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Status Updates posted by CHM

  1. I need a serious carb detox, and the sugar cravings are driving me batshit crazy. Any suggestions?

    1. Djmohr


      Been there many many times in my life. I cannot figure out why I go back because I really don't even like them anymore. The only thing that helps me is stopping them completely and then slowly introducing good carbs back in.

    2. OzRoo


      I put some cottage cheese in a small bowl, add Stevia, cinnamon plus vanilla essence, top it off with custard. This fixes my sugar cravings.

      I was also advised to take 2 Psyllium husk capsules, about 20-30 mins before consuming carbs, apparently by adding fibre it can ease off the craving for more carbs. This was from my Thyroid support group. Just go the capsules today, may try it tonight or tomorrow.

      Good luck @CHM Carbs and sugar are Evil!

  2. I don't think I remember... A taste as sweet as this December...

    1. Show previous comments  3 more
    2. KindaFamiliar
    3. KindaFamiliar



      How was your December?

    4. CHM


      Much better than my January, thats for damn sure...

  3. Hey, guess what. I'm overweight. As opposed to any degree of 'obese'. I'll take it!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. OzRoo


      Oh, and where did the straw go ? ;)

    3. Daisee68


      Congrats!! That is a great feeling!

    4. CHM


      Thank you very much everyone. I truly appreciate the support. And I have to say...I think this is my favourite milestone so far! =D

  4. Oh, why hello there Onederland. It's been far too long... =D

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. CHM


      Thank you so much everyone. It took over two frustrating months to get through the last 10 lbs to get here, but I'm here!!

    3. Caribear



    4. Valentina


      Stop, close your eyes and remember the way you felt when you saw that 19*. on the scale readout. Wasn't that priceless???? Remember and never forget. You're worth it. You deserve it. Enjoy it! :)

  5. 6 months, 155 lbs down, 30 lbs to go. I think its going well...

    1. Show previous comments  5 more
    2. CHM



      You are just too much sometimes...

      Thank you. <3

    3. VSGAnn2014


      OMG! So impressive. Respect!


    4. SilentBotts


      You're doing so well, keep it up!!!

  6. Hurray for Liquid Diet Week!! So happy to have a break from trying to stuff my way to my calorie goal. =D

    1. LipstickLady


      Hey. As long as you are getting at least halfway there, you're gravy. That's all I could do for most of my first year. Why should it matter if you drink it or eat it?

    2. CHM


      At the very least I'll hit my protein goal every day if I'm drinking it!

    3. Chianti


      I've found that liquid diets that allow you to meet your protein goal is so much easier!! Good luck!!!

  7. Never thought I'd say it, but I miss my appetite. Eating consistently is becoming increasingly difficult without it.

    1. Show previous comments  7 more
    2. KindaFamiliar


      16 months out and no appetite...

      I'm wth you C...

    3. Valentina


      About time you showed up, KF! You're needed here!!!! Do something...

    4. Valentina


      CHM, NEVER change anything . I like you just the way you are. ---and I LOVE your profile picture.


  8. Finally hit 150! Pounds lost I mean. I'll probably never hit 150 for real. And I'm okay with that! =D

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. KindaFamiliar


      Good job love...

    3. OzRoo


      Congratulations! Awesome result! The stall shifted, great news xxx

    4. Valentina


      Great Job! You've lost a whole woman. Do you miss her?

      I bet not :)

  9. To the Canadians: Happy Canada Day! To the Americans: Happy 4th of July! To the Aussies: Um...I'm sorry your weather sucks right now?

    1. KindaFamiliar


      How very multicultural and inclusive of you...

      You're so PC...

    2. OzRoo


      Queensland winter is like Northern European summer .... Only had heating on for 1 day so far. Love this weather :)

      You can wish us Happy Election Day ;)

  10. 5 months post-op today and I've been gaining and losing the same 3 lbs for the last 5 weeks. Its too damn early for this sh*t!

    1. Show previous comments  4 more
    2. OutsideMatchInside


      well you aren't losing really anyway so you don't have much to lose increasing your calories. If you laid in bed all day and didn't move, someone of your height and weight burns 1900 calories a day just being alive. So if you are burning any calories with any type of movement and exercise, you have an over 1000 calorie a day deficit. your body is going to cling to the weight like it has been. jmo

    3. CHM


      Touché - I suppose you're right. If I'm not losing anyway then what does it matter if I increase my calories again. If I start gaining again I'll just cut it back down. Better a stall than a gain!

