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LAP-BAND Patients
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Everything posted by elyssa

  1. elyssa


    Tap- Are nuts terrible? If so I am bummed because I love pistacios (sp?). I know why I pb so much. I eat really fast because I always have stuff to get done and dont take time to eat like a "normal" person. I know it when I am doing it. That is the bad part. Does anyone else dread going for a fill and weighing at the doctor? The little tiny nutritionist lady always makes me feel like crap for not losing more! I have an appointment this Friday and I am not at all looking forward to it. I love reading everyone's journey. Thanks you guys for being so open. I cant believe that I actually put a number on my weight here because it has always been a "secret"! Anyway thanks for sharing!:w00t:
  2. elyssa

    Me and my son

    From the album: me!

  3. elyssa


  4. elyssa

    me and my youngest son

    From the album: me!

  5. elyssa


    Hi everyone. I was banded on Feb 13, 2008. I started at 258 and am now stuck on 206-207. I actually got down to 204 for like 2 days. I am soooo determined to get below 200 by my 1 year anniversary but dont seem to have the will power to make it happen. I always start the day with great intentions and then some how lose it during the day. I have a farm and do multiple chores but these are not real "exercise" and I just never make the time to do real exercise. I fluctuate up and down lately. My last fill was in September and I am at 7cc in a 10cc band. I am scheduled for Feb 6 for another but I dont know if that is the problem or not as I still have restriction. I can eat as much as I want (too much) of some foods and then other things (fish, chicken, pasta) stop me after only a few bites. I PB probably 5-6 times a week. I do not feel like I have control of my eating at all. It is discouraging to feel so out of control. You guys help me to keep trying.... I will weigh in weekly. This morning- 207.2 ugh.
  6. Any weight loss is a good thing! Dont give up. I too have had one fill and dont feel restricted. Weight loss is slow but it will come! Dont get on the scale everyday! It really messes with your head. I only get on once a week and that way I can be happy with even one pound lost!

  7. I learned not to get on the scale every day and deal emotionally with the up down thing. It seems to help! I have had a fill and still dont feel much restriction but I have definately cut back on my food intake and although slow, I am losing weight! Never give up on yourself!

  8. Got my Lap Band on Feb 13! Didn't work laproscopically because I have had a previous abdominal surgery. Doctors said they tried for an hour but then had to do it open. Also found a hernia while in there and they repaired that too. End result - 49 staples and a lot of pain. I am home now. Have had doubts about whether I did the right thing or not but guess its too late for that. Healing time is going to be longer than normal and I am not a good "lay down and rest person"! Still want to eat but the pain of surgery stops me. Any encouragement would be helpful at this point. Thanks,
  9. I was banded on the 13th. I had open surgery so havn't been able to exercise or anything. Seems that alot of people on here who got their surgery in Feb have lost alot more weight than I have. I know it is supposed to be slow but I have read so many comments where people have lost 20-27 pounds already but I am only down 13. I hope that I am not doing something wrong!
  10. I do think it is worth it! May not feel like it at first but now I totally am glad. Good luck with your surgury in a few weeks Teri. Let us know how it goes!
  11. JillS, I hope you are doing better. I am not feeling too bad now and dont regret the surgery. There are things I will miss and maybe not like but I think in the long run we will be happier and healthier! Keep in touch, this really is a terrific place to talk to people in the same boat!
  12. I think we can get thru this and be glad we did it! I am miserable right now cause I ate too much mushy stuff! And it wasnt even that much. Feel like I just ate Thanksgiving dinner! Is this normal? I should stop experimenting and finding yummy mushy stuff! All of you guys have no idea how much reading your replies helps me through this! Thanks to all of you sooooo much!
  13. Good Luck to you awomangodcanuse!
  14. It's getting better now isn't it!? I still hurt but not as much. Still hungry but fill up pretty fast. Prob eating more than I should but not as much as before. Little at a time anyway. How are you this morning? You are one week out right? I am getting a better attitude now that the pain is less. This sounds terrible but it is nice to know someone else is going through the same thing! Thanks
  15. my Dr only made me do 24 hours of clear liquids and drink some nasty stuff to make my system clean out. I wouldnt have made it! Be strong!
  16. Thanks Amy, I think you are right. Sure does help to hear it though. Ive done an awful lot of crying and grouchy since surgery.
  17. macmadame- That was where my scar was too. However they said it was the internal scarring that caused them to have to do it open. My surgery was due to a car accident and the Dr. said that the emergency surgeries tend to leave alot of scarring inside cause they are in a hurry. So dont be discouraged yet. Im whiny cause Im hurting but I keep trying to look to the future.
  18. Longhorn- Have you had any fills yet? It is encouraging to know that the weight will come. I came out of the hospital and actually weighed 8 lbs more than when I went in and that was without eating! Lucky me! Lol . Of course by the time I came home it was exactly where it was when I left home. I have to stop obsessing! Thanks
  19. Thanks. I hope that as the pain goes my attitude improves! I am eating mushy stuff and it really isnt too bad. I can take a whole lot of stuff and make it mushy!
  20. :biggrin:Just got my insurance approval! Next appt 2-5-08. Then will be scheduled! So excited!!!!
  21. elyssa

    Waiting in Florida

    I go for preop stuff on the 5th of Feb. They will schedule surgery after that. I am hoping it is soon.
  22. elyssa


    I am getting my surgery by Dr. Schirmer. I have had one visit with him then go back on 2-5-08. Did he do your surgery? What type of diet did he put you on prior to surgery, etc?
  23. elyssa

    Waiting in Florida

    Yeah. I am looking forward to being ok with pictures. Also looking forward to trying on clothes and not being disappointed when I see what they look like on me! Do you know when your surgery is yet?
  24. elyssa


    Glad to hear it! Jus because it seems everyone here has this great will power and I have been worried that I chose wrong by doing lapband instead of bypass. Cool that your husband is supportive. Mine thinks support comes in the form of calling me fat etc. Somehow that is supposed to be encouragement. That is ok though because I am doing this for me! Not him! Lol.
  25. elyssa

    "Ticker" Instructions/Help

    My turn to see if my ticker appears!

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