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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Mrs_O

  1. feel much better today thank goodness and i lost a little over 4 lbs yesterday!!! yikes.
  2. mine had nothing about pickles or acidic foods in my packet so last week i tried it. i got a pickle spear and just ate a bite and chewed really well. when it went down just fine the next day i tried a couple of bites. after a few days i was able to eat most of a pickle spear! woot. i am 4 weeks out today by the way so hopefully it will work for you. i had no issues with it going down well or with reflux. i am just trying not to eat too many of them since they really have no nutritional value to them!
  3. Mrs_O


    It's funny because that was always my fav food! Could eat it every meal of every day but I actually haven't wanted it once so far! So proud. I also pinned a bunch of crust less options on Pinterest if I ever get desperate. The crust was always my fav part but I'm glad I just don't want it anymore. At least for now anyway!
  4. Mrs_O


    I'd think if you are only 4 weeks out, this pizza would be preeeeeeeettttttty freezer burned before you should even consider it, but hey...what do I know? True! We actually went ahead and got one for my hubby to eat. I'd like to see and smell it first and see if it even remotely looks good and he can tell me if it tastes good because we like the same pizzas!
  5. I am struggling today believe me. It's horrible. Still sipping on water but I know I won't hit goal today. Just trying to not get dehydrated!!!!
  6. Mrs_O


    I noticed at Walmart the other day that they have some small pizzas in the frozen section with the Atkins meals. Like 3G of sugar and 23g of protien. Not many carbs either but I can't remember how many I bought one but I def haven't eaten it yet as I'm almost 4 weeks out. Maybe that's an option. Probably can't eat the whole thing at once either even though it's personal size.
  7. The shoulder pain was the WORST! Y'all hang in there. It gets better! Wednesday will be 4 weeks out for me and other than changing the eating of course I feel back to myself. Still atruggle with the 64 oz of liquid. That's tough!!!!
  8. Scrambled eggs will be your new best friend! They are so good I still have at least one a day. I am supposed to still be on soft foods and no meat yet but I've slowly added in some very moist tuna for something different a couple times. Is anyone on softies having BM issues? I feel like the stall wouldn't be so bad if I could go to the bathroom more regularly. What are y'all taking to help with this? Thanks!
  9. I didn't even think about them until a few days after surgery! They sell the individual wipes at Walmart now that I think about it it would be nice if they came with!
  10. Well my three week stall is now a gain Just a pound but that's annoying! I am still having bathroom issues though so that must be part of it. I've tried a little MIlk of Mag but what does everyone recommend for the constipation??? So far any soft foods I've had have went down ok but I really need to solve this potty issue!
  11. Tomorrow will be three weeks from my surgery. I went the other day from the milk of mag and it wasn't solid (sorry if TMI) now I feel life I have to go and it would be regular but it still hasn't happened yet. We shall see. I'm not really uncomfortable from it but I don't want any bad backups or anything
  12. Anyone else having trouble with going to the bathroom? I've been trying milk of mag but I figure this also has something to do with my stall.
  13. i was on the b12 dissolved under the tongue before the procedure and then back on that one after going home. then had to start the multi Vitamin and the b1 at the start of the 3rd week after sleeve.
  14. Mrs_O

    Non-scale victories

    #1- my glasses won't stay on my face when i wear them. guess most of my weight loss has been in my face! #2- my hubby told me the other day that i don't snore anymore! it was never really bad but he says i sleep so quietly now!
  15. I was also outpatient. My mom and I stayed in a hotel down the road overnight and I went back to visit surgeon next morning to remove drain etc. I would suggest go ahead and have a bottle or two of water to sip on, slippers, small pillow for between belly and seat belt, and I also took a few extra pillows to help prop me in the hotel bed that first night. Other than that I didn't use anything other than my meds and I slept a lot. If someone is coming with you, have them bring entertainment like a tablet or a book. I think I bored my mom but she had a book during surgery and the tv in the hotel good luck!!!
  16. Mrs_O


    I started taking the flintstone chewables this week and they def go down better than my bariatric ones but I have to take so many to equal the 200% daily dose I need that they give me reflux. How do the Source of Life Gold ones compare in daily values??
  17. Mrs_O

    January 22nd sleevers?

    I was the 27th. Been on soft foods since Monday. Still having trouble with liquids and protien! It's a struggle to even eat during the days but I am currently loving scrambled eggs, low fat string cheese sticks and these nifty little pretzel packs with cheese dip. Mashed potatoes went down fine but didn't taste good for some reason. I'm in he dreaded three week stall I believe while my body is adjusting to foods again. Believe it or not I think I am not putting enough in!
  18. i was losing about a pound a day and this week i have lost about a pound total. this is the start of my third week and also started soft foods. i am assuming that that most likely has something to do with it?
  19. Mrs_O

    3 weeks post- op

    hi all! i was sleeved 1/27 and i am also struggling with liquid and protein. also with eating. i have been enjoying scrambled eggs (my FAV right now YUM), light string cheese and these nifty little pretzel with cheese packs that are in my carb/fat limits. i know i am NO where near 1000 calories! maybe that is why there is a week 3 stall??? i did get some new protein powder in so starting tomorrow i should be able to up that intake a little. maybe when the swelling inside is completely gone it will be a little easier!! what is everyones plans for Valentines Day after being newly sleeved? i am trying to think of ideas that would work for hubby and me. i told him we could just go to popeyes and he can eat yummy chicken while i have a little mashed potatoes! he seemed to love the idea of a low key night and no fancy high dollar restaurants
  20. Mrs_O

    Weak and Swollen :-(

    i was sleeved on 1/27 and i was super weak too. just wanted to sleep. a lot! I've been on soft foods since monday and i do feel better but still sleepy in the mornings for sure. the weakness isn't so bad anymore though. i am still swollen inside too. it is getting easier to drink but still painful sometimes. it just keeps getting better day by day
  21. Mrs_O

    Same Veggies as Before?

    Awesome. I'm not a huge veggie person but I am going to try and expand my palate. Green beans though are awesome!
  22. Mrs_O

    Same Veggies as Before?

    How were y'all on green beans? I am only a little two weeks out so I haven't tried any yet but they were my FAV pre op and I hope to enjoy them again!
  23. i am two weeks out today and kinda surprised that my steri strips haven't come off yet. one set has one that is a little loose but the rest are still good and stuck. anyone else? i am afraid to rip them off thats for sure
  24. Mrs_O


    ugh, i feel ya. i have to open my Multivitamin for 12 weeks! today was the first day i had to start taking them and i put mine in applesauce. i can barely choke this junk down and i have to do this 3 times a day!!! i am going to look for a chewable or dissolvable one tonight at the store. it already takes me so long to eat that i don't know how i can possibly do this 3 times a day

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
