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Heather I

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Heather I

  1. I don't get offended -- try to look at it that people are trying to be nice in an offbeat way about my weight -- but honestly, I don't care what anyone else says or thinks -- I know I need it.

    Having said that, my personal opinion is that SO MANY PEOPLE ARE OBESE, we have become blind to it! Everyone is overweight, usually obese, it no longer looks odd to us!

    I've traveled overseas, and let me tell you, my height/weight totally made me stand out -- even 100 lbs less than where I am now! I was thunderstruck when I arrived in the New England airport midwinter from France and saw the heavy, slovenly population roaming around in there, LOL -- and I was one of them! Culture shock after seeing how other countries are thinner.

  2. There is a TON of sodium on soy/teriyake sauce, and I believe the carb content is a little high, too. Your stir fry may be doing you in.

    I'm doing the pre-op diet/low carb diet now, and I throw in 20 ounces of Water in between every snack/shake. It REALLY helps tamp down the hunger. The diet isn't as horrible as I thought it would be, on day 6 and down almost 10 lbs.

    And if you are bound up, I have one black coffee in the morning with my vanilla Protein shake as Creamer. I've slowed down from my usual daily, ahem, bathroom break, but definitely not constipated.

  3. @@nevertoolate13, going good!

    -7.3 since starting Monday.

    No cravings, gets easier, BUT, I'm stressed out right now and HUNGRY.

    Guzzling Water like a nut trying to fill the void, kinda annoyed. I had 4 slices of deli meat and cheese (not on plan,) and am mad I cheated with forbidden fat/protein, LOL.

    Definitely, for me, keeping busy and going to bed early is a big help. Boredom/stress are my enemy. Not that I didn't know that, but this has definitely been an eye-opener of thinking what is real hunger v. head hunger. I am a little nervous thinking that it's going to be weeks and weeks before I eat really yummy food again. I miss complex flavors. shakes and Crystal Light are okay but blah.

  4. Thank God for him speaking out. I hope others see this. I'd happily put myself in hock for some fashionable duds. I love clothes, fashion, accessories, seasonal makeup trends -- but none of it really applies to me as a size 22. The clothes are ugly, marm-sih, polyester, and frumpy. And how about something as a base color besides black? Geez, I know I'm fat, but what's wrong with navy or khaki or grey as a base color to work around? I don't want to disappear into the background. I want color -- not hideous, garish crapola.

  5. @@Aleathia, great job on the -4 lbs!!!!!!!

    I am taking a Tylenol PM every night to knock me out early -- by 9 p.m., 10 p.m. the latest, so I am not hungry/irritated watching hubby snack watching TV after the kids are in bed. It's not great for our couple-time, but I figure for two weeks it's a small price to pay. It helps keep me under so I can rest. Trying to guzzle a ton of Water in the morning and afternoon so I only have my last 2 shakes from 4 p.m. until bedtime so I don't have to use the bathroom a ton.

    I am using my CPAP religiously for optimal sleep and doing good with the diet, but I walked yesterday and was STARVING.

    The shakes and Water weren't cutting it, so I ate a HUGE summer squash steamed with salt and pepper -- double the 1 cup serving required, but I figured it's better than anything else I'd shove in my piehole in the past! I only lost .5 today though, so not sure if I knocked myself out of ketosis with too many veggie carbs:-(

  6. @@Aleathia, I'm not totally liquids -- 3 Premier Protein a day, black coffee, 1/2 cup fruit/veggies a day and a trifling amount of carbs. Unlimited Clear Liquids, Jell-O, and fat free broth.

    I bought Syntax (sp?) unflavored Protein Powder for afterwards to mix into food. I forget what their active ingredient is, but I heard some people become lactose intolerant after surgery, and this doesn't have that ingredient. I am stocked up on shakes for pre/post op, but didn't go too crazy.

    I weighed myself and put a yearly reminder on my phone that this is my starting weight and day 1 of liquids. I hope it's a motivational reminder every year to keep plugging and check my progress. I think I want to journal about this, too, in hopes of really nailing my food triggers/emotional stuff to make lasting changes.

    My closet has been organized by descending size since March, when my surgery in June was initially booked. Sooooo freaking excited to purge clothes and streamline to a few stylish basics -- and a thinner face, no double chins, and increased energy -- hell, looking forward to ALL OF IT!!!!!!!!!!

  7. I think a huge majority of people on this site have had family members do serious damage regarding weight discussions over the years.

    I will say, I wanted the surgery a long time before going for it because I thought I had to have a BMI of 40+. I didn't know comorbidities counted to bring the number down to 35.

    IDK if your daughter is in the grey zone of 35-40, but maybe mentioning apnea, diabetes, joint issues, BP, etc., can get surgery approved before letting it spiral out of control (only IF it can be introduced naturally into conversation,) might be a helpful thing for her to know.

    So IF she complains about snoring, exhaustion, cracking joints, fearing yearly physicals, missing out on age-related activities due to physical limitations, etc., etc., you could maybe offer to talk to her about your surgery if she is interested and let her know your biggest regret (and many others') is not doing this sooner, before you've caused permanent harm to joints, become Type II, had fertility issues, etc.

    If she's mid 20s, dating, weddings, spring break/Mardi Gras, bridesmaid dresses, pool parties, etc., etc., I'm sure has been impacted by her weight. She will seek you out in due course I bet if she knows it's a safe place to land:-)

  8. I swear, I think you have had almost every complication imaginable! Totally sucks. I really hope your team is suitably freaked out by all you have gone through and they get their heads together to come up with a good plan of monitoring you and checking EVERYTHING; organs, labs, nutrients, etc.

  9. I love the Sally Hanson spray hose! I'm very pale though, so the lightest shade is still a little obvious on me if I don't apply it right. My girlfriend's husband does auto body work, so she knew how to spray it in a far-away mist so I didn't look like a weird Barbie doll with fake legs.

    Definitely get a friend to spray you outside, at least 3 feet away, in a circular mist. And, yes, do the tops of toes and exfoliate/shave beforehand for best results. It's cool stuff!

  10. I believe there are pregnancy/PCOS sub threads on here. From what I have read, WLS seems to drastically improve PCOS and the odds of getting pregnant, and the low-carb diet afterwards especially is helpful for PCOS. I'm no OB-GYN, but PCOS seems to block a lot of women from losing lbs.

    I'm glad he's coming around a little bit. Guys are dumb sometimes with the female complications. They have no clue about regular pregnancy, let alone PCOS, gestational diabetes, advanced maternal age, etc., etc., and think you're just being a worrywart about every possible catastrophe.

    When people say it's a miracle to have a child, it's true -- so many things can go wrong, and it's amazing when it all goes well. I had my kids at 39 and 40, and if we had more money, we'd have had two more back-to-back. I hated that money and my weight interfered with us having the bigger family we wanted. It was the "responsible" thing to do to stop at two, but we still wish we could have two more. If you want multiple kids, you don't want to have this monkey on your back.

    I'm glad you seem firm in your decision. You can come on this site for support. I think everyone on here has faced backlash or undermining comments in some form from people in their lives. Keep your chin up, and think of enjoying an active honeymoon in sexy clothes and starting off pregnant at a healthy starting weight.

    Much hugs! Best of luck to you!

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