suffocating at times with their advice.
    My parents were the same way when I visited them at Thanksgiving. We laughed it off. I'll be seeing them next month and it'll be funny to see their reaction to the progress since last visit.
    As far as your husband's cousin's husband.......you were literally preached to. That is too funny. Good stuff, too. Getting right with God is always advised before going under. I'm sure he meant well......but why is it that some folks hear that you are having surgery and then feel compelled to tell you about all the morbid aspects and possibilities. Makes me wanna yell out at them...."Fool.....hush up........not trying to hear that noise right now !!!!!".
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    Lilly-of-the-Valley reacted to TinyTink in Now I understand why we dont tell people we are getting the sleeve...   
    I'm just going to say it's my new hair cut!

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