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Gastric Sleeve Patients
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Everything posted by Emilie.Lancaster

  1. Emilie.Lancaster


    It was crystal clear in the surgical suite until the moment they pushed something into the iv bag, I turned to the anesthesia doc and said I felt something change, and he smiled and said, yep, just relax. Then the mask went over the face and boom. Out. Waking up I was turned slightly on my side, almost to fetal position and I saw the bedrail. I can't remember if I was alone or in the ward with someone, but it hurt. And I had nausea. I felt regret.
  2. Emilie.Lancaster

    Puréed stage diet question/help

    Dear TodayItEnds, this whole thing is a crap shoot. I am 8 weeks post today and I started purees and realized very quickly that what works for some does not work for me, and what I'm supposed to gag on goes down smooth. Like, eggs. I loved eggs, I've tried them 8 ways to Sunday post opp, with mixed results. Never is it better as an experience than "meh". Soft and wet is where to start. Undercooked Salmon is better going down, for me, than dry overcooked trout. I liked cheese - it went down easy. Chicken slurry was ... Yogurt popsicles- awesome. Soft noodles on bone stock. Sublime. Just get in you a taste of it, you are just trying to survive what you did to yourself at this stage.
  3. Emilie.Lancaster

    If this wasn't so pathetic it would be hilarious

    The first time I dated, the internet was just invented. 18 years and 1 Bariatric Divorce later, I was single in the digital age. I didn't eHarmony, or tinder or whatever, I went to sci-fi cons, and then connected in Facebook. This works so much better. I would be happy to suggest some connections if you want to give it a try....
  4. Emilie.Lancaster

    When did you guys start drinking regular coffee again?

    Aa soon as possible - it helps me poo.
  5. Emilie.Lancaster

    ????Is diarrhea only "dumping"?

    I think I had dumping syndrome when I ate too much sugar. Thought it would help me stay awake during an overnight drive. 30 minutes after eating Bucky Nuggets (think carmel poofs) I was experiencing sharp gas pains and then vomiting then the colon gave way. After the decks were cleared, all went mostly back to normal. The whole thing came and went in an hour.
  6. Emilie.Lancaster

    Post sleeve comfort foods -roll call!

    Trader Joe's had a salmon rose treat at Christmas that was a protein bomb diggity.
  7. Emilie.Lancaster

    Sex after the sleeve

    @@Dub .... Go towards the light...
  8. Emilie.Lancaster

    Post sleeve comfort foods -roll call!

    Sashimi hand rolls...
  9. Emilie.Lancaster

    Post sleeve comfort foods -roll call!

    The shrimp and cauliflower grits...
  10. Emilie.Lancaster

    Post sleeve comfort foods -roll call!

    Sushi!!!! I just made some from some rare salmon, rolled it in a half nori sheet with some slivers of cucumber, and dipped in some soy sauce with vinegar. No. Rice.
  11. Emilie.Lancaster

    Tall Women, Tell Me Your Story!

    Picking a goal feels like picking your own new name. And the guidelines from the docs, I wonder who gets to decide what a healthy weight is for me. The ranges are not so much an indication of health so much as an actuarial device. That said, I'm 5'11, and surgery weight was 249.6. HW (several years ago) 293. Lowest weight as an adult with diet, 187. Current weight 224. Sleeved 12-8-2015. So... Goal.... The doc says 149. .... Really!?.... That is an ideal weight? I looked SkInNy at 189. I think 175 is a very healthful goal. But being so very tall, 10 pounds is hardly noticeable. So maybe ducking 10 more pounds under the lowest place I have been as an adult will be okay. We shall see. I'm far from 6 months post surgery, and I can't even begin to imagine what is right. We shall see. But, I'm eager to see where this story goes from here.
  12. Emilie.Lancaster

    I look small for my weight...

    I told a friend who had had VSG that I was having it, too. She said, but you're PERFECT. Um, I'm 5'11". 255 pounds. And that's down from my heaviest 293. docs say I need to be around 156. That makes me near perfectly 100 pounds overweight. ... With pre diabetes... Back pain... PCOS... Snoring... Exhaustion... But sure. I'm "perfect." I carried it well. I may never see 157. But I never want to see 293 again. I'm heading to onederland and no approvals are required. Peace/out.
  13. Emilie.Lancaster

    Post sleeve comfort foods -roll call!

    So, if I sprinkled nutritional yeast onto my cauliflower instead of parm. cheese, what would the taste be? What would be the benefits/drawbacks? Now you have my curiosity going! Well, there is zero fat, and higher iron, and that benefit of making veg taste like bread....
  14. Emilie.Lancaster

    How do teachers do when they return?

    This is what I like to hear. For as much as our profession is locked into so few personal and sick days per year, when push comes to shove, the people at school will circle around you like a family should.
  15. Emilie.Lancaster

    Post sleeve comfort foods -roll call!

    Recipe for protein mug cakes?
  16. Emilie.Lancaster

    Post sleeve comfort foods -roll call!

