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Heather I

Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Posts posted by Heather I

  1. Hi! I, too, am a little bummed I didn't lose more, but I started menopause/perimenopause in February, and it completely slowed my loss to a snail's pace. Not making excuses -- hitting the gym, walking, tracking food, getting in Vitamins, Water, and Protein. I'd say I'm eating around 1200-1400 calories a day 85% of the time, but I lose when I keep it at 1000-1200. It's hard to stick to 1000-1200!

    My surgery anniversary is in two weeks (9/19), so I'm doing the pre-op diet starting today to see if I can lose the last 14 lbs and get to an even 200. My long-term goal is 170-180, but have made peace that may take another two years to get there. My NUT and surgeon are totally fine with my results, which kind of surprised me. I AM bummed I have not lost like the people who posted the first few months, dropping 75-100 lbs within 3-4 months. That was not me, but I'm still thrilled with the surgery and the second chance at a healthy life it has afforded me.

    Surgery 9/19, 282.1 starting weight.

    Currently 9/6 214.1.

    Anniversary goal, 200.

    Long-term goal, 180/170.

  2. Update:

    So I went 59 days of no period, then got a normal one, and am now on what I'm guessing is my second skipped period, at day 33 with no cycle.

    I dropped 5+ lbs after my last period, so I definitely am still retaining Water and following my cycle of bloated/leaner before and after. I asked the NUT and she said if I skip more than two periods in a six-month cycle, call my Gyno and let them know. She didn't know if it was weight loss or coincidental age bringing on the perimenopausal stuff, but just giving an update.

    I guess I'm in it now! Plucking the chin goat hairs in earnest now. . . .

  3. So, I'm on day 56 no period. Still working out 3-5x a week, walking 10,000 steps more often now that weather is improving, pushing harder at spin and lifting more weight at Pump class. I looked back, and my weight really has been bouncing around the same 3 lbs since I joined the gym in January, and my last period was in early February.

    After two months of working out, I finally feel like I can keep up and push myself in classes. Before it felt more like surviving the classes, now I'm enjoying pushing myself.

    I started at 52% body fat day of surgery, am at 42% body fat now after losing 55-60 lbs. Physically, I'm smaller at this size/weight than I was originally putting on the weight, and my saddlebags are going, cellulite going away, some muscle tone in arms and back, tummy toning. All good stuff, frustrated at the lack of lbs lost, but am meeting with NUT and bariatric surgeon for 6-month follow-up this Friday. I'll ask them what they think.

    I guess this is menopause for me! Still losing a lot of hair, despite all labs coming back good. Off BP meds, A1C perfect. Funny aside, got mammogram done and tech doing it said she can tell I'm working out, my pec muscle is larger on the mammogram! Showed me the pic, LOL.

    Boobs may be deflated and smaller, but the pecs underneath are gaining!

  4. @OutsideMatchInside, I did have my blood work done in anticipation of the PCP appointment, and I'm no longer pre diabetic (yay!) and at 5.5% A1C, off BP meds, and my cholesterol is always very healthy and low.

    I am getting 90-100 Protein a day and hitting Water targets every day, and taking multivitamin/calcium/etc. as directed by bariatric team, and all my levels are good.

    I never am below 1000 calories, sometimes going up to 1500 on a bad day (eek!) and would say I'm averaging about 1200. You think that's too much?

    I did talk to my aunt who is closer to my age (10 years older,) and she said her periods started getting wonky/late at exactly this time and I fit the family profile (who knew?) so I guess that's it? Just kind of a reality check I'm getting older. Menopause? Really? Yikes!

    @Airstream88, I haven't increased my protein, but I'm always sure to hit 90-100 grams per my nutritionist. I'm seeing muscle tone in my arms, back, and chest, and significant toning of the loose flab in the thigh area, plus more toned cellulite appearance. I am happy with the exercise results and feeling more coordinated at the gym/able to keep up and push myself now that I have gone consistently and am -60 lbs, but I'm for sure frustrated at the stalled weight loss.


    I'm a menopausal woman I guess? My PCP said give it 2 more weeks with no period, then call my Gyno to be checked out.

  5. My weight loss has totally stalled at months 4-6 since joining the gym and spinning/walking/Pump class 5-6x a week. However, I lose 3% body fat in two months, dropped a size, tightened the skin in my upper thighs and arms, and am physically smaller at this weight now than I was originally, before putting on all my weight.

    I'm torn. I love working out and getting a schedule back in my life for some "me" time (have two toddlers I bring to the gym's daycare,) and like being toned, but it IS super frustrating not seeing the scale move.

  6. Hello!

    So am almost 6 months out, -60 lbs, and my weight loss has totally stalled the past two months, which coincides with my starting up at the gym spinning 3-5x a week and doing weights 1-2x a week (Pump class,) plus walking about 2 miles a day maybe 2x a week (weather permitting.)