    4. Djmohr


      I think I was at the 6 month mark and had to increase to 1000 after a 6 week stall. It worked for a long time and then I bumped to 1100 and finally 1200. Now at 21months post op I have had to increase again because I continue to lose even after I hit goal.

      All you can do is try it for a week and see if it helps break your stall.

  11. All day, every day...

    1. KindaFamiliar


      As it should be...

  12. I hate people. Who's with me!!

    1. Show previous comments  11 more
    2. OzRoo


      I am with you on the assholes types @CHM

      Still hate paperwork, and the assholes who make mistakes with my carefully filled out forms ....

      When I was with the airlines, I had handcuffs and baton to use if needed ....

      Offloaded few assholes straight into the police waiting at the terminal, and dobbed few into customs as well!

      Karma can be so sweet at times :)


    3. KristenLe


      ME!!!!!! I really wish I worked with dogs instead of people! My favorite sweatshirt "DOGS - because people suck!"!

    4. Alpine Lady

      Alpine Lady

      Yes, dogs are better because they wag their tails and not their tongues!


  13. Don't stop...

    1. KindaFamiliar
    2. ProudGrammy


      good surgery and recovery. GOAL, i MUST keep doing what i've been doing every day for the rest of my life- no ifs and or buttttts!!- no stopping til the day and die +1 LOL - kathy

    3. ProudGrammy
  14. Will someone PLEASE tell my hair that it belongs on my head?! Thanks.

    1. CHM


      Aww. Can I put you on staff as my resident ego booster? :D

    2. Miss Mac

      Miss Mac

      Dear Hair.....Stay on her head - and I MEAN IT!

    3. CHM


      THANK you!

      Now if only they would listen...

  15. Straws & bubbles have definitely NOT stretched my pouch. Couldn't even finish a 3rd chicken wing!

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. CHM


      Glad we could entertain you. Lol

    3. LipstickLady


      That will be $10 for the peep show, please.

    4. deadmanwalking


      Hell for the way I smiled at this conversation between 2 hotties I'd gladly pay 100! It was awesome! Thanks ladies!

  16. "Don't wanna close my eyes"

  17. I like it when you know sh*t!

    1. LipstickLady


      Instead of being full of sh*t.

    2. LipstickLady


      Instead of being full of sh*t.

    3. CHM


      Yes. Knowing sh*t is far superior to being full of sh*t. Always.

  18. "Those three words are said too much. They're not enough."

    1. KindaFamiliar


      "If I lay here...

      If I just lay here..."

    2. CHM


      Would you lie with me and just forget the world?

    3. KindaFamiliar


      I speak only for myself when I say - Yes, yes I would...

  19. "Listen to my voice, its my disguise"

  20. "All the mistakes one life contained, they all finally start to go away."

    1. deadmanwalking


      "Now that we're here it's so far away

      And I feel like I can face the day, and I can forgive

      And I'm not ashamed to be the person that I am today"

    2. CHM


      Indeed. =)

    3. deadmanwalking


      big aaron lewis fan right here!

  21. There are no words left to speak.

    1. Show previous comments  6 more
    2. Dub


      Glad it's all good.

    3. KindaFamiliar


      Perhaps the time for talking is over..

    4. CHM


      Perhaps it is...

  22. There are no words left to speak.

  23. Straws are good.

    1. Show previous comments  1 more
    2. jane13


      If it comes thru a straw, then swallowing is good too, right?

      No chewing required...

    3. CHM


      Omg @LipstickLady you almost made me shoot jerky out my nose!!!

      Yes @jane13 swallowing anything from a straw is good. Desirable even!

    4. Dub


      Penis owner checking in.


      And yes....I'll agree that swallowing is great and that spitters are quitters.

  24. Isopure. Not a fan. Blech!

    1. Show previous comments  2 more
    2. Christinamo7


      I hadn't tried it yet. I am pretty happy with my chocolate unjury.

    3. CHM


      RTD. Yuck yuck yuck. And if it wasn't bad enough down, the aftertaste was even worse.

    4. OKCPirate


      I'm the minority, but I loved the green tea version. But it's too expensive now, but when I first started it was perfect.

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