    Nutritional yeast is a godsend. It makes salad taste like bread. Sprinkle it on like Parmesan cheese and enjoy the hit of iron and protein. Any health food store will have it in bulk foods. It is raised commonly on molasses, which is high in iron, but the little buggers digest some of this iron which makes it easier for people to digest. Also it has thiamine, necessary for preventing cognitive impairment, especially in RNY patients. Did I mention it makes everything taste like bread?
  17. I am in week 7 and I have about 800 calories per day and 80 grams of protein. Today I ate a yogurt, a half cup of school baked beans, a protein bar (zone perfects melt in the mouth as you eat them. I eat half, then the other half) sashimi and some spinach Souffle with nutritional yeast. I'm short a bit for protein today. May sip some isopure here in a bit. I can get about an egg sized amount of food in me in the morning, and maybe a 1/2 cup at lunch. The beans today I know we're only a half cup scoop. I ate that whole thing and was full. I think my stomach is swollen still. It ebbs and flows, some days are better than others.
  18. I, too, am getting the bum's rush from eggs. ... And meat. Especially beef, with the exception of super rare beef. I had a bit of someone's brunch filet mignon rare... It went down smooth as butter. A meat ball may as well kill me however. Which brings me to a theory, I think overcooking may be what I can't tolerate. Neither poached or scrambled egg are wonderful, but the more runny, the easier it is on me. Sashimi goes down easy. Dry cooked trout, not so much.
  19. Emilie.Lancaster

    Drinks that are not carbonated?

    Oh, and slices of cucumber in the pitcher of water is very refreshing.
  20. Emilie.Lancaster

    Drinks that are not carbonated?

    Powerade zero Diet lemonade from chick fil a (A treat!) vitamin water zero Minute maid makes these 15 calorie juice blends. The mango was OK, but the lemonade rocked. Lemon zest with a teaspoon of honey in hot water. Fairlife chocolate milk (cut 50/50 with fairlife skim) Mint tea - hot, or over ice. Cocktails??? Stevia water with a bit of burnt orange zest, orange bitters and a tiny splash of Chattanooga Whiskey for a skinny Old Fashioned.
  21. Emilie.Lancaster

    Sex after the sleeve

    I tried after a week. Hubby was careful and all was well. As the pounds come off... Well...It's fugmageddon around here.
  22. Emilie.Lancaster

    How do teachers do when they return?

    I teach 7th grade. I had preop on Monday, and Tuesday surgery (12/8). I hopes to go back to work on that next Monday, as a colleague returned after 4 days. Wow! However, the not from my doc said I could not return for 8 days, so that was 12/16. I took 7 work days off, came back for three days and then was off for winter break. The three days were manageable, but I won't say they were fun or even good. I was droopy. My advice would be take Monday and Tuesday off at least, make the time you go back short, like a trial run. Gah. 12-8 . stoopid emoticons.
  23. Mind if I ask you, what brought you back into the hospital? And what was the reason for your extreme discomfort? Then, how the heck does anyone hike after 2 weeks! lol My many many kudos to you!! =) The sleeve is out patient in the practice where I went. I was sleeved at 10am, awake at 11:30, walked around recovery a lot, and the pain was extremely debilitating. The nausea as well. The doped me up, let me rest, but by 3. The place was devoid of other patients and I was getting the stink eye. Got iv meds for the road and sent home. Pain meds at home could not keep up and nausea had me dry heaving for hours. Which made me panic as I was sure I was ripping staples and adding to the pain and then nausea from the pain... chicken... Egg it was all a big cluster fudge. Hubby called doc, doc said, "get back here to the ER." I got to the ER and my lifeguard husband watched me slip into early shock. Pain and nausea meds went in fast, and I was admitted. The next day, they sent me to a swallow test to see if I had torn staples. All were in good and tight, so it came down to everyone figuring out that, for me, iv painkillers are a nonstarter without first pushing the ZOFRAM anti nausea drugs. With proper pain and nausea meds, I got back to right very quickly. I am exactly 6 full weeks out from surgery today and I feel 90%. I still have some soreness in the abs. My wounds are all healed over and I think the internal sutures dissolved this week. All the lumpy tension inside the 5 wounds suddenly went flat. They got itchy again for a day or two as well. As to the hike. It was an easy path, and only a mile and a half each direction. Elevation change of maybe 350 feet. I went slow, sipped Water, and it was something I could have done before surgery easily. I did, however, take a percoset that night as i had totally run out of gas shortly thereafter. Like, whew, that was overdoing it. Which is my style. When in doubt, do something.
  24. Emilie.Lancaster

    New Whey Protein Shots

    Thinking about this, and wondering why someone gas not pot this in pill form. I would totally take a protein supplement in 5g per pill form. Let's just bypass the taste buds entirety. Where is THAT product!?
  25. Emilie.Lancaster

    Absorbing pain meds after surgery

    I mean request that? (Get that sounds like I think you are thick, and that's not what I meant. )

PatchAid Vitamin Patches