    In two months I have lost 3% body fat, and I'm physically smaller/more toned at this weight/size than I was before I gained all my weight, so I do feel the exercise is toning me up well.

    I'm losing a LOT of hair, but what I'm really concerned about is I'm on day 34 with no period!

    I'm 44 years old, husband had a vasectomy years ago, and I am not pregnant (bought a test, just to be sure.) I'm like clockwork every 25-26 days, and after childbirth both times immediately resumed a regular cycle, as well as after gastric sleeve surgery -- never missed a beat.

    Has anyone had a cycle disruption after being super regular their whole life? Kind of freaked out over here. I am seeing my PCP today and will ask him, but he doesn't have bariatric/gyno specialization, obviously, so not sure how much he can help me.

    Also, do you think this may explain the stalled weight loss? I usually retain a good 3-5 lbs beforehand and lose 5-6 after my period, and even buckling down at the gym and food more so than before, the pounds aren't budging. I'm not going under 1000 calories or over 1400, hitting my Protein and Water targets daily.


  7. My personal choice, I told very few people about surgery, and would never put it on social media. It's a shame, because I'm not embarrassed about needing the surgery and know it was definitely the right choice for my health and sanity, but there is SUCH a stigma and so much misinformation about WLS -- it's not my job to educate or convince others that I, or anyone else, needs surgical help to lose weight.

    I have a casual friend that could desperately use WLS, but I said nothing to her because she is a little gossipy, and I don't want my business put out there. I was VERY annoyed when, against my known, expressed wishes, my husband blabbed to his very harsh, judgmental family that I had surgery.

    Seek approval and praise from others who understand your journey, like here, or support groups. Truly, until someone walks a mile in your shoes, they don't get it. My SIL has always been rail thin, super tall, and hated food. Well, she quit smoking, gained 25 lbs in 3 months, and is now hungry all the time and freaking out, asking me for advice on losing weight! Before this happened though, she definitely let it be known she didn't understand people getting fat.

    The worm turns, LOL, and I'm quietly chuckling.

    I do make sure to post check-ins at the gym when I'm working out (which is now a lot!) This is probably my being self-defensive a bit like, see, I'm losing weight, but I'm busting ass, too, and it's not magic. I'll take the cheers for exercising, but the surgery component -- my lips are sealed.

  8. I'm 9/19, so about 5.5 months out, hovering around 58-60 lbs lost. I, too, track every morsel of food that passes my lips and have been around 1200-1400 calories a day, 70 grams of carbs, hitting my 90-100 Protein goals.

    My loss has totally slowed, and I know the calories and carbs are too high, but I'm really struggling with getting back to the 1000 range and 40 grams of carbs.

    I, too, am home with two toddlers, and hate to waste food, so I find I'll finish a nugget or a bite off their plate, or finish an egg or something. Bad habits!

    Hitting the gym 2-4x a week with spinning, walking the kids to preschool, weather permitting (just started last week,) and doing weights 1-2x a week if I'm lucky. I'm smaller at this weight than I was the first go-around (have my "skinny clothes" saved and remember what I was wearing at this size/weight,) so I think I'm losing weight differently, and maybe the working out is toning me up?

    I'm not unhappy with my loss, but I'm concerned I'm sabotaging myself with the picking habits.

  9. I was hoping they would be age-appropriate saggy, but I'm "only" down 60 lbs and have another 40-60 to go, and it's sad what is happening in the chesticles area. The bat-wing arms aren't cute, either, or the rolling thighs. I'm walking and spinning and doing weights 2-5x a week, hoping with time and exercise some of it sorts itself out a bit, but I figure 2019 or 2020 there will be a Tummy Tuck, breast implant/lift that needs to be budgeted for.

  10. I'm grossed out now on how much Pasta I used to eat. It now doesn't really agree with me, either, thank God, but bread and rice are hard to ignore. It's also kind of hard to take bread out of the equation for portable/easy food (casseroles in freezer, sandwiches on the run, etc.)

    If I avoid carbs, I don't crave them. If I plan out my day a bit and am not flying by the seat of my pants, eating the right ratio of carbs/protein/fat/calories happens. This is a big lifestyle change in many ways for me. I even changed my kids' schedules and my work schedule to, basically, accommodate my new eating. I know that's not realistic for most, but if I'm going to take care of my health and lose the weight, I have to make a wholesale change.

    Doing the same thing over and over again and expecting a different result is insanity, right? So . . . I'm trying to regain my sanity and change my bad habits to a good one.

    If bread, Pasta, and rice are the collateral damage -- I'll take it. Doesn't mean I can never have them, but when I input the values into MFP, it drives home they are pretty much empty carbs and calories for me that I can't afford to spare. They trigger cravings, too, and one slice of bread becomes half a loaf with a stick of butter, a growing plate of stir fry with rice -- you get the idea.

