Held a plank for 30 seconds today. Considering 8 weeks ago I struggled to hold it for 12 seconds, I'd say that's progress! And did four of them in a row today not just one. yeah me!
hey that's impressive! I have a coworker who is so into these. occasionally I do one in the back area and she checks my form. :-) it's because if she says something smart I tell her to drop and give me 20 pushups.
I hate them...but they really do strengthen your core. Honestly, I'm still shocked that at my weight I can even just get into the plank pose let alone hold it for any length of time!
yes they do! I do them a few times a week at work - and I do yoga and pilates. Pilates is what I love best - because like Dub I want to get my abs of tin. haha :-) I'd like to make people's mouths drop when they learn about my 7 kids.