Hi everyone. I was banded on Feb 13, 2008. I started at 258 and am now stuck on 206-207. I actually got down to 204 for like 2 days. I am soooo determined to get below 200 by my 1 year anniversary but dont seem to have the will power to make it happen. I always start the day with great intentions and then some how lose it during the day. I have a farm and do multiple chores but these are not real "exercise" and I just never make the time to do real exercise. I fluctuate up and down lately. My last fill was in September and I am at 7cc in a 10cc band. I am scheduled for Feb 6 for another but I dont know if that is the problem or not as I still have restriction. I can eat as much as I want (too much) of some foods and then other things (fish, chicken, pasta) stop me after only a few bites. I PB probably 5-6 times a week. I do not feel like I have control of my eating at all. It is discouraging to feel so out of control. You guys help me to keep trying.... I will weigh in weekly. This morning- 207.2 ugh.