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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Emilie.Lancaster

  1. Emilie.Lancaster

    before VSG.JPG

    From the album: Emilie.Lancaster

  2. Emilie.Lancaster

    Calories and carbs

    Here's the math: 1g Protein = 4 calories. Same is true for carbs. Most fats are 9 calories per gram. That being said, 60g of pure lean protein will be at minimum 240 calories. 80g is 320 calories. So, it is possible to stay in that range. However, in the puree soft foods stage, a lot of carbs come along for the ride, and it's not like you want to chew on blenderized poached chicken all the live-long day. Take cottage cheese for example. Fat Free cottage cheese has per 1/2 cup 80 cal, 14g protein and 7 carbs. Low fat (2%) cottage cheese is 100 cal 15g protein and 5g carbs. The 2g of fat displace some of the carbs but cost you 20% more calories. Dairy Proteins come with carbs and those carbs have calories. I like salmon - I'm 4 weeks out as well, and I tolerate meats well (medium rare salmon is a staple for me) and shakes tolerably. eggs (70 cal : 6 protein : 0 carb) hate me all of a sudden. I put nutritional yeast on all kinds of stuff, and it adds to the protein at a rate of (28:4:3) per quarter ounce. Today, my stats are (905:87:67) - some may say that is too high calorie-wise for 4 weeks post surgery, but I'm a teacher on my feet all day and this feels right and I'm losing inches. It works for me. Your mileage may vary. I once accidentally wrote a cookbook on low cal high protein cooking, and I am putting this to use a lot lately. But, I also have an eye toward clean eating. Pinterest has a LOT of great ideas. Just search for what you want, like puree protein or bariatric diet, or whatever. TONS of stuff there
  3. Emilie.Lancaster

    Sleeved on 12/28

    I think it's time to mention the noble avocado. Soft, easy to digest, lubes the insides, has good fats, and is considered a super food. Mash with fork and some Greek yogurt. And some nutritional yeast.... Yum.
  4. Emilie.Lancaster

    Food Addict ready to strangle her husband

    Awesome. Glad to hear it. My current husband had lap band years ago, and I have the most awesome support in him. It is so true that you need someone who groks the situation to the bone. I wish you peace and blessings.
  5. Emilie.Lancaster

    1 week post op

    Today is day 28 post surgery. Pre consult weight 11/23 was 255. SW 12/8 was 249.6. Today at dawn: 228.0. So 21 pounds in 21 days, that's nice and steady on paper, but it was like 14 pounds in 10 days and then a 10 day stall where I lost inches and not pounds. The third week stall is a thing, and it happened to me. I am 5'11" and my goal is to get down under 185. My doc said at my surgery weight of 149, I was 100 pounds over IDEAL weight... But I don't know that 149 for me IS ideal. I looked pretty skinny at 185. So, that is my goal. Under 185. I wonder how long this will take? At 4 weeks, I have somewhat gone off the reservation with the liquid-vs-blended-vs-puree. I decided to keep my sleeve secret from my family. So at two weeks, I was at Christmas vacation with the big group. I did tell them a partial truth: I had ended up in the hospital with dry heaves so bad I was admitted for two days (which is exactly what happened after my outpatient procedure) and I wasn't going to eat much and don't worry about it. No one did, much. So, I had a nibble if veg-puree and gravy, wet BBQ, eggs, a crumb of biscuit, etc. The results have been mixed, but I am pleased. Tracking every gram of protein an calories. Ugg. I hate protein shakes....
  6. Emilie.Lancaster

    1 week post op

    Sleeved in ATL 12/8. Glad to find y'all.
  7. Emilie.Lancaster

    Food Addict ready to strangle her husband

    Tabby - have you read about Bariatric Divorce? It is common enough that there is a Google searchable term for this phenomenon. What you describe in your initial post is sending up red flags. When both halves of a couple started heavy, and one gets bariatric surgery, 80% of the time things fall apart. See. A. Therapist. Together. Seriously, it happened to me in my first marriage.... You and hubby need to come to an understanding, and he needs to see this for the opportunity it is to get the FAMILY healthy.
  8. Emilie.Lancaster

    Sleeved on 12/28

    So, I was sleeved 12/8, and like you, I anticipated eggs. Let me share what I have learned. Overcooked egg sits in one's stomach like lead. The beauty of egg is undercooked. Over easy or poached is better than scrambled. Merengue is awesome. I've had a lot of discomfort trying eggs. First time out, expect to eat half of one egg.
  9. Emilie.Lancaster

    Looking for Sleeve Buddy for Dec 7th.

    I think so. Today was 75g according to my tracking.
  10. Emilie.Lancaster

    Looking for Sleeve Buddy for Dec 7th.

    I'm feeling very drained. I used to love exercise, now I'm blah about it. I'm in the week 3 doldrums.
  11. Emilie.Lancaster

    My sense of smell has gone bonkers.

