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Heather I

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Heather I

  1. Sorry for the delay, as you can imagine with Christmas, it's hectic!

    Yes, we are covered under my husband's BCBS insurance which, ironically, I was SUPER excited to get with his new job as it blows away the shitty, basically catastrophic insurance we had before -- only to find the BCBS plan they are offering dropped WLS as a benefit.

    This is SUCH a PITA and disheartening. I'm already taking a non paid hit when I have the surgery since I'm self-employed and don't get any paid time off, and paying for an extra policy -- on top of a stellar policy that is finally provided to us -- GAH!!!!!!!!!

  2. Good for you!

    My friend came out of a long 20+year marriage and is dating again. At first it was the frantic, I-don't-want-to-be-alone dating, and now she's totally reveling in dating and taking it one date at a time and just enjoying the process again.

    it'll happen. It's good you are having fun going out and being social!

  3. I don't know if I agree with that re: texting. My take on it is like the movie/line, "he's just not that into you." When they are into you -- you know it; they call and talk and cannot be deterred from the woman they want. Just have to find the guy who has a pair and uses them to move things forward;-)

  4. FOLLOWING! This happened to me. WLS was covered under our plan in 2015, not in 2016, and I have done everything required but meet the surgeon and do the psych eval. So bummed!

    I was told I can buy a BCBS policy on the exchange up to 1/31/16 (cutoff on Obama enrollment) and self-pay for a policy. My friend who does medical billing said buy the spare policy 1-2 months before surgery and keep it up to 6 months after surgery to cover the post-op Dr. visits.

    Also, she said any complications from WLS (gallbladder surgery, hernia repair, strictures,) would not be covered under your original policy -- it's viewed like plastic surgery -- optional, and any complications would need to be billed under the WLS policy you are buying. It's getting complicated!

    I'm a 1099, so BCBS said I can buy any time, not limited to the 1/31/16 deadline, and WLS is covered.

    Now, the other issues are choosing plans. I'm going with a high monthly premium and $1000 surgery copay after meeting my $2000 deductible, not the 80/20 plans or 70/30 plans, where I'd be responsible for 20-30% of a $30K surgery.

    I'm interested in any advice/experience anyone has. I was devastated last Friday when I looked over the new insurance package and saw bariatric isn't covered anymore! Sucks.

  5. I did a ton of online dating, and I hate when people would say, "it happens when you're not looking."

    I don't think it's accurate, at least not in my case -- but it happened when I didn't care if it DID happen and finally let my guard down to be "me," without putting on my perma-24-hour smiley personality to my now-husband. I was my real self, warts and all, and he loved me anyway.

    IDK. I think dating kind of stinks. It's fun when you click with someone, but it's a lot of pressure wondering if the person is right, long-term, blah, blah, blah.

    Maybe when you're under 25 and there aren't as many expectations of "where is this going," but it's kinda work to get out there. Cut yourself some slack and enjoy the time off of no pressure. Dating can be hard. It's nothing like the movies with over-the-top expensive, romantic, thoughtful, exotic gestures.

    My husband won me by being honest about who he was, direct, and wasn't a wishy-washy putz who didn't know what he wanted out of a relationship. He periodically is incredibly sensitive, romantic, heartfelt, and sweet. He also, periodically, is obtuse, rude, and not helpful with chores, LOL.

    There are good people out there, and that's a good attitude to have. I say look for a man who is happy in life. I think a good attitude is a big deal!

    I never believe that there are "no men out there," there's just lulls in the action sometimes finding them.

  6. Wow, that's a brutally mean crowd you're hanging with! I'd get some new friends. You don't need Judgy McJudgerson bringing you down as you start a new path in life. Let them stay nasty and miserable.

    Sheesh, really horrible comments!

    I'm NOT thick-skinned and would be totally taken aback by that kind of stuff.

    My condolences --they suck!

  7. OH thank God it was resolved in time!

    And just as an aside to the person criticizing and advocating self-pay -- if she HAS insurance, Bariatric surgery is a covered benefit, and she and her employer are paying in weekly on premiums, why shouldn't she expect to use that insurance and be upset that she was denied due to someone's dropping the ball on a technicality at the last minute?

    I'd be hysterical!

    And, we have been there. We had horrible (catastrophic) insurance the past two years; make too much to get help, don't make enough with two toddlers and bills to do anything but survive, and had to pay OOP thousands in medical gear for our daughter.

    Yes, you can want it bad and self-pay -- if you have someone to watch your kids, run your household, and fill in for your missing income. Any discretionary income we have goes on helping our daughter. We're on the back-burner until she's taken care of.

    Not everyone is in a position to do what you are advocating, and it doesn't mean they don't want it bad enough.

  8. I don't know if you like to read, but back in my single (slimmer) days, I used to meet potential dates (met hubby on Match,) at Barnes & Noble on Friday and Saturday nights (safe, brightly lit, Starbucks coffee and pastry lounge area.)

    I was SHOCKED how busy it was on weekends! I love puttering up and down the aisles looking at books and magazines, and couch areas to chitchat quietly.

    I will say, I had a really bad breakup years ago (sent me on my food spiral that got me here today,) but the year after the breakup, I went from living together to single with nothing to do. I made it my mission to say "yes" to EVERYTHING I was invited to, whether it was something I thought I'd be into or not. I had a ball! Any time I thought to say no, I'm not into -- whatever -- I said yes, let's try it. It's served me well.

    If you DO do nighttime hiking, get a walking pole, headlamp, camelback, water-whacking clothes, and be sure to text someone your starting/end point destinations for safety.

    Have fun in your new body, and congratulations on making healthy lifestyle changes!

  9. How about movies? This is Oscar season, lots of good options!

    What climate are you in? You can do indoor skating, check out sporting games maybe? I do remember when I was in great shape, it WAS annoying how much energy I had at night, when the rest of the world shut down. I think I used to walk the lit high school track a lot with one of my girlfriends, and that was a great way to exercise and mentally unwind. I'd be wide awake walking, but by the time I drove home, I was beat and slept like a baby.

    Also, why not go out with friends? Are they unsupportive, or is it not fun now that you can't really eat/drink socially right now?

    I know it can be dorky, but bowling can be fun for an impromptu get-together.

    What are your interests? Is there any hobby courses at night you'd like to take? I took a Photoshop and Microsoft Office, and those were 1x a week classes but took up a great deal of my time since I was working FT.

    Just an idea.

    Meetup, hiking clubs, running clubs -- I know hiking, they don't just limit it to good weather. I used to do nighttime hiking with my boyfriend in the winter and loved it. Beautiful, clear nights, hot chocolate, and I wasn't sweating (too badly) because the air was crisp.

    HTH with some ideas:-)

    Hockey and basketball games are at night, too. Good places to mingle if you're single looking for a guy;-)

  10. cookies_queen, when you are back to work on Monday, can you update how you are doing, please? I'm planning to do exactly what you did for the same reasons, basically (hubby can drop me off, has no real days off unless an emergency,) and I figure I'll be out of it/tired and might (hopefully) enjoy some rest without my little ones needing my attention.

    I have a sedentary job from home and am hoping/praying I can go back to work the next week like you are. Please let me know how it goes!

    I'm sorry you were throwing up. That has to be very painful. Eek!

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