    Danger, Will Robinson! Danger!

  11. I don't think it's worth it, honestly. I totally remember the fear of the unknown with what would happen with food, but the preoperative diet is no joke, and I was weighed in CONSTANTLY leading up to my surgery, and believe me, they make note of gains -- especially when you are supposed to be committed to a new lifestyle and losing!

    food, I'm happy to report, doesn't have anywhere NEAR the same interest for me almost 5 months out. I know it's hard to believe pre-op, but it's not that compulsion like before. It's a relief.

    At most, have an appetizer of your favorites, not a meal. And don't freak out too much -- I can eat everything I could before surgery, just smaller portions. My tastes HAVE changed a lot, too, and now I don't want 90% of the former crap.

  12. Rant away! Great, funny read.

    It's so true -- sometimes you just need a coping mechanism, and vegetables and fruit aren't going to cut it. Although, I will say, I had a couple bad times where I grabbed old junk food -- and it didn't taste so great anymore. In a way, it's a good thing that I caved, because now I know it's just "meh" and not worth the splurge. Now I'm getting snooty with my food and only want the best quality bang for my buck.

    Exercise doesn't have to be the gym. Can you knock boots and shake it out that way? Always calms me down;-)

  13. I've always had a much higher sex drive than my husband, and it's only now at about 4.5 months out it is coming back. I just felt "flat" about a lot of stuff, including sex. We're getting along fine, and he's supportive of the surgery (and appreciative of the results!) but I just was "meh." IDK why. I didn't have any hangry outbursts or crazy behavior (that I know of, anyway, LOL,) but the sex drive took a hit.

    I, too, attribute it to the hormones. It is coming back slowly, but it's disheartening when everyone else is raving about being horny teenagers now!

    I will say, when we DO fool around, it's a lot more fun;-)

  14. ^^What @DivaT said. I haven't started therapy, but I want to. I'm -57 lbs and at a solid 14/16, which is my normal "set" point for gain/loss. I find I'm doing some self-sabatoge habits and am thinking there's some mental block that is afraid to get lower than my "normal" goal weight in this range. I really do want to see how far I can take this sleeve journey and truly be small and healthy (want to lower my body fat percentage quite a bit,) but don't want to shoot myself the foot with bad habits halfway through my journey.

  15. I really like my Fitbit Aria. Syncs with my iPhone and Fitbit Blaze daily, gives me lbs, body fat percentage, and is very sleek and unobtrusive. I got it online from Kohls using all my various coupons and Kohls cash. IDK if it's as good as the bariatric center scales (not familiar with what they use,) but the Aria had tested as accurate according to the research and reviews I had done beforehand. HTH!

  16. @lalame, I had a really great, easy recovery, and held off exercising due to just crazy scheduling issues until, basically, January 1st (3.5 months in.) II have no issues working out, aside from being really out of shape! LOL. I do take an Iron supplement, in addition to the other calcium/multivitamins recommended by the bariatric team. I always test as borderline low Iron, need the boost.

    I will have to check out the video and some Pinterest ideas. Now that things calmed down, I can focus some more on getting the recipes down. I am bored eating the same dozen things that are quick and ready to go, need to mix it up -- but keep the ratios/calories correct.

    What exercises are making you dizzy?

  17. So happy people are chiming in on this thread!

    I'm getting a little battle fatigued over the holidays and the mania -- got sloppy with eating, didn't join a gym until late December, but now working out 2-4x a week with spin and/or pump class, plus trying to fit in walks with the kids every chance I get that it's not frigid or rainy/snowy. I can't wait for spring to get more fresh air!

    I know it's not good to compare, but I'm relieved to see others in the 50-lb range. I see some random posts of people dropping 75+ lbs since November and was a little freaked out that I'm dragging my feet.

    I haven't taken measurements, but went from a 22 to a 16 in LB, and I am excited to say I am a medium top and large bottom in most casual wear. Yayyy!!!

    Still working my way through all my skinny clothes from years past, but I will need tops and dresses for summertime. So excited to shop and get out of all my black, black, black clothes.

    How is everyone doing getting in enough Protein while not going too high on carbs and calories? I do a shake every morning with my coffee, so 30 grams in then, but trying to balance staying under 50ish carbs a day while getting in Protein and staying under 900 calories is tough.

    I seem to be consistently at 1100 calories, 100 grams protein, 60-80 carbs -- hence the slower loss this past month. I'm buckling down to get back to the shakes and keep the numbers down, but I want to incorporate real food back in for my future. I don't mind shakes short-term (up to a year,) but I don't want to have to rely on them so much to stay in the calorie/protein range, either.

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