    I've given it a few weeks now and it's still super sniffing. I think @@DavidOso is right. Something in the brain got rewired. So, about 2weeks after surgery, My sister asked me whether I have a front loader or a top loader washing machine. I thought about it and could not remember. I could not remember a single thing about the whole laundry room. It was a big black blank in my memory. It was terrifying. The more I tried to remember, the worse it was. I thought about walking through the family room and going into the laundry room and then it all came rushing back. Boom. But, yes, it was like the pathway to that batch of files fad been broken. I am sure I am rewired.
  12. Emilie.Lancaster

    Do you PB or SLIME with sleeve like the lapband?

    My husband has a band, and his Productive Burps are not exactly vomit. You see, the PB is from up top, above the band, most of the stomach juices that make vomit, um, vomity, are down low. So, it doesn't smell strongly of puke. He's hurled in the car, and it's not like when a kid get sick, and the whole carload rolls down the window and hands their heads out. I just had sleeve, and my vomit is straight up vomit, just not very much.
  13. Emilie.Lancaster

    Looking for Sleeve Buddy for Dec 7th.

    I have lost near 20, but very little in the last 10 days. However, I have lost inches. Still sore and wish I could take ibuprofen.
  14. Emilie.Lancaster

    Out patient gastric sleeve?

    I had outpatient and it was awful. Most folks at this practice do great with it, and I was the exception, of course. The problem came down to me not being able to manage the pain or nausea at home. I dry heaved for a long time, and could not keep the pain meds down or the anti nausea meds. Landed in the hospital for two days. Know how you react to anesthesia. I did not, as I never had it as an adult. If I had known, I would have made better choices for pain and nausea meds.
  15. I had my 3week post op appointment two days ago. I was feeling great on the way in because it was weigh in. I don't own a scale. HW was 255. SW 249. I weighed at my parents pool 10 days post op -232. Drum roll for official weigh in at docs... 233. Wtf? I was inches smaller in those 11 days!? I can see shrinkage in my thighs and waist. Gah! Where are those pounds stuck to me!? (Rechecks own ass, notes reduced size. Shrugs) I am tracking that food, baby. Every day. Getting my ton of protein and keeping the calories down. What's the score? My doc is fine with the 15 pounds in three weeks, but I have just held there for 10 days!
  16. Emilie.Lancaster


    I have gum. All the time. Why aren't we allows to have gum? No one said anything about gum...
  17. Emilie.Lancaster

    Vitamin Defiency

    I like natural iron, and cooking with good cast iron pans helps, so I'm told, but look into nutritional yeast. A heaping tablespoon gives you a ton of iron, 8 g protein, and makes salad taste like bread. Have used it for years pre op instead of cheese on pasta with olive oil, and now on zoodles.
  18. Emilie.Lancaster

    Vitamin Defiency

    RNY folks, there is some evidence for dementia. There is a study on this for 4 year post op, and it relates to thiamine levels. Also see Korsakov Syndrome. With this surgery, as I underatand it, getting blood checked is VITAL. THIS COGNATIVE IMPAIRMENT... is permanent past a certain point. Check.
  19. Oh, I realized early on that I'm now only trying to survive what I just did to myself. My little buddy, my sleeve, is putting me on the line. Gotta chase the water minimum. Gotta chase the protein, gotta slow the F down and chew, chew, chew. And yet, my day is simple. Track what I injest, eat and drink as much protein as I can, schedule exercise...
  20. I do a lot of costuming and I have many corsets. When can I wear those again? I'm thinking that 6 weeks is the minimum to heal, but maybe more? If you wear a steel boned corset, any comment or advice?
  21. Emilie.Lancaster

    Corsetry and sleeve. Too soon?

    I eager to get my groove back, but working hard on self control. Want to lace up... Gotta wait three more weeks.
  22. Has anyone tried those wraps? the ones for sagging skin? Do they work?
  23. Here is a thing where someone needs to check my thinking perhaps. Is it my imagination, or is my stomach smaller in the morning? My husband, who has had lap band for 6 years or so, claims he can only eat about 1 egg for breakfast, nothing more. At dinner, he can eat a lean cuisine size portion. My sleeve was done 12/8, and I can't get two bites of egg in me at breakfast, but can get 4 or 5 bites of "solid-ish” food later in the day. Is my stomach smaller in the morning? Or is it just not waking up? Also, eggs are not my friend any more. Especially overcooked scrambled eggs. Over easy is just tolerable. I need soft poached.
  24. Emilie.Lancaster

    Just asking.......????

    There's a host of great articles out there. Google "bariatric divorce". It happened to me in my first marriage, not that I had WLS, but I did lose 90 pounds. It was a lot of things, but when one loses weight, one changes other things besides a dress size: attitudes, tastes, expectations, patience, and more. Jealous feelings come up. I have read stats about when a heavy couple meets and marries, then one loses a lot, the divorce rate skyrockets. Like 80% fall apart. If you are worried about it, get to a counselor. Now. Don't wait.
  25. Emilie.Lancaster

    Protein Problems

    I have tried the isopure, both the creamy and the clear. The Apple Melon is the best flavor in clear, followed closely be Lemonade. I think the other flavors taste like feet. I will say I never drink more than 8ounces at a time and cut it 50/50 with ice water. I sip it all day.